
You Belong to Me

"Will you be alright," Jason asked, his eyebrows crunched in worries.

"Don't worry about me," replied Yanyue as patted his head, "just go before you're late to your night filming!"

Jason exhaled a sigh, "Will you stop treating me like a kid? I'm just two years younger than you!"

She chuckled and messed more of his hair with her pats, "That means you're still that little kid who used to hide behind me!"

The man pursed his lips in annoyance, but he left with a big smile.

Yanyue waved until his car disappeared.

A familiar sneer came behind her.

"Unwilling to let him leave?"

When she didn't respond, Beichen walked over and pulled her up the stairs to their room that he rarely slept in.

With a click, he locked the door.

Her eyes widened in horror. If someone told her that he was jealous, then she would have been the happiest woman alive at the moment. Possibly, he was jealous, however, she knew that he wasn't jealous because he loved her, but rather he was an extremely possessive and controlling man who just didn't like to have his belongings to be out of his control. And his way of displaying his authority over her was to make her feel like a prostitute.

"His highness, what do you want?" she asked nervously.

He answered with a question, "Do I need to remind you again?"

She paused and then looked away. She knew what he wanted, but she evaded his question by asking about her sister, "Where is sister? Is she still here?"

Beichen wouldn't let her dictate the conversation. "Flirting with your brother-in-law in front of your husband," he mocked, "you're so bold."

"I didn't do anything like that," she responded. This was a conversation she seemed to remember having with him on multiple occasions.

Beichen's eyes grew darker. If smiling and touching weren't considered flirting, then would kissing be it? If he didn't appear, perhaps she would have kissed his brother goodbye.

He reminded her, "Did you forget how you become the princess consort?"

She replied quietly, "I haven't forgotten..."

"Good," he said, "because it's too late to go back!"

Then, he pressed her on the bed and engulfed her lips. He had forgotten what happened the night before when he forced her. At this moment, he just wanted to show her who she belonged to.

She wanted to scream, but her voice was stuck in her throat and all she could remember was what the nurse told her at the hospital that morning: "He stayed up the whole night to watch over you."

She struggled to interpret his action, but an inkling of reason in her heart wanted to believe that he cared for her and her baby. Otherwise, a workaholic like him wouldn't have sacrificed his eventful schedule to stay at the hospital with her.

So instead of resisting his advances, she loosened her body and let him devour every inch and corner of her to his content.

He trailed from her lips to her neck where he left red marks visible on her skin. Then, he pulled her shirt apart by force, revealing a bosom that was milky and voluptuous.

He nipped on the crescent moon birthmark on her left chest and then wandered down to nibble on her perked pink buds. She squirmed in pleasure and pain.

Knock, knock, knock!

"Ah Chen, are you in there?!"

It was Wanyue. She impatiently tapped the door again after no response. One only knew how jealous she was when a servant told her that Beichen went into the princess consort's room.

Beichen released his mouth and hands that were fondling Yanyue's soft cleavage. He frowned and got off her with a puff.

Yanyue was panting from the intense play they just did.

She got up from the bed and straightened her clothes that Beichen had messed up during their brawl. She felt guilty even though they were legally married.

Beichen opened the door. Wanyue's heart burned with jealousy when she noticed her sister's flushed face behind the man. How could she not know what these two had done? She wanted to go and slap her sister, but she managed to hold her anger in front of Beichen.

She feigned a cry as she threw herself into the man's arms, "Ah Chen, you said you would be back, but it has been a while now. Did you know how much I miss you?"

"I'm sorry," the man said casually, "let's go."

As they walked away, Wanyue taunted her older sister with a victorious grin.

Yanyue's heart throbbed in discomfort as she looked at the pair walking away arms in arms. Did he kiss and hug her sister as he did to her just now? She suddenly felt betrayed even though she knew that she shouldn't be because she was nothing more than a toy he was playing with.


"Ah Chen, stay with me tonight!" Wanyue hugged the man on his back to prevent him from leaving her alone.

Beichen turned around to a pouty and dejected Wanyue.

"Go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."

Wanyue clenched her hand in anger. She wasn't reconciled. No matter how gentlemanly a man was, he could never restrain himself from a naked woman's body.

She stepped back from him and took off her clothes, piece by piece.

"Ah Chen, I want you," she said seductively.

The man's soft gaze became deep looking at the naked woman in front of him. As a man, he was happy that the woman he loved took the initiative, so taking advantage of his hardness from earlier, he leaned down to try to kiss her lips.

However, as soon as he smelled the heavy perfume on her body, he lost the will to go on any further. All he could imagine was that light lavender scent and deep brown eyes of that woman in the north chamber. He also felt his bugle dwindling.

He gritted his teeth and was frustrated at himself because he couldn't be intimate with his beloved woman at will.

He sighed in resignation and then went over to grab a robe from the closet and covered Wanyue with it. "Be good, I have work to do," he said.

Then, he placed a kiss on her forehead and walked out the door.

As soon as Beichen left, Wanyue's face wrinkled in a fury. She grabbed the vase on the table and threw it on the floor to vent her anger.

Even though Beichen was never an intimate or emotional man, she observed that he had changed. Before, he would shower her with gifts and spoil her like a little kid, but recently he seemed very detached from her. She was afraid that he would be seduced by her older sister.

