
Chapter 34-The World Cleaver!

Chapter 34


The second he did not receive a message from Mayumi after her departure, he knew something had gone wrong. And his suspicion had only been confirmed by her absence from the school the next day. He did not believe her family's words at all and began looking into her disappearance himself. He uncovered the little plot that had been hatched against him.

It was both brilliant and pathetic at the same time, and he could scarcely believe that the three Great Nations had put together their heads and come up with this disaster, especially for Kudo Retsu and Kouichi Saegusa. They had put one of their own at such risk just to satiate their egos because his ideology did not align with them.

Thankfully, not everyone agreed with these idiots, and soon enough, he received intelligence from an anonymous source about the ongoings at the military and how the higher-ups were rather dissatisfied with this all.

He would have liked to deal with himself, but in the end, the Kudo and Saegusa clan had gone too far. They had laid a hand on someone dear to him, and it was time to put them into the ground.

So, he reached out to Maya Yotsuba and asked for her help. She had, of course, been happy to help, for this would only enhance the power and influence of the Yotsuba clan in the TMC.

And so, this little ploy had been hatched with the aide of her connection in the military, and now he stood infront of the two main preparators of this offense, Chen Xiangshan, the Ghost Walker and his second in command, Lu Gonghu, the Living Tiger.

"How?" the man named Chen Xiangsheng gasped as he saw him dismantle the controlling seals they had put him, seals that raked off that man, Gi Jie's magic. They had thought they could contain and control him once again.

"Those seals. That magic, he told us it would work on you," Chen Xiangshen gasped as Inei's psions filled the air, making it even more difficult to breathe.

"Did you all really think that I would let those markings remain on my soul? That I would let that happen to me again," he challenged coolly, as the man's eyes widened.

"Impossible, but that would mean that you used magic..."

"On my soul," and that was an interesting concept in modern magic. It was thought impossible, but the Yotsuba made the impossible possible, and for him, they had just the magician to remove Gu Jie's binding from him.

The very magician who had crafted the lock and key that was inscribed into the souls of his cousins to keep a check on Tatsuya's powers.

"You were all dead the second you tried to come after me again," and with that he brought up his hand and saw the man's face pale as he realsied just what he was about to do.

"You dare...." and at that, he was surprised as Lu Gonghu lunged at him from behind, forcing him to jump to the side before he gripped the man's throat and pushed him to the ground.


"AGHH!" the giant of a man vomited blood as Inei stared him in the eyes.

"So, you want to die first, huh, kitty cat," Inei teased as his magic perked at his command, even as the man swung his arm at him.

"Don't you dare...." but before it could reach him, nothing remained of the man named Lu Gonghu, as Inei wiped his whole existence from reality before he stood up once again and turned his gaze towards Chen Xiangsheng.

"It's your turn now," and saw the man gulp.

"Stop! I can stop it. The attack, we will retreat..." he pleaded, but Inei's patience had long run out.

"You really shouldn't have put your hands on her," and with that, he brought up his hand and activated his real magic.

"Most people in the world think that my magic allows me to cut things, and in ways it does," he began as he pushed all his psions into action. The amount of psions a person could expand was dependent on three things: his natural stores, the magical sequence, and his body's physical limitations.

Most people were often limited by stores, others like his cousins by the magical sequences inscribed into their souls. Inei's limitations lay in his physical body, for the sheer amount of psions he possessed were beyond anything possible for a physical body to contain, and the magical sequence he wished to employ was one inscribed into his body, which acted as its own CAD.

His limitation was his body, his ultimate; his real magic was simply so grand that using it put a massive strain on his body. To this day he had only ever used it once, when he had first escaped from Dahan's Headquarters as a child, and it had nearly killed him.

Today the world would witness it once more.

"But the truth is it is actually a bit different than that. The hint lies there in the name of the technique.." he smiled as he closed his eyes and felt his senses expand and cover all of the city and beyond, as he activated his ultimate magic, as his body threatened to tear itself apart.

"Domain Exapnsion...."



Mari Watanabe was angry at herself for letting her friend down, for letting her underlings down as she fought off the terrorists, protecting the staff at the Yokohama Research Centre.

And as she was being cornered, she hid behind a column as bullets flew around her.

"She is there get her," they screamed as she rushed out from behind the pillar, and rushed towards the attackers as her blade broke up into pieces.

"Cut," she ordered and the blades plunged into the attackers neck killing them on the spot, before suddenly another attacker aimed their gun at her.

"Now I have you!"

"Shit!" she cursed and tried to jump when suddenly the man pulled the trigger and yet no bullet came out, and she watched as a chill enveloped the Hall suddenly, and she watched as the terrorist was frozen infront of her eyes.

"That magic," she gasped as terrorists' bodies began to fall down around her.

"What is going on here?" she questioned as suddenly a very familiar face appeared on the TV screens all over the Hall.

"Students of Magical High, my name is Naotsugu Chiba, and I am the second lieutenant in the Japanese Army. I am here to inform you all that all the terrorists in the building have been neutralized, and the building is now secure. Helicopters are now headed to the rooftops for evacuating the students, all of you are directed to reach the rooftops in an orderly manner," and it was the face of her fiancé.

