


Spatial dragon slayer magic gives the user a passive ability called spatial awareness. It is like a 30-meter radius zone around the user where they are aware of every movement of everything on an atomic scale. It's kind of like having a 360-degree view of the Byakugan.

Also, another ability is that it gives one subspace. 

Spatial dragon Limitless scales: creates a small spatial barrier that turns distance into infinity. it's Gojo's infinity but it can be cut through with attacks that can cut through dimensions or fire that can burn through magic ..yada yada. (it's not that broken in Fairy Tail).

Spatial dragon greater teleport: It teleports the user to any place they want over long distances as long as they can imagine the place or have visited it once. 

Spatial dragon teleport: teleports someone quickly over short distances, used in battles, think of Mest's teleport but faster. This also doesn't leave any magic traces.

Spatial dragon dance: allows one to switch places with a target.

Spatial dragon Rupture: The user tears open a rift in the air that connects to a dimension of energy firing a beam before closing. the more magic you use the bigger the rift and the longer it stays.

Spatial dragon iron fist: creates a space around his fist that pushes outward creating a devastating force. Think of Gojo's Red and black flash combined.

Spatial dragon destruction fist: creating a space that pushes and pulls at the same time making an imaginary force that can't be blocked. Gojo's Hollow Purple and black flash combined.

Spatial dragon claw: a cut that travels through space and cuts anything that doesn't have high enough magical defence. very lethal and can't be used in spars as it can just cut your opponent into pieces. think of Yami or Vergil as a reference.

Spatial dragon talons: same as claw but with feet.

Spatial Dragon elbow: same as Spatial Dragon Iron fist but on the elbow.

Spatial Dragon Zone: allows the user to create a barrier or small dimension that they can imbue with their attacks. (similar powers to Azure Dragon Slayer Magic).

Dragon Slayer Secret Arts: 

Spatial dragon Nova blast: a beam that travels through space continually ripping and warping it. think of Kakashi's Kamui. 

Spatial dragon all-turning dust singularity: a strong rupture in the fabric of space that creates a singularity which turns everything into dust it's the only ability that if not used properly can end everything.


all moves here follow the principle that if you put in more magic the move improves accordingly

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