
helmut use!...

Yuo.'he's acting confident which shouldn't happen when someone destroy's your beyblade, and he also so said "i wonder who's the pathetic one now" which is what i said when helmut destroyed his blossoming cobra, which i find strange because all this happened in under a minute, this is beyblade so strange sould be normal, okay so let's look at it from a strange perspective as well, he said those strange words to me 15 seconds after helmut destroyed his blossoming cobra, there are only 2 scenarios that would fit his behavior, 1 is either he can see the future and saw that i would destroy blossoming cobra and planned something like a typ of rebirth or revive that would make blossoming cobra stronger or, he has the ability to manipulate time make a localized distortion of time around the stadium making a infinite loop, that would make me repeat the same actions and he would up serve me as some type of god, which would make my actions seem pathetic to him, and to further prove my point i keep hearing the word [LOOP] i just have to get him to confess, even god gets tired of watching something repeatedly so he sould be bored of this already because i don't even know how many loops we've gone through'

Yuo."lay, i know, you know, that i know, what you know, don't you old friend!"

Lay."oh!, but ho can i be sure that you know, what i know?"

Yuo."come on now lay, you know i pick up on stuff quickly, you know me"

Lay."stop trying to manipulate me yuo, just spit out what you wanna say?"


Yuo."...., I'm in a time loop correct?"


Lay."CORRECT, you got it finally i was getting show bored being able to predict what you'll do every time, but im sure you put two and two together"

[Lay was acting so confident and cunning, that yuo was tempted to ask more about this "person" that gave lay this power, but the battle was his priority, so he put those thoughts on hold, yuo had been reminded of the battle he had with his master a while back]

Yuo.'ah, this reminds me of that one battle, it was the best one i hade thus far, but i can make the present one a bit more interesting if i really try'

Lay.'is probably what yuo is thinking, it is true that he does pick up on stuff quickly, but i can predict what a person is thinking just by looking at their facail movements, and that is how i knew yuo knew that he was in a loop, so i indulged his deduction, the real battle soul starts now!'

Lay."you ready now?"

*serius *gaze



Lay."ha, I'll take that as a yes"

Yuo.'i need to get out of this loop, and for that to happen i need to change what i did in the past loops, which is what i will do in the future, though saying that makes ot sound far into the future when infect it's only a couple of seconds into the future, and what i do in that furure is tell helmut to use [TOUCH OF DEATH], so fisrt thing to avoid is use that, the second this is that that ability would have destroyed his blossoming cobra, so by not using [TOUCH OF DEATH] i avoid that as well, so most of the conditions are satisfied, now to start taking this seriously'

Yuo."You're moving to much!"


Yuo."HELMUT! use"



lay."oh, smart restricting blossoming cobra movements"

Yuo."but wait, there's more, Helmut use"


Next chapter