
chapter 1...

song suggested: lovely by billie eilish and khalid {slowed}

Lia's pov.....

another day, its cold....winters are even more colder lonely. my name is Lia i am 18. my life is a misery. i have no one just my aunt Emily and am suffering from brain tumor and doctors told me am going to die in 2 months...am here in hospital alone and lonely as always. my mother died while giving birth to me and my dad passed away in an accident when i was 3. my aunt decided raised me but uncle left her for another woman. she still raised me alone as she couldn't have her own child.

i was always treated as an outcast in school, no one use to come near me and everyone use to call me a bad luck. everyone use to run away when i tried to talk to them every person use to say am the reason why my parents died and my uncle cheated on my aunt.

i was always treated like a bad luck when i use to go to school i was treated like an outcast, was it really my fault?? but anyway everyone will be happy after i die...won't they??


song suggested: runaway by aurora {slowed}

James's pov....

lonely winters with warm coffee...am James its my 20th birthday. am guitarist of the band, tho am on a leave from the band as i have hole in my heart and have to go under a heart transplant tho i haven't found a donor yet let's see what will happen.

today am getting admitted in hospital as my condition is getting worse day by day. i got into the ward room no. 467 where i was feeling very bored so i thought to go for a walk on the rooftop garden to get some fresh air and i saw a girl in hospital dress standing on the edge and was going to jump....

i ran to her and pulled her by waist as we fell backwards on the floor and i saw her face and was going to scream and scold her but she fell into my embrace. i picked her up and ran inside the hospital.

"When he shall die,

Take him and cut him out in little stars,

And he will make the face of heaven so fine

That all the world will be in love with night

And pay no worship to the garish sun." 

― William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet


please ignore my grammatical mistakes as English isn't my first language its 4th 

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