
Ch 23: First Gym badge

"Ok if the both parties ready. Then Gym leader please send out your Pokemon," said Mrs. Geon.

"Onix I choose you, Even if you are a friends son I will not be holding back, so be prepare" said Flint, With this come a Pokemon with snake like body of rock. It has black eyes and a rounded snout. On top of its head is a rocky spine.

It is exactly as Flint said he started with the most powerful Pokémon he normally use against new trainer.

This was his Ace against new trainer, it is also the strongest Uncommon Rank Pokemon he uses in Gym challenge.

"Then the challenger please send out your Pokemon," said Mrs. Geon.

"Then you also have to do your best. I will not be losing this. I choose you, Nidorino," Mike send out his Nidorino. After the light dispersed come is a light-purple, quadrupedal Pokémon. It has several darker purple patches across its body. It has large, spiny ears.

Seeing Nidorino Flint has for the first time open his always closed eyes. The reason being that the Pokemon was already a Peak Rare Rank.

After the shock he come down and said," Hmm, This is truly shocking for a new trainer like you has a Rare Rank Pokemon already. It seems you are also going to be a great trainer like your father."

"Is both parties ready? Then start the battle," Said Mrs. Geon as she command the start.

"Onix set up Stealth rock," Flint said.

Onix use it's tail to stab at the ground and set up hidden rock.

Mike also told Nidorino to use Toxic Spike for setup.

Then Flint order it to use Bind. The Onix come toward Nidorino very fast unlike it's size. It has been well trained in speed.

"Nidorino us Dig to get away," Mike said quickly for Nidorino to get out.

Nidorino already used Dig before the rock snake has a chance to get closer and use Bind.

Flint seeing this order Onix to look around to find the Pokemon.

Mike order again to use Brick break. Nidorino use it using his front claw to attack.

Normally it can only learn this move after becoming a Nidoking, as they have hands to use it, but with his talent as well with the help of his other Pokémon Nidorino master this move earlier.

Flint once again get surprised by this move. As Onix is larger it didn't have time to maneuver around the move. It get hit directly.

Then here was a small light that indicates stats upgrade. This Onix has the hidden ability of weak armor. If hit by a physical move the speed goes up by a stage, but it's defence also go down by a stage.

Seeing this Mike begins to think as he only has train with physical move for Nidorino. As he is a good physical attacker.

Flint then use Rock polish to again get its speed up. Then use Iron tail, with the speed upgrade Onix become very fast.

Nidorino dodge the attack, it was getting harder now as the Onix now can keep up with Nidorino.

Mike order again to use Dig, then use psychic to told Nidorino who was underground to use Brick break again when he give the go.

After losing the target Flint order Onix to get ready to use Head smash.

Mike then give the order, Nidorino break through the ground and use Brick break and took down the Onix. The Head smash was also connect with Nidorino but the damage was offset by Endure that Mike already told to use after using Brick break.

Nidorino has good mastery of his move set so he can use move immediately.

With the level gap as well with the defense drop it was easier to take it down.

"Well, that was a good match. You train your Pokemon very well, Onix return you did great. Ok, I choose you Rhyperior," Flint said as he sent his 2nd Pokemon.

It was a Rhyperior, it is a large, brownish-gray Pokémon with two horns, a larger one on its nose, and smaller one above it. This Pokémon was also a Peak Rare Rank Pokemon.

"Thanks. Nidorino come back for now. Then it is your turn, Poliwhirl,"Mike took back Nidorino to his PokeBall even if it was reliquent, then use Poliwhirl as he was planning.

Seeing this Mike take out another Pokemon and this was also a Pokemon that was a Peak Rare Rank Pokemon. Flint become even more surprised.

Having one is already good enough for a new trainer. He can tell it was also well trained.

Being able to have two Pokemon at Rare Rank within only a month is very rare. He can now tell that another new genius was appear.

This generation can also be called the Golden generation, as there was many genius trainer that start to show up in every region.

There was Lorelei and Lance from Kanto and Johto that appears last year. The previous years has the the twin talent of Hoenn with Steve and Wallace.

The Sinnoh has Flint and Aaron that start last year. The genius girl of shirona clan, Who also start her journey recently as well. He got news that she already has a Duke Rank Pokemon, that was also a Pseudo Legendary.

"Rhyperior use Rock blast," Flint start with this move, as Rhyperior was poisoned because of Toxic Spike. So Flint start using powerful move to end it faster. Rock blast send towards Poliwhirl was 3 huge bolder.

"Use Hydro pump then use Rain Dance," Mike said as because of the Shealth rock Poliwhirl also get some damage done.

After both Pokemon use there move to counter each other. Poliwhirl start to dance to make Rain Dance.

Sky start to get cloudy and Rain start to fall. Rhyperior being 4 time weak to water type become really flustered.

Seeing this Mike order another Hydro pump at the opposite Pokemon. Rhyperior use Rock Wracker a very powerful move but has to recharge like Hyper beam. But this Rhyperior has master this move and can use it without having to recharge much.

Then both Pokemon exchange some moves. Mike use Bubble beam and Hydro pump to count Flint Pokemons use of Rock blast and occasionally Rock Wracker.

Rhyperior being poisoned become to be sluggish, seeing this Mike start to use Surf to get closer.

Flint then order for Drill run. To counter the move.

Mike then use Ice beam to freeze the Pokemon, as the rain was starting to stop. With this much more water around, the Pokemon freeze because of this move.

"Poliwhirl use your most powerful Hydro pump to finish this up," Mike shouted loud excitedly, as this was a very most enjoyable match he ever been on.

With Mikes order Poliwhirl use his most of his energy to fire a huge Hydro pump. With the Rhyperior stuck and can't get out of the way.

With this it get knocked out as Mike win this match as well.

"Come back Rhyperior you did great. come out Kabutops," Flint said as he select his last Pokemon.

"Ok, you also come back Poliwhirl get some rest. The next match is yours Sylveon," Mike also sent out his last Pokémon that he can use.

After seeing another Peak Rare Rank Pokemon Flint didn't have much reaction now.

"Kabutops use Rain Dance," Flint order this time. After the Rain start again the Kabutops get fast, indicate it has Swift Swim ability.

"Kabutops use Aqua jet."

Kabutops start to have water around it then it shot toward Sylveon with fast speed.

"Sylveon dodge with quick attach, then use Swift."

Mike order as Sylveon quickly dodge the first attack then send out Swift to disturb the Pokemon.

Mike then order to use Misty terrain to slow down the Pokémon a little.

Kabutops use Ancient power to counter Sylveons Swift.

Mike then use Play Rough to counter Night slash. Then have Disarming voice to hit Kabutops.

Sylveon is very quick with her attack as Kabutops can't react to this attack. So after some back and forth with moves, both Pokemon begun to get fatigue.

Mike order to use Shadow ball to get some distance from Kabutops. Kabutops use Slash to counter the move.

Now Mike have Sylveon to use Draining kiss to recover more health. The Kabutops begun to get slower than before as the rain stops.

Mike siege the opportunity to use quick attack to get closer then use a point blank Moonblast.

Kabutops couldn't dodge and get sent back to the other side of the stage and get knocked out.

"Kabutops good work now you can rest," Flint called back his Pokemon. Then hand his PokeBall to a Gym trainee.

"That was a splendid match. Here this is Boulder badge as you have defeat me," Flint said as he give Mike the Boulder badge.

"Thank you very much," Mike took the badge and place it in the case that he got from the Pokecenter before starting his journey. It was given to every league trainer.

"Don't mention it. It is you have earned yourself. You will become a very strong trainer in the future, keep up the good work," Flint said as he wave his hands of, then again start to introduce the people that was sitting there