
Talks Of The Manor Job

"Dungeons?" Devon asked and he and the others shared looks of confusion,

"What's that?"

"Are those like jails found in the basements of large castles?" Triss asked.

"I think those are brigs," Stefan said. 

"Brigs are on ships not under Castles," Dana said, "Dungeons ARE jails."

"So what? The Vykers that should be serving Maude Aleric are fighting each other in basement prisons?" Henry asked and cracked a smile at how ludicrous that sounded. 

No one had actual answers so all eyes went to Angus. The only one who didn't look confused. 

He felt the eyes on him and explained,

"Dungeons are many things. Battlegrounds, Hunting grounds, treasure troves, fields of explorations— But they are almost always teeming with all sorts of danger.

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