
More than a pawn

As the night settled over the Undercity, Zafron made his way back to the Rusty Nail. The events of the day played through his mind like a fever dream - the brutal match, the unexpected victory, and the surprisingly pleasant time spent with Sakura afterward. Her moans echoed in his memory.

[Well, well, my lord. It seems you've had quite the eventful day,] Calista's voice chimed in his head. [Though I must say, I'm more interested in what our dear Matilda has been up to in your absence.]

Zafron frowned at the thought. The idea of Matilda alone with the Governor and the twins still made his stomach churn.

As he approached the Rusty Nail, the sound of jubilant voices drifted through the worn wooden door. He paused, hand on the handle, surprised by the unusual merriment.

[My, my. It seems the celebration has started without us,] Calista remarked dryly.

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