
ch 38 < maou gakuin >

With the looming threat of an invasion by the Eastern Empire, combined with relentless attacks from primordial angels and insectoids, it is essential for Karna to enhance his magical knowledge and sword skills.

Now that Karna has lovers and a brother to look after, he is determined to do his utmost to protect them. The weight of his responsibility fuels his resolve.

Magic spells and techniques in the world of Maou Gakuin are extremely advanced compared to those in the Tensura world. The complexity and power of these spells intrigue Karna, motivating him to seek greater knowledge.

Therefore, Karna decides to visit the Maou Gakuin world, hoping to learn and bring back powerful techniques that can aid in their defense.

Karna looks at the status screen while using the travel function and carefully selects Maou Gakuin as his destination.

His heart pounds with a mix of excitement and apprehension at the prospect of what he might learn.

A radiant light envelops Karna, transporting him to the world of Maou Gakuin. The sensation is both disorienting and exhilarating.

"The next thing I noticed was the system voice:

'Teleporting to Maou Gakuin three months before canon in Dilhade.'

Creating identity for host... successful."

As the light fades, Karna finds himself standing before the imposing gates of the Demon King Academy. He takes a deep breath, feeling the energy of this new world coursing through him.

The next thing I noticed was that I was near a house.

It didn't take me long to reach my new home; surprisingly, it was located near where the canon events were supposed to take place.

The house was much larger than I expected, almost like a royal residence. Its grandeur and opulence were unmistakable, with towering columns and intricate carvings adorning the entrance.

Why did the system make my house so big?

I shook my head, deciding to roll with it. I stepped forward and grabbed the doorknob. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked, so I pushed it open. To my right was a tall desk with a note that said 'Key.' It seems like the system really has me covered...

I took the key and put it into my Inventory. I began to explore the house. The kitchen was as big as a living room, equipped with the latest appliances and a large dining table. All basic necessities were available, from cookware to fresh ingredients.

There were even some armaments and money, along with an identity for myself. It seems my parents were half-demon and a full-fledged noble demon, granting me access to some noble privileges, even though I was labeled as a hybrid.

I live alone in this house. Pretty good for the system to grant me a perfect identity. The documents detailed my lineage and provided a credible backstory, ensuring that I would be accepted within the noble circles.

The magic power in this world is abundant. However, the people here don't possess cheat-like skills, which are shortcuts to gaining insight and control over world laws. This means that their understanding of magic is more organic and deeply rooted in tradition and study.

The magic spells in this world are very advanced compared to those in the Tensura world. Intricate runes and complex incantations were inscribed in ancient tomes, reflecting a depth of knowledge and history. Some spells even used 3D incantations.

In this world, to increase their magic powers, one needs to understand their source or undergo very harsh training.

But because of the peace that has lasted for 2000 years, the present demons are far weaker than the demons from the mythical age. The complacency brought on by prolonged peace had dulled their once-formidable prowess.

Determined to gain as much knowledge as possible, Karna frequently went out to the public library and the royal library to learn more about history and spells. He immersed himself in ancient texts and scrolls, discovering long-forgotten techniques and powerful incantations. He learned many spells, ranging from low-ranking to advanced.

He also observed the daily lives of the people, understanding their customs and ways. The markets were bustling with activity, and the academy grounds were filled with students practicing their spells and honing their skills.

Karna made sure to keep a low profile, blending in with the locals while steadily enhancing his abilities. The more he learned, the more confident he became in his mission. He knew that the knowledge he gained here would be invaluable in protecting his loved ones and his world.

With renewed determination, Karna decided to push his limits further. He practiced tirelessly, perfecting each spell and technique, determined to return home as a true master of magic.


One day, while Karna was practicing in the forest, an explosion occurred nearby. Alarmed, Karna headed in the direction of the blast. He found a beautiful girl with blonde hair styled in ribbons and twin tails, and striking blue eyes, lying unconscious on the ground.

<I saw Sasha, one of the main female leads Maou Gakuin>

It seemed the explosion happened because she was attempting to combine two magic spells, which had resulted in a catastrophic failure.

Karna used US Shakti to heal her. When she opened her eyes, she found Karna looking at her. Noticing her damaged clothes, she initially thought he was a pervert. However, realizing her wounds were already healed, she softened.

She thanked Karna, but he couldn't resist teasing her a little, charmed by her beautiful eyes and innocent look. "Next time, try not to blow up the whole forest," he said with a playful smile.

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she quickly turned away, crossing her arms. "I-I didn't ask for your help, you know. I had it under control," she huffed, though her voice lacked conviction.

Karna grinned, finding her tsundere attitude endearing. "Sure, sure. So, what's your name, Miss Explosion?"

"My name is Sasha Necron," she replied, a bit defensively. "I was trying to combine two spells to create something new... but it didn't go as planned."

"Ah, experimenting with magic. It's always a bit risky, but that's how we learn, right?" Karna said with a wink. "Though, maybe next time, consider a less destructive approach?"

Sasha scoffed, though a small smile tugged at her lips. "I'll keep that in mind. And what about you? Who are you?"

"I'm Karna, one who is trying to learn more about this world's magic," he replied. "And it seems I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to save a beautiful maiden."

Sasha's face turned a deeper shade of red. "Y-you're such an idiot! Who says stuff like that?" she snapped, trying to hide her embarrassment.

< Because of Karna's good looks and his skill, Chosen One, it became easy for him to increase his likability with a young girl like Sasha. His handsome features, with his blond hair and striking pearl-blue eyes, quickly won her over. >

Karna followed up with a conversation, his tone light and teasing. "Well, I like to think it adds a bit of charm. It's one of my many talents." He then added with a more sincere tone, "By the way, your eyes are beautiful. You look like a goddess."

Sasha was taken aback by the compliment, her blush deepening. "W-what are you saying all of a sudden?" she stammered, clearly flustered.

However, as her emotions stirred, she unconsciously activated her Magic Eyes of Destruction. She thought she might injure him gravely or make him unconscious for several months, but to her shock, they didn't affect him at all.

Karna noticed the change in her eyes and the surge of power but stood unfazed.

"With those runes in your eyes. Your eyes look very beautiful and Impressive power you have there, but it looks like you'll have to try harder to knock me out."

Sasha was stunned. "H-how are you not affected?"

Karna shrugged with a confident smile. "Let's just say I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Now, how about we get you back on your feet and maybe work on some safer spells together?"

Sasha, still in awe, nodded reluctantly. "Fine, but don't think this means I owe you anything!"

They continued talking as they walked back to the edge of the forest, forging a bond that would undoubtedly grow stronger with time.

< Her strength and determination were undeniable, and despite her tsundere exterior, there was a kindness that shone in her. Karna thought >

Karna used analysis on her. There were fragments of a God's soul within her. It seemed that after Anos completed her source, she became the reincarnation of Abernyuu.

As Karna studied Sasha further, he couldn't help but marvel at the complexity of her magical essence.


After some training, he went home. But for Sasha, this was a sleepless night. She couldn't get Karna out of her mind.

"He was the first person to compliment her eyes, even though they only brought destruction." Sasha's mind was filled with such thoughts.

As Sasha lay awake in her bed, memories of Karna replayed in her mind. His confident smile and playful teasing lingered, warming her cheeks despite the cool night air. She had always been wary of others, her Magic Eyes of Destruction serving more like a curse. But Karna's unaffected demeanor in the face of her power intrigued her like no one else had.

She sighed, tossing and turning as conflicting emotions churned within her. Sasha had never expected someone like Karna to come into her life, let alone leave such a lasting impression. His compliment about her eyes being beautiful echoed in her thoughts, a rare moment of appreciation for a part of herself she often saw as a burden.

"What am I thinking?" Sasha muttered to herself, clutching the blanket tightly. "

"He's just another person, isn't he?"

Sasha closed her eyes, finally succumbing to sleep, her dreams filled with different version of karna.

< >

A/N~ check my other fanfic for next chapter of tensura.

Name - Karna Tempest

EP: 37.4M + 4M (moon arc) + 5M ( dark star)

(+ Herrscher Core + 80 Million)

(+ source of void + ??? Million)

Note: void is a combination of both nothingness and infinity.

Race: Manas < Divine Wisdom Core >

Species: < Divine herrscher >

Blessing from: < Supreme soul >

Title: Herrscher of Finality


True Dragon Magic - Star, Storm

Spirit Magic

Holy-Demonic Magic

Destruction Magic

Elemental Magic

Intrinsic Skills:

Universal Perception

Space-Time domination

Ruler Spirit Haki

Soul link and soul bond


Mauve Magic Eyes

Magic Eyes of Void

Intrinsic Abilities:

Power of Sentience

Power of Lightning

Power of Void.

Power of Fire and Acceleration.

Power of Ice and Deceleration.

Power of Corruption.

Power of Darkness.

Power of Binding.

Power of finality.

Other Intrinsic Skills

Analyze and Assess

Thought Acceleration- 100M

Integration and Separation

Chant Annulment

Food Chain

All of Creation

Thought Communication

Law Domination

Attribute Transformation


Ultimate Skills:

God of Destruction Shiva

Shakti god of Nature

Kama Lord of Desire

God of Origin Vishnu

Void archives

Next chapter