

Everyone did as she asked, and Mai Shiranui then looked at the tainted Luo Yi, who ruined her view. Since Yelena, Curie, and Lanfear were already outside preparing the stage, she shouted to the entire Serene Lotus Pavilion, "Main harem! Clean yourselves up! Your main job is always to stay close to me and my husband! I don't want our beauty to become tainted like this!"

But seeing her own swollen belly, pierced with chains in every imaginable place, even her ears, Mai Shiranui chuckled. Being humiliated like this was something that none of her sisters were experiencing at the moment, making her the sole embarrassment in the main circle of Serene Lotus Pavilion. Turning her head back and looking at Tian Xing affectionately, she kissed him deeply before saying, "Thank you, my love. I will become the most embarrassing thing in all creation if I have to."

Seeing her belly button continuously producing a fountain of Yang Essence and her breasts squirting milk, shaped by his Jing energy, which indicated that her husband loved her sweet nothing whispers, Mai Shiranui turned toward her pet and said with contempt, "Do you see now, bitch? This is what you should say to him when he is angry, to stroke his ego and make him happy as always. Now, come here; I want to decorate my pet."

"Yes, master."

Noticing the tears staining her pet's face, Mai Shiranui grabbed her neck and pulled her roughly, before erotically licking away the salty tears so that her husband could witness the debauched scene. Nodding in satisfaction, she slapped and spat on her pet's face before kissing her deeply while caressing her cheeks. After that, she said, "It's okay, my darling, it won't hurt. Your husband will find this exhilarating. Since the scene of a tainted wife is much desired, trust me on this."

"Okay, master."

While putting the piercing on her pet's nose and nipples, Mai Shiranui realized she couldn't summon the piercing again; it was already gone from her matriarch also. Giggling foolishly, she scratched her head, "Well, it seems I was wrong."

Transported to the largest stage below the gigantic tree of this Heavenly Star World, Mai Shiranui nodded, seeing everyone performing and starting to dance, scantily dressed, with oriental music playing in the background. Being thrust by her husband as always, she was then lifted into the air to sit in the middle of eight thrones. Seeing her pet not sitting on the queen's throne but instead on the favorite concubine's spot, Mai Shiranui looked at her pet with a victorious smile while showing her swollen vixen body.

Turning toward Luo Yi, who had already returned to her pristine jade-like state, she said, "Dear, would you be so kind as to be the main entertainer? And also, tell everyone to line up; it is time for my husband to mark everyone here as his own."

Raising her eyebrows, noting her husband's dark desires slowly fading since, as a benchmark, the spotless jade remained untarnished the moment Tian Xing looked at her sister Luo Yi, who was performing with refined elegance, Mai Shiranui laughed out loud toward the skies. Looking toward all her eternal sisters, she said excitedly, "Bring wine and food! Let's indulge our desires! Our eternal master of dark mode is slowly coming down!"

Seeing some cheer while others sighed in regret that the session had just started and was already slowly dying down, Mai Shiranui watched her swollen body return to normal, with no piercings, just like all the other main circles that were already spotless from stains. Standing up, as her body had already been used by her master's pistoning desire, with her tenderloin spread wide, following the shape and length of her master's sword, she turned toward Tifa Lockhart and Aerith Gainsborough and said, "Come, you two will be first. You were my former disciples, so at least bear the suffering that was initially mine."

Letting her master paint these two away, Mai Shiranui then walked over to Margarita, who was already being consoled by Tsunade and Wanda. Knowing that her master's light mode was slowly returning to the surface and wanting it to remain for a while, she took Rita's hands and let her matriarch sit with her on the queen's throne. Wiping the tears that continuously fell from her face in a gentle manner, she then cradled her love tightly while saying, "Is my Rita hurt because of my actions?"


Patting her back rhythmically, swaying slowly like calming a child, Mai Shiranui said, "It's okay. After this, you can torture me however you want, with or without your husband. Let's boil my body using the water of your Dao, okay, Rita?"


Turning toward her master, who had just finished painting her two former disciples and was now waiting for another whiteboard to continue painting, Mai Shiranui shouted, "Everyone who has met our supreme husband recently, step forward! Starting from the most recent to the last, before our cultivation session is over!"

Seeing Yuhuan and Diaochan now being filled to the brim, Mai Shiranui turned toward the love of her life and continued to console and comfort her baby girl, "How about my false soul? Do you want one? No, let me correct that: what method does my Rita want to employ this time?"

Receiving only silence in response, Mai Shiranui decided for her supreme wife, who still wanted to love her despite everything, "Okay, then let's go with ten thousand needles of water at absolute zero temperature into my spirit and brain. My Rita likes the Water Dao so much, yes? In that case, it will be much better and easier to perform this torture, and my Rita will not accidentally hurt my false soul, leaving me unable to cultivate, since Water Dao is your specialty, my love. Tian Ming Dao is just your secondary Dao that you are forced to prioritize because you want a place in your husband's heart."

"Yes, Mai."

Turning toward her supreme husband, who had now already violated the girls named Guinevere and Zatanna, the two magic practitioners, Mai Shiranui pointed to him, "See your husband, my love. And how he fast-forwarded his stretched belly process. You don't need to excel at Tian Ming Dao to attract his attention, my love. You just need to cuckold him like this, and he's already back to the previous light mode of loving you so much, so he can subsequently tear me apart."

Lifting Rita's chin, wanting to kiss her matriarch, Mai Shiranui was unable to do so because she saw a fist coming toward her head. She received it with open arms, making her body lifeless once again. BOOM! Unknown how much time had passed when she regained her senses; she then saw servants named Diana Prince and Rachel Roth with swollen bellies and piercings, holding Tsunade's Medical Dao creations. Touching her head, Mai Shiranui instantly knew her head had been blown to pieces by her eternal master's fist of anger. Walking out of the pod into the middle of the theater under the big tree, she sat beside the love of her life, Margarita, in the supreme wife's favorite position, instead of the queen's throne this time.

Next chapter