
Chapter 32-Deals Made!

Chapter 32


Mayumi was rather sad about her years at First High coming to an end. Though a rather considerable chunk of the school year remained, the truth was that usually, after the Nine School's Competition, the outgoing class would begin to focus more on themselves.

It was why a President of the Student Council would often resign and hand over the seat to the next person, who in her case was the timid Azusa-chan. Though this time hers had not been the only resignation tabled in the Council.

"I cannot believe you resigned from the council as well," she asked Inei-kun as they sat in the park on a picnic cloth. The rumor mill had finally caught upto them, and now their date was a rather famous event in the school forums.

The date itself had been rather slow-paced, with both of them having chosen to go out for a picnic. The food, of course, was prepared by Inei-kun himself and was as legendary as always.

"I have nothing against Azusa-san, but it is customary for the future presidential candidate to be a part of the council in their first year. Since I have no interest in being President, I did not think it wise to remain in the Council as such. Miyuki will do just fine as my replacement, and plans already to become President in her third year just like you," and that was thoughtful enough.

"You would have made a fine President," she added. Inei-kun scoffed as he lay there with his hands arched behind his head.

"I doubt it. I don't think I am fit for the role. The teachers are rather put off by me," he added, and indeed they were. And not because of his work, because for all his seemingly brash nature, Inei Yotsuba was a stellar academic.

However the same could not be said for his punctuality, the boy beside her liked to live life at his own pace and so was often found coming late or skipping lectures for no reason.

"That they are," she agreed as she passed him some of the juice. She had worn a rather simple sundress, while he had gone for a more casual pair of Pants and a Polo this time around.

"But you also turned down Ichihara-kun for help in the Thesis competition," she asked him again, and he sighed as he leaned forward.

"It was nothing personal, and Ichihara-san understood that as well. Our interests are simply too far apart, I would say. Her interests lie in the more theoretical aspects of undiscovered and innovative magics, while my own lie in expanding the boundaries of the magic we wield today. Tatsuya-kun was a better choice to help her with this than me, and she even agrees with me now." It had been his recommendation, though she was rather intrigued by his little conjecture.

"What do you mean pushing the boundary of the magic we wield today?" she asked, and he looked into her eyes as she noticed his mind thinking before he pushed himself up and began to give her an explanation.

"What do you think my magic does?" he asked, and he had told her once.

"It cuts," she replied and he nodded.

"Yes, though I am able to wield any other magics without any issue as well. But my specialization, is indeed the two magics I use most often, Cleave and Dismantle, both of whom serve similar purposes," he added as he picked up a piece of butter wrapping paper from the picnic box.

"Now, on the surface, it is a simple magic. One that can simply cut things," and with that, the paper was cut into halves and then quarters and so forth.

"But people fail to realize just what exactly I can cut and what the limitations of that are," and she did not understand the point.

"What do you mean?" she asked, and his eyes narrowed as his voice dropped down to a whisper.

"Tell me, Mayumi. Where do we stand?" he asked, and she frowned.

"In a park," she answered, and he shook his head.

"That is not a scientific answer. We are both occupying a very small point in the space-time continuum," he added as he picked up another piece of paper and crumpled up into a ball.

And suddenly, she felt the area shift as psions filled the whole area, the pressure was rather enormous and from the way he was frowning and looking at the ball in his hand, it was all coming from him.

"Now, what do you think will happen if I try to cut through that very fabric," he added, and she could not believe his words, as suddenly the crumpled-up piece of paper vanished from his hand, making her eyes widen.

"Impossible," she gasped, realizing the sheer incredulity of just what she had witnessed.

"It is something that most magicians can only think of. But given the sheer amount of psions I possess, I can push the boundaries of magic as we know it," and suddenly she felt something land on her hand and looked down and saw that very same ball of paper right there.

"That is why you did not join Ichihara-kun's project," she gasped as she picked up the ball.

"Indeed. After all, I am the very thing that she is trying to achieve."

The whole date came to an end on a good note, and despite the sheer absurdity of the revelations, she had enjoyed herself much. But now it was time for her to leave.