Unwilling to picture the horrible outcome, she picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"What is your rate?"


Yanyue's stomach had grown bigger now that she was in her second trimester. She couldn't move around as much as before, so she spent most of the day time lying down, reading, or drinking tea in the greenhouse. Though, cooking for Beichen remained an activity she enjoyed. He still didn't know that she cooked all of his dinners during the rare times that he came back.

In front of her was a glittery purple man's suit on a mannequin.

Jason's acceptance speech was coming soon, so she was working on putting the last finishing touch on his suit.

Even though it was safe for her to return to work, Grandma Lu still monitor her movements every day, so all thoughts of sneaking out to the company turned to dust. In the end, she called Anxia to bring the suit over to the Eastern Palace.

There was not much to fix, but she had altered some designs on the sleeves to make them less bulky.

"It should look good on him," she said to herself in satisfaction as she scanned the suit one final round.

When she achieved the result she wanted, she wrapped a white sheet over the mannequin to cover the outfit from collecting dust.

After that, the driver drove her to the hospital for her prenatal care checkup. She was excited about this appointment because she would be able to find out the gender of her baby.

The women who were waiting in the OBGYN lounge were all with their significant other, happily chattering away about their babies. Some husbands were so caring that they even massaged their wives' legs while waiting.

Yanyue felt out of place looking at the lovable couples. This was the first time that she overtly felt envious of the other women.


It was Yanfeng. Why was he here in the OBGYN ward?

Yanyue greeted the lively man, "Good afternoon, Yanfeng."

Yanfeng held onto Yanyue's hands and said with a wide smile, "I'm so happy to see you!"

Yanyue raised her lips awkwardly. It wasn't that she didn't reciprocate his emotions. She was happy to see the man as well, but his overly intimate action surprised her a little. However, his hands gave a warm and familiar feeling, so she didn't mind too deeply.

As they were chatting, Yanyue spotted Beichen guiding Wanyue into the lounge.

Yanfeng noticed the woman's change in mood. He understood why her smile disappeared when he saw what she was looking at.

His face turned ugly at the two people who were walking towards their position.

"Sister," Wanyue said excitedly, "are you also here for a prenatal checkup?"

"Yes," Yanyue answered simply.

Wanyue looked at Yanfeng and said, "Are you here to accompany sister, cousin?"

Yanfeng perceived the suspicious tone of the woman and slightly rolled his eyes. Since she wanted to play, then he would gladly show her.

He scooted closer to Yanyue and replied with a cheeky grin, "Yes, we're so close that her baby would even call me godfather in the future."

Yanyue turned to look at the man. He was lying, but why did he say that?

Wanyue showed a light smirk, "Cousin, are you sure that you're satisfied with just being a godfather?"

"That depends on Yanyue. If she wants me to be something else, then I can gladly cooperate," replied Yanfeng as he turned to look at Yanyue affectionately. He knew that he was putting Yanyue in a bad spot by suggesting an affair, but he was doing this on purpose; he wanted to see how Beichen reacted to his probing.

He continued, "Since President Lu would probably be too busy watching another baby, I think I should do my godfather duty well in the future. The kid needs a father figure after all..."

Beichen gave Yanfeng a glare. He smirked and said casually as if he wasn't bothered by the idea of his baby calling another man the word father, "President Yanfeng is kind. However, there is no need for your volunteer because I can take care of my own child."

He made sure to emphasize the word OWN.

Yanfeng raised an eyebrow, "Is that so, President Lu? But as I'm seeing right now, you'd rather leave your wife to accompany your mistress to a mere hospital checkup. Since you can't even attend to your wife's needs, I'm doubting whether you'd have time for your legitimate child in the future."

He stretched the word LEGITIMATE as a response to Beichen's earlier emphasis.

This got on Wanyue's inverse scales. She despised it when people call her child illegitimate. If it was not for Yanyue, then her child wouldn't have gotten such a despicable label even before he was born.

"Yanfeng, are you implying that my child is illegitimate?" Wanyue asked pitifully.

Yanfeng remained calm and said plainly, "I didn't say it, you said it yourself."

Wanyue lowered her head dejectedly, "Cousin, how can you say that about your nephew?"

"Eh, cousin, if you don't agree, then maybe you shouldn't have stayed with a married man. Now, you're even pregnant without a husband. You're making our Yang family look bad," Yanfeng ridiculed.

"It's my fault for staying with the man I love!" Wanyue started to weep sympathetically in Beichen's arms.

The man patted the woman's head to calm her down. Yanyue's chest felt stuffy looking at the caring scene.

Wanyue clenched her teeth in anger, but she must remain a sensitive woman in Beichen's eyes to gain his favor.

She spoke weakly with tears falling from her eyes, "Beichen, I'm ashamed of myself. I shouldn't stay by your side anymore!"

She pushed the man away and ran back out of the lounge.

"Wanyue!" Beichen yelled after her. Before going he didn't forget to threaten Yanyue and Yanfeng, "If something happens to her or the baby, you will pay!"

Yanyue's eyes widened in fear. She settled her hand on her stomach as if to protect her baby. While on the other hand, Yanfeng remained as calm as the river. He knew that his cousin was acting pitiful to gain Beichen's sympathy, so he wasn't afraid that she would hurt herself.

He smiled in delight, "Finally, the annoying couple is gone!"

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