Writing a review for the fp, seems interesting from the synopsis though, I'll probably give it a shot
interesting story i will give it a try ❤️
it's a good book for you and your family
adding a review for fp, interesting synopsis
nice story development but cliche trope i must say 😮💨
Nice hcidbcixidjenxiiee use by ebcisijsjddjjdjddjdhxhxhx
this book is amazing. its fun to read. the concept if thia book is not common. i like to read this kind of novel and i hope you can produce more good books to read. good luck and God bless. happy reeading.
here is a review .......................
update?????? .......................
Reveal spoiler
Just from the first chapter it looks interesting, though I'm quite disappointed with her decision. I will wait till it has more chapters before reading them all and making another review
Well ,I have completed the first chapter and I liked it . Looking forward to read the rest
I love revenge stories, I'm excited to keep reading
Giving it a chance, the story seems familiar but gonna reading and see how it plays out.