And unlike last time, there was no avoiding her butler this time, who had come to pick her up.

"Goodbye, Inei-kun," she said as she waved at him, and he nodded as she entered the car Nakura-san had brought for her.

"I hope everything went well, my lady," he greeted her with a smile. The man had been looking after her since she was a child.

"Indeed," she replied with a smile, and with that, they left, as she busied herself in her phone, her mind reeling from the shock of the magic she had just witnessed. No wonder GAA and the Americans were so obsessed with him, for Inei-kun was a walking and talking anomaly who could push the boundaries of magic as they knew it.

And suddenly, she felt the car veer off the regular path and was about to ask.





The date had gone as expected but his social duties were not quite over just yet as he found himself in his cousin's house at their request for an intimate family gathering.

The request had come from an earnest Miyuki, and so he had not the heart to deny her. And so he found himself in their little apartment as he sat beside Tatsuya, who was working.

"So, tell me, how was your date with President-san?" Miyuki asked, nearly making him choke on his coffee as he eyed the girl sharply.

"Is this an interrogation?" he asked, and despite her denial, the smile stretched on her face told a different story.

"It was fine. We arranged a small picnic in the park, nothing too complicated," he replied, and she nodded.

"Good, that is a wise choice for a second date," she added before turning towards Tatsuya and eyeing him sharply.

"You should take some pointers from Inei-san, Oni-sama," she said as Tatsuya sighed and nodded.

"I am afraid I have no time for any dating," he replied, and before they could continue, the doorbell to the house was rung, making Miyuki frown.

"Who could be disturbing us at this time?" she frowned as Tatsuya brought up the door camera feed on the TV and showed just who it was waiting at the door for them. It was a face he quickly recognized for her relation to the Yotsuba clan.

She was Shiba Sayuri, the second wife of the Shiba siblings' father. She was a businesswoman whose aptitude for magic was rather limited, and she was bitter about her hierarchy in the complex family that was the Yotsuba.

"What is she doing here?" Miyuki somewhat snarled, her rage and frustration with the woman much justified. Yet she still went to open the door for the woman who came in and seemed surprised at his presence.

Thankfully, she had the presence of mind to curb her tongue.

"I did not know you were here, Yotsuba-sama," for despite her age, Inei outranked her rather easily.

"But I am, Shiba-san. Though I could ask you the same question," he began as Miyuki led her to the couch. His presence had made the woman nervous before she began.

"I am here because I am in need of help from Tatsuya-kun," she added as she reached into her bag and took out a box, and immediately he recognized its contents.

"This is a relic," he said as he eyed the red jewel resting on the box. It was a magatama stone, one that could store magic sequences and could apply them without the need of a magician. It was a rather sought-after relic, though he had an inkling why they had it in their possession.

"You wish for me to replicate it," Tatsuya asked, and the woman nodded.

"I do," she said as he shook his head.

"It's impossible," he said. It must have been a military project, but it was a useless one. And one that had not been as secretive as they had thought given the presence he felt around the room.

And so, Tatsuya and her haggled over the details until the woman was set to leave, entrusting the relic to Tatusya for safe-keeping. As they both saw her race off, they exchanged glances, having made the same connection.

"You can handle it," Inei added, and his stoic cousin nodded.

"As you say, then I will have to inconvenience you to guard the House until I am back," he said, and Inei agreed as the boy left for his garage.

"What happened?" Miyuki asked, her mood still sour from the appearance of that woman.

"That woman is not as smart as she thinks," and with that, he went back into the House.

"Let me help you with dishes!"


Back in the underground of the Chinatown, a masked man stood infront of a bound and gagged Saeagusa Mayumi, his phone pinned to his ear as he talked to a person on the other side.

"Do not forget the agreement. If even a hair from her is harmed, then you shall realize what it means to make an enemy out of the Saegusa," and the masked man smirked.

"You have my assurance. She will not be harmed," the masked man began.

"Afterall, she is not our target."


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Have a nice day!

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