
Chapter 18

"Katon: Gokakyuu no jutsu!" Sasuke yelled sending another fireball towards a now heavily burnt tree.

As the fireball crashed against the wood, the tree gave a long groan of pain before it toppled over. Sasuke would have started another set of hand seals but just then Tazuna burst through the tree line looking frantic.

Sasuke turned to the older man with a puzzled expression on his face. "What's wrong?"

Tazuna panted hard as he leaned on his knees. "Kakashi…bridge…trouble." He gasped out.

Sasuke's eyes widened slightly. "Come on, Naruto and Hinata are this way." He said, running off Tazuna groaning as he followed. "I'm getting way to old for this crap!" He muttered following the Uchiha.

Moments later the two came across Naruto and Hinata. The girl was standing atop a river while Naruto stood a few feet away. When they both noticed Tazuna's presence they stopped their exercise and turned to them.

"Tazuna says theirs trouble at the bridge." Sasuke said.

Naruto nodded and shifted through his pouch before pulling out two soldier pills. "He tossed one to Sasuke and another to Hinata. "Take them, they will replenish your chakra."

The two took them wordlessly while Naruto formed two Shadow clones. "Tazuna, these two will escort you." He said before turning to his two 'teammates'

"Uchiha, Hyuuga I suggest you keep up." He stated simply before taking to the tree tops.

'Who the hell said he was in charge?' Sasuke thought, annoyed. Hinata followed close behind their third teammate.

The three came across a mist filled bridge, Naruto turned to Hinata, and Sasuke. "Uchiha, you come with me, Hyuuga…you know what to do." He said before walking ahead, Hinata nodded once before activating her byakuugan and leaping off to one side of the bridge, vanishing into the cool mist that blanketed the area.

Sasuke was annoyed, he and Hinata had formed some kind of plan and not being in on it was grating on his nerves. his teeth and walked up to Naruto, grabbing him roughly by his shoulder. "Hey-" He began but was immediately cut off as the blond rounded on him and gripped his throat with a grip, strong enough to stop him from speaking, but not strong enough to cut off his air supply completely.

"This battle Uchiha, is no place for your petty pride and wether you like it or not, I am in charge. Quite frankly, were it not my mission, I would leave you to your foolish and worthless fate. However, seeing as how your and the Hyuuga's survival is my responsibility then I must take the proper measures to ensure your safty. Therefore…"

Sasuke couldn't do much else other than cough as the living weapon smashed his fist into his gut. His eyes rolled to the back of his head ad he fell limp. Naruto, with a casual flick of his wrist tossed him aside, forming a shadow clone to drag him away to safety as he continued his trek into the mist.

He came across the scene where Kakashi's fight took place moments later, the area was littered, with Senbon needles, puddles of water, shuriken, kunai, blood and a large jagged trench ran across the ground, no doubt the result of Kakashi's infamous Raikiri.

The copy nin himself was leaning against the railing of the bridge, a large slash across his chest, which he had cauterized to stop the bleeding, several more gashes ran across his arms and legs but none were to serious. He walked over and knelt besides the fallen copy ninja checking his pulse, noting that he indeed was still alive.

Kakashi groaned, opening his eyes blearily and looking into the shadows that cover Naruto's face. "Your…late." He managed to whisper out before falling unconscious again.

"Hn." Was his bland reply as he stood and unsheathed both his scimitars, before walking further into the mist.

Kakashi was barely out of his visual range before he felt a shift in the air. He took one step back as Zabuza's massive Zanbato swung across his face, nearly hitting him, before vanishing again into the thick mist.

Naruto stood, perfectly still, he felt another shift in the wind and managed to side step in time to avoid another swing, which buried the sword deep into the ground. Zabuza pulled the blade out and once again vanished into the mist.

"You cant keep this up forever, kid." Zabuza's voice echoed around him, hoping to distract him Naruto knew.

Seconds later another swing came from behind him, Naruto this time was able to detect exactly where it was coming from and so, he pivoted on his heel blocked Zabuza's blade with his own, the metals meeting with a loud 'Clang' of steel hitting steel.

Zabuza chuckled.

"The Demon of Konoha? Really?, your not so impressive." He stated. Naruto pushed him off and spread out his chakra to dispel the mist around him.

Naruto said nothing as he settled himself into a fighting stance.

Zabuza leapt up high, bringing his blade down on the young jinchuriki.

Naruto crossed his blades and blocked the strike. "Your pet hunter nin is not here?" The blond asked dubious as Zabuza beating Kakashi so badly without receiving much injury was highly unlikely.

Zabuza chuckled, "He's around, but I don't need him to beat you." He stated.

"Hn." Naruto replied before shoving Zabuza back. He followed it up with a leaping spin kick to the mans neck, Zabuza ducked under the blow and then tried to hit the blond as he landed with a downwards diagonal swing.




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