She had not even known about him being here. Naotsugu Chiba was the heir of the Chiba clan, he was a prodigy who was right now studying in National Defence University and was considered to be Japan's premiere close range combatant.

"Naotsugu!" she gasped as she saw his face.

"I repeat, the building is now secure. There is no need to panic," and with that the announcement continued as Mari broke into a stride recognsiing the sire from where he was addressing everyone.

She climbed the stairs and rushed towards the rooftop and as she swung open the door she found him there standing on the rooftop alongside, a small army unit.

"Naotsugu!" she screamed and saw him turn to face her, as his eyes widened.

"Mari, what are you doing here?" he asked as she rushed towards him.

"I could ask you the same question?" she began and he gulped down as he pointed towards the shore and she watched the two massive ships docked there, and how smoke rose from various parts of the city as the city was attacked.

"We are under attack by either the Great Asian Alliance itself or by a faction under them, and I was deployed to lead the student evacuation," he said and she watched as the first batch of students appeared on the rooftop as he stepped forward.

"There is ample space for everyone. Please, get on the choppers without any hustle," and then he turned towards her.

"You should get on as well," she shook her head.

"I will leave last," and then she watched two students step forward, wearing the same infirm as her.

"Mari-san," Miyuki greeted her, as her brother joined her and much to her surprise the army men all saluted to them both as did Naotsugu.

"Thank you for your assistance, Chiba-san," Tatsuya remarked as her fiancé nodded, much to her surprise.

"The military is on standby. We will move in as soon as you give the signal," he said as she asked.

"What is going on?" she asked.

"The military is taking a step back for the operation. The Yotsuba clan will be taking the lead for the operation in Yokohama. Right now, our forces are securing the evacuation of the people; the offense will begin as soon as we are assured of Mayumi-san's safety," Miyuki told her in an emotionless voice, confirming her suspicion.

"Then that means..." and the young junior nodded.

"I apologize for deceiving you, Mari-san. It is just as you think," and at that, the girl turned towards her brother.

"We are a part of the Yotsuba-clan," and suddenly, her brother's eyes narrowed as she saw them shine as he looked to the side at the massive Magical HQ right beside them.

"It is done," he whispered before he turned towards Naotsugu and gave him a nod.

"Begin the operation," he ordered.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"He means that Mayumi Saaegusa is now safe," and with that, the girl stepped forward as Naotsugu began to pass on the message as the girl stood on the edge of the roof and activated her magic.

"And now he will begin the offensive,"

And suddenly she was startled as she felt psions fill the air as a massive magical sequence appeared right above them, encompassing the whole city.

"This magic..."



Maya Yotsuba stood on the rooftop of the Magician Tower in Yokohama city, watching chaos envelope the city infront of her. For a magician like her, it was dangerous to stand in the open like this, especially when the city was under attack like this.

And yet she was sure that all this would end soon, and she did not wish to miss the spectacle that was about to take place.

"Why are we here Maya-sama?" the girl beside her questioned nervously, as she stood beside her. Kouichi's daughter was rather interesting in that she had caught her son's eye, and the idiot had played into Kudo Retsu's hands and wished to use her to get rid of Inei-kun.

A mistake that would cost both the Kudo and the Saegusa clan their seats in the TMC council and take her away from him.

"Because I wish to see something," she answered as she looked the girl's eyes.

"To see my son's ultimate magic," she answered as the girl frowned, surprised by her words.

"Inei-kun's ultimate magic," she asked, and Maya nodded.

"You see, everyone thinks that his magic is being able to cut things, and while that is technically true. His true magic is something else," she remarked, and now he had trained to control it somewhat, and they were going to witness it for the first time.

"To this day even I have only ever witnessed only the scenes from after its application. It is the very magic that revenge upon my kidnappers from all those years ago, the very magic that brought an end to the evil of Dahan," and then she felt it, and she was sure that she was not the only one.

Any magician worth anything in the city would have felt it, as a magical sequence appeared in the sky above them, as a wave of psions spread all over the city.

"And here it is," she whispered into the air as suddenly the whole city stilled, each and every molecule stilling as if in anticipation of what was about to happen.


And then in an instant, he was infront of them, the psions rushed off of his body as it glew with a greenish hue as a black line cut through his eye as if his body was trying to tear itself apart.

"Inei-kun..." the girl beside her gasped at the sight as Maya smiled as she saw her revenge on the world manifesting infront of her.

"Is it done?" he asked, and she nodded.

"It is," and then he vanished once more, and suddenly explosions filled the city, and the girl beside her gasped, her inherent magic allowing him to see for herself the sheer absurdity of what was going on.

"Is this the power of a God?" she gasped as Maya-shook his head, though she would not fault the girl for thinking so.

"No. It is not. This is his ultimate magic, Domain Expansion," and Inei's magic allowed him to mark a region of space as his own and then control anything and everything in it to a molecular level.

And right now, in the city of Yokohama, Inei Yotsuba was nothing less than a literal God.

"This is the power of Inei Yotsuba, the only magician ever to go beyond the ranking of strategic class magicians."

With her mission complete, Maya Yotsuba turned away from the city and began to walk back into the building, after all, she had a council meeting to attend, and yet, unlike her, the girl stood there rooted on the spot as she watched her son decimated the terrorist forces single-handedly.


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