
247: Causing trouble

"Baby, you just had your meal, can you play by yourself for now?"

"Go check at the door, see if Daddy has come back."

They had returned home at noon, and Zhou Liao went to work in the afternoon. It was only five in the afternoon now, and Zhou Liao had not yet finished work.

Lai Zhiyun hoodwinked her son without a twinge of conscience.

Baby Chenchen had no idea that his own mom was tricking him.

Encouraged by his mother, he happily toddled along with his little short legs, pushing his walker.

"Over here, over here, Chenchen."

The Maternity Matron auntie was waiting by the entryway, clapping her hands to get the little one to come over.

"Look, look, has Daddy come back? Is there a car?"

The walker stopped at the door, and Baby Chenchen peered outside for quite a while. Not seeing Daddy's car, he turned back to look for Mommy.

"Daddy hasn't come back, has he?"

The little fellow nodded his head.

It wasn't clear if he really understood or if he was just nodding out of habit.

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