
ch.2 Space it's so beautiful

* where the hell am I* said Nick as he took a breath as the feeling of pain begins to invade in his system, he panickly looked at his surroundings only to realize on what he just did

*shit! I'm in space and I just inhaled goddamn space air goddamit* as Nick is currently speaking to himself or thinking to himself while holding his throat and pinching his nose, his body was currently adapting to the harsh environment of space

*Oh yeah i forgot I have doomsdays ability I should be adapting to space right about now*as Nick finished what he was thinking about he was able to breathe the vacuum of space once again unimpeded with pain

"Whew, thank God for adaptation I would've died the moment I just got reincarnated" Nick said as he looked at his body only to notice that he looks young, too young for his comfort

His body has turned into that of a child with a great body should i say with a six pack almost forming in his abdomen "what the I turned into a kid!!" Nick was in disbelief about the condition of his body

As he kept feeling his body he notices white strands of hair falling on top of his head "at least I have hair, although the six pack is abnormal but it's a welcome one" said Nick to no one in particular

as Nick was checking himself out time passed and Nick fell asleep floating in space who knew that habits even in death and the next life it won't disappear

as Nick was floating absentmindedly and asleep in space Nick was caught in a gravitational pull of a planet meanwhile Nick was still asleep while this is happening as Nick entered the atmosphere of the planet a black haired girl saw all of this happen in the distance

"What is that it doesn't look like a meteorite?" the girl said as she was speculating on what was falling in the sky she saw it's flight path on were it will crash she proceeds to fly and follow the trail of it

Meanwhile we see Nick a-falling-asleep

(A/N get it get it it's because his falling and his still as- ah who cares if somebody doesn't get the joke back to the plot)

We see Nick still passed out snoring his ass off while currently falling head first(A/N dude really is a heavy sleeper huh ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ anyway) Nick finally crashed and his head buried in the rocky ground

"Huh what happened? could've sworn I was still floating in space thought I might as well catch up to my missed sleeping quota" (A/N this motherfucker really delaying the story because his catching up on his sleep this sonuv- you know what it's fine it's fine don't waste you blood pressure rising for this guy's antics inner peace, inner peace whew okay back on track)

" I could've sworn someone was talking shit about me" Nick said as he sneezed resulting in a ravine forming at the direction he sneezed at as Nick was amazed at what he did he was currently scratching his head on where the nine rings of hell he is currently was

as Nick was doing God knows what the blacked haired girl who was following Nick's trail the girl could be seen hiding between rocks and was amazed at what Nick did "whoah how did he do that" exclaimed the little girl

"Welp ain't my problem" Nick said to NO ONE IN PARTICULAR *wink wink* Nick was stretching his body bending it to an absurd degree to the point you'd wonder how his spine didn't snap (A/N serious thinking fish 🤔)

as he bent his back he caught a glimps of the black haired girl who was observing him quietly behind a massive boulder

*Should've asked for an observation haki as one of my wishes could've helped in spotting people near me oh well it is what it is*Nick thought

"Hey there can I ask what planet am I in" Nick said appearing behind the girl in a flash causing the girl falling on her butt and with a shocked look on her face

"incoherent alien language" said the girl "what did you say I can't really understand your language" Nick said scratching the back of his head

"So beautiful since i can't understand you how abou-" Nick was abruptly stopped speaking when the girl suddenly smashed her lips against his as he widened his eyes and scanned the girl, he saw that the girl is the most beautiful looking girl he laid his eyes on she has raven black hair that matches well in space with black short skirt metal arm bands and a black

t-shirt on her chest that emphasizes her developing curves

*did I just lost my first kiss to this girl? I mean she's beautiful it feels good kissing a beautiful girl* thought Nick as the lasted for a minute until the girl let go with a string of saliva still connected in their lips Nick stared into her eyes smitten at the girl

"can you understand me now" asked the girl Nick nodded absentmindedly at the girl and was still staring at her face particularly in the eyes he was mesmerized at her eyes that were beautiful as the starry night Nick snapped out of his daze when the girl was still talking to him

"hello you still there?"

"uhh, yeah I'm here but where is here anyway by the way names Nick" as he smiled at the girl

"the name is black fire what race are you by the way?" asked black fire

*Shit I didn't think of my origin story, ahh I know*

"I really don't know my kinds name all I know is my kinds culture, from the inherited memory that i received my kind only gives birth in the void and leave the child there to develop and never bother or care with it for the weaklings die and the strongest survive" Nick explained to black fire

as the hours goes by night time was approaching when Nick looked to find that it's almost dark black fire invited him to her home in Tamaran.

(A/N there a thousand words was currently eating from shawarma while making this would've thought eating gives you motivation 🤔.)

*fish thought's*

MASKEDBANDIT_231creators' thoughts