
*BONUS -- CHAPTER 35: Lizard

It was a night, the moon was not illuminating the world with its brightness.

Arthur stopped the car not far from Gwen's house.

"Arthur, you don't need to accompany me."

"If my father sees you, he'll ask a lot of questions. He'll interrogate you like he's a criminal."

Arthur smiled understandingly.

Even so, he still had a good impression of George.

If it weren't for all his care, Arthur probably wouldn't get Gwen's first time.

Before getting out of the car, Gwen kissed Arthur on the cheek.

"Next time, if you dare do that again, I won't kiss you anymore."

Gwen said with a cute pout.

Arthur smiled softly as he watched Gwen return to her house.

Seeing that she was already at the door, Arthur started the car and drove away.

Shortly after Arthur left.

In an alley not far away, a giant silhouette appeared, revealing an eight-foot-tall humanoid lizard looking toward Gwen's house.

After a while, the figure disappeared into the dark alley.

Meanwhile, Gwen returned home to find George sitting on the couch reading something intently.

Without making a sound, she silently walked to George's side.

And what she saw was beyond her expectations.

George was reading "A Song of Ice and Fire."

And judging by the cover, this was the second book.

After watching George turn several pages in a row, Gwen whispered, "Dad, I'm back."


As soon as George was startled, he turned his head and saw Gwen smiling.

He closed the book immediately.


"I just want to see what kind of books you usually read. You need to find a common topic between father and daughter."

Gwen smiled, "If you enjoyed reading it, you can continue, and I won't look down on you."

"Because Arthur's books are really good."

George wanted to nod, but his pride stopped him from doing so.

He could only pretend to be solemn and said, "Well, it's really good."

"He's a great writer."

Gwen noticed but didn't say anything.

At that moment, Helen came out of the kitchen and her face was much rosier and more youthful.

When she saw Gwen, a trace of disappointment flashed deep in her eyes.

Gwen didn't notice this, but George did.

At that moment he couldn't help but shiver remembering what he went through last night.

If Gwen spends the night away from home in the future, he should go to the police station to work overtime or something.

And even if there is no overtime, he will trade shifts with other people.

He was afraid his bones wouldn't hold up if he had to do all this exercise again.

Gwen went to the dining table first, although the food prepared there was far from Arthur's skill.

But, after all, it was food made by her mother.

Gwen also really liked it.

The family ate happily, while George watched the real-time news on TV while he ate.

It didn't take long for reports of Spider-Woman to emerge.

George wanted to say something.

But after thinking for a while he gave up.

It's best not to take work matters home.

At the dinner table, most conversations are about trivial things.

However, in the middle of the meal, George's phone rang. he answered it and saw that it was a call from a colleague at the police station.

As soon as he picked it up, an anxious voice came from the other side: "Captain, something happened at Empire State University."

"What did you say?"

After the report was completed, George's face became ugly.

Turning to look at Gwen, "Gwen, did you meet that boy Peter Parker today?"

George also knew Peter, after all the boy was Gwen's childhood friend.

George liked the boy's stubbornness in case he didn't manage to graduate.

George wanted to take him to the police.

Gwen, who was eating, didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Well, I met you when I went to class in the morning."

"What happened, Dad?"

"Something happened to him."

"To be precise, something happened to him, to Dr. Kurt Connors, and the entire laboratory..."


Empire State University.

A yellow banner was erected outside a laboratory to prevent onlookers from entering.

Meanwhile, a group of fully armed police officers entered to search, and some officers were surrounding a man, questioning something.

At that moment, a black sedan stopped on the other side of the lane at this time.

George and Gwen got out of the car.

The police officer responsible for security saw that George had arrived and immediately raised the banner, allowing him entry.

He also meets George's daughter Gwen.

Most NYPD officers have known Gwen since she was little and watched her grow up.

Gwen looked around and immediately walked towards the man, he was wearing a white coat.

The man seemed to be in denial.

What was even more surprising was that one of his sleeves was empty, anyone who looked would see that the man was missing an arm.

Gwen approached him.

"Dr. Connors, are you okay?"

Peter Parker's mentor, renowned genetic researcher on regeneration, Curt Connors.

"Oh? Gwen, you're here too."

Connors also noticed George behind Gwen: "Captain Stacy."

"Dr. Connors, can you tell me what happened here?"

Regarding George's question, Connors was silent.

The police officer next to him handed over a document at this time: "Captain, here's what we got."

"But the situation is kind of strange."

After reading the document in his hand, George's expression also changed.

"It's all my fault, it was because of me that happened to Peter!"

"I shouldn't have left him alone in the laboratory, I should have taken him with me..."

Connors began to blame himself deeply.

Gwen immediately realized that something had happened to Peter.

Just as he was about to continue interrogating Connors, George handed Gwen the document in his hand.

Naturally, only police officers could see this document, but with Gwen being the captain's daughter, he had his privileges.

After reading it, Gwen finally understood what was going on.

It turns out that the folks at Oscorp Industries were unhappy with the progress of Connors' team, and tore up the contract.

Therefore, all financial support was withdrawn. According to the contract, all experiment data and equipment used must be taken back.

During this process, both Peter and Connors fought to get everything back, but it was all to no avail.

The people at Oscorp Industries insisted on removing all data related to the experiments.

Regenerative genetic medicine has already had great success in animals, but there is no data on humans.

Not wanting to end up like this, Peter took one of the serums and injected it into himself.

When Connors returned, the scene was already a mess.

And in the ruins, he saw a figure resembling a giant lizard entering the sewers...

According to Connors' description and the monitoring data in the laboratory.

The humanoid lizard is Peter Parker...

(End of chapter)

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