
Chapter 16: Concealment

"I heard your mom's hospital is training nurses, and she didn't ask for you."

Lu Jingqiu could only smile helplessly: "Auntie, my mom is actually asking about it for me." To prevent her aunt and others from worrying, she had no choice but to bring up the matter of nursing as a deflective tactic.

Lying in bed at night, staring at the room in her memory that was both distant and familiar, she still couldn't fall asleep after a long time.

This must be considered a rebirth, but starting over, some things had become different, like her not entangling with Gao Shu, not suffering terrible things, and returning to her parents' side ahead of time.

The only regret was her mother's illness. Whenever she thought of it, Lu Jingqiu clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and silently prayed for her mother, hoping for a different outcome for her as well.


"Head Nurse Zhou, the exam you took yesterday morning has come out." Doctor Zhang came specially to Zhou Lanping's office to call for her during the shift change.

Zhou Lanping took off her white coat and said calmly, "How did it turn out? Is it gastritis or inflammation?"

Doctor Zhang shook his head and spoke vaguely, "Head Nurse Zhou, you should have your family come over today."

At Doctor Zhang's words, Zhou Lanping's heart panicked, knowing what asking for family meant. With her daughter just back, she didn't want to worry her because of her own illness: "What family should I call? I've been in the inpatient department for more than a decade, I've seen all kinds of diseases, just tell me directly."

Doctor Zhang hesitated a bit, "This..." It was mainly that this kind of disease was now rare, and he felt completely helpless.

Zhou Lanping took a deep breath and said to Doctor Zhang, "Let's go, Doctor Zhang to your office, I want to see the results myself," she said, walking ahead.

Watching her receding back, Doctor Zhang sighed and had no choice but to take her back to his office.

He took out the results from yesterday afternoon: "This disease is rare in the whole country. When I was studying in Haicheng, I saw one or two cases. With your condition, it's already late stage, and there's no good solution."

Zhou Lanping took the test report. Although she wasn't a professional doctor, she understood the testing data. Her heart thudded in a way she couldn't describe at that moment, her legs felt wobbly, but she also didn't dare to show it in front of Doctor Zhang. She put a hand on the desk and sat down, staring at the test results for a long time without speaking.

Doctor Zhang knew that Zhou Lanping could understand the results, so he didn't say anything either. After one or two minutes, Zhou Lanping finally put down the report in her hand, somewhat dazedly said, "Do I have liver cancer? And it's in the late stage?"

Doctor Zhang nodded, paused before saying, "Based on my experience, that's the case. Although we are in a provincial capital, we can't compare to the medical level in Capital City or Haicheng. Isn't your husband a soldier? I suggest you go to the Military District Hospital or somewhere in Haicheng for a more comprehensive checkup. Our equipment is also fairly new and not very familiar to us, so there could be discrepancies."

Zhou Lanping managed a difficult smile and said, "Doctor Zhang, I trust your medical skills. You also said that even under such good medical conditions in Haicheng, it wasn't cured. Now I'm in the late stage. You're a doctor, do you think there's any point in me struggling vainly?"

Doctor Zhang was very clear on the result, but facing a colleague of many years, he didn't want to just stand by and do nothing: "Having a comprehensive checkup is good too."

Zhou Lanping didn't make a sound and tore up the test report in front of Doctor Zhang.

Doctor Zhang: "This..."

Zhou Lanping said, "Doctor Zhang, don't tell anyone about my illness, including my family. Also, could you write me a prescription? Sorry for the trouble, Doctor Zhang."

Doctor Zhang understood her, but also felt, "By hiding this, it will only make your family suffer more in the end."

Zhou Lanping tried to steady her emotions and said, "I know, I will find time to tell Old Lu when I go back. About Qiuqiu, I'm afraid she won't be able to accept it, so let's keep it from her for now. If she comes asking, please help me cover it up, Doctor Zhang."

Doctor Zhang didn't say anything more; the atmosphere in the office was heavy. It was the kind of mood neither doctors nor families enjoyed.


But she still agreed to Zhou Lanping's request.

When Zhou Lanping walked out of the hospital where she had worked for many years, she couldn't describe her feelings, just knew she was covered in cold sweat. Although it was just past eight in the morning and the sun outside was scorching, the warmth on her skin didn't feel as intense as before, but rather colder.

In the inpatient department, she had seen life and death often enough that what had once been sorrow and sympathy had become numbness and routine. Suddenly, she too had become a cancer patient. At this moment, she was just an ordinary patient, ridden with anxiety, listlessness, and even despair.


Lu Jingqiu had woken up at just after six in the morning, took her shopping basket to the nearby farmers' market, and bought some fresh vegetables and two watermelons.

With her dad gone and her mom not yet home from work, Lu Jingqiu changed into a white short-sleeved blouse with plain flowers from two years ago, a dark grey skirt, wore the sun hat her mother had bought her the previous day, slung a bag over her shoulder, and stepped out the door.

She took the bus directly to her mother's hospital, only to find out that her mom had already finished her shift and gone home.

Aunt Wei laughed and said, "Your mom probably went shopping somewhere after work. You know, you could have just called her. Why run over here in this hot weather?"

Lu Jingqiu replied, "Aunt Wei, I didn't have anything to do at home, and I wanted to buy some things. I thought I'd come and see if my mom was working overtime."

Another doctor standing beside Aunt Wei said, "We dare not let her. Head Nurse Zhou has covered so many shifts for us, we can't let her overwork."

Lu Jingqiu smiled politely and said, "Aunt Wei, Doctor Li, I won't disturb you any longer. I'll head back now."

"Be careful on your way."

"I will." Lu Jingqiu left the department but didn't leave; instead, she went to Doctor Zhang's office.

She waited until he had seen two patients before entering.

Doctor Zhang was taken aback when he saw her, wondering if Jingqiu had found out by then.

But Lu Jingqiu was the first to speak with a smile, "Uncle Zhang, have the results of my mom's test from yesterday come out yet?"

Doctor Zhang gave an 'Oh' and adjusted his glasses before saying, "They're out. I gave them to your mom this morning. Didn't she tell you?"

Lu Jingqiu said, "I... just came to ask about it. My mom's illness..."

Doctor Zhang said, "Your mom has gastritis, but it's quite severe. I've prescribed medication for her; she needs to be treated for a long time."

Lu Jingqiu, somewhat unconvinced, said, "Is it really just gastritis? Are you sure you're not mistaken, Uncle Zhang?"

Doctor Zhang replied, somewhat annoyed, "You child, I've been practicing medicine for so many years. I'm a hundred percent sure of this diagnosis."

Lu Jingqiu's alarmed face suddenly brightened with many smiles, and she excitedly grabbed Doctor Zhang's hand, "Uncle Zhang, thank you so much. From now on, my mom's recovery is in your hands. I won't disturb your work any longer. I will come to visit you another day."

After speaking, she ran off with a silly laugh.

But Doctor Zhang watched her retreating figure with a solemn expression and frowned deeply.


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