
Chapter 48: The Journey Home (IV)

The Isle of Faces

Eddard Stark

Watching Robb follow the mysterious Green Men from the myths was daunting, but I hoped he knew what he was doing.

These past few months have been harrowing, and it all started with my late friend Robert visiting Winterfell. To be honest, I regretted following him to King's Landing.

Thankfully, I had a wonderful heir who took care of everything, and I didn't regret my decision to make him Lord Stark.

I wasn't taught how to lead the North; I was only a second son, destined to own a small keep and assist Brandon during his reign. But then the rebellion happened. Brandon and my father were brutally killed by the Mad King, and I had to step up for the North.

It's been so many years since then, and I couldn't deny that I made many mistakes. The worst part? We started the rebellion because of a lie.

Lyanna… I was resentful of her in the past for not going through with the marriage to Robert, but… I couldn't fault her anymore. I was blinded by my friendship with him and didn't consider how he would have treated her once they were married.

Would he have allowed her to follow her dreams? That's a question that kept me up many nights, and I'm not sure I would like the answer. Maybe he would have allowed her at first, but when lords began whispering about her, perhaps Robert would have acted differently.

Not to mention what Tywin might have done to her. I wouldn't put it past the old lion to kill her just to secure his blood on the throne.

It was a mess, and now another war, probably bigger than the last, has started because of me. I tried to do the right thing, just as the late Lord Arryn taught me, and look at the result.

Another mistake to add to that list… I was struggling to move forward, but I would endure it for the sake of our family and our lands.

Catelyn was waiting for me in Winterfell, and according to Robb, he and Jon would handle everything in the South while I attended to our ancestral home.

I had no intention of taking back the role of Warden of the North. I had seen with my own eyes how the North prospered with Robb in charge. I trusted him to do what was necessary for the betterment of the realm.

I didn't know his plans, as we hadn't talked much during our travels, trying to keep the conversation calm to reassure the rest of our group that everything was alright. But it was hard; I had woken up countless nights with nightmares of what I had started.

Shaking my head to rid myself of these thoughts, I addressed the group.

"Jory, take some guards and form a perimeter for the camp. We don't have Robb protecting us right now, so it's up to us to stay safe," I told Jory, impressed by how capable he had become while following Robb. It was another sign that Robb was the best choice going forward.

"Understood, Lord Stark," he saluted and took five more guards to scout our surroundings.

"The rest of you, find some wood to make a campfire. We still have some meat that Robb hunted. We don't know how long he will take, so the best thing to do is to be well-rested and fed when he returns," I said loudly so that everyone could hear me.

Everyone started working, and even Lady Elyse tried to make herself useful, given our circumstances.

Robb's decision to offer her a role was something I could approve of, as most northern lords were blunt and confrontational with outsiders. Having someone with experience could be very helpful going forward.

When everything was ready, we started cooking the game we had available, resting while one or two guards walked around the perimeter. It reminded me of the rebellion, but I suppressed the memory. I hoped Robb was as good a commander as I was, and with his power, he could end the war faster than Robert and I did.

Waiting for over an hour, I tried not to dwell too much on our problems, praying to the Old Gods that my son would return safely.

Robb Stark

Returning to my group was easy thanks to Elyndra, who stayed by my side. Observing them from a distance using my power (it seemed to work when I woke up, and I inferred my new tattoo was a link with the Old Gods that concealed my connection to Scion), I sighed in relief seeing them prepared.

"I'm back," I said softly as I approached them.

"Are you okay?" my father asked, and I could see the rest examining me closely, their concern evident.

"Everything is fine, Father," I said with a chuckle. "Aside from some changes, I don't feel any different."

"Changes?" Jory asked.

"Indeed," I said while lifting my shirt, causing everyone to gasp as they saw my mark.

"What happened to you, Robb?" Father asked with concern.

"He is the champion of the Old Gods," Elyndra exclaimed before I could answer, and I just rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

"A lot happened while I was away," I explained with an awkward smile. "I'll tell you during our journey. For now, we'll wait for our new members before we depart."

"New members?" Lance, one of the guards who went with Ned to King's Landing, asked. I noticed he was looking at me differently, almost reverently.

"Some of the Green Men will follow us to the North," I nodded. "One of the perks of being marked by the Old Gods, I imagine."

He quickly knelt, but I stopped him before he could continue.

"Get up, Lance. I'm still the same Robb you saw playing in the courtyard with training swords," I shook my head. "If you truly feel the need, save it for when we are safe."

"Understood, Lord Stark," he nodded and stood up. The rest of the Green Men arrived shortly after.

"We are ready, Champion," Sylvyrn said. I looked at them happily, pleased to have new allies for the war.

They were concealing their identities, which was helpful.

"We'll need to make several trips to get everyone to the village," Father said, surveying the size of our new group.

"Do not worry about us, Eddard Stark," Sylvyrn said, closing his eyes.

My father looked at him in confusion but chose to ignore it. I gasped as I saw movement near the water through my insects.

A colossal river serpent approached us, its size greater than forty meters by my estimate.

The rest of the Green Men began moving toward the serpent, while my group stood slack-jawed at the sight.

"Let's start moving," I shook my head, trying to ignore the impressive display of power.

After a few seconds of tense silence, everyone began to prepare for our journey back home.


Finally arriving at the last stop before heading directly to the North, I smiled at Lord Mallister from a distance.

"Lord Mallister," I nodded in greeting. "How have you been since I left?"

"Busy," he grunted, shaking my hand. "The help from the North is appreciated."

"It's the least I could do since it was my fault you lost your maester," I told him, shaking my head. "Have they settled since arriving here?"

"They have, Lord Stark. The smallfolk love them. They are more down-to-earth than the maester," he chuckled. "You left a mess in King's Landing."

"Aye, I needed to take my father from their grasp," I nodded seriously. "What have you heard? I'm afraid we haven't received much news since we were on the run."

"It's a mess, Lord Stark," he nodded, leading us inside. "The Mountain is heading north, and the Lannister army has started moving to the Riverlands."

"Did they enter?" I asked with concern.

"Aye, they did. But not without losses," he smirked. "The Blackfish returned a few weeks before you left and took control of the army."

"Good, that's good," I sighed. "I was worried he wouldn't believe me."

"Did you clue him in?" Lord Mallister asked.

"Aye, after leaving Seagard, I sought him out at the Bloody Gate," I nodded.

"Good job, Lord Stark," he said. "He did a damn good job. He couldn't stop them from entering the Riverlands since he didn't have much time to prepare, but he made them pay dearly. I think he'll be rewarded handsomely."

"Ha!" I laughed. "Serves them right. What about the rest?"

"Renly Baratheon is working with the Tyrells for the Crown, and Stannis is still rallying his troops. I'm afraid everything will go to hell in the following weeks. The Ironborn stopped raiding a while ago, so they must be preparing something."

"Hmm, everything is going as I expected," I nodded. "Now, I need to ask for some ravens. When we start marching south, you'll have our support against our enemies."

"Go ahead, Lord Robb. The rest of your companions can rest while you work," Lord Mallister nodded.

"Go on, Father. Take some much-needed rest. Everyone here is trustworthy. We'll leave tomorrow," I told him seriously, considering their mental well-being.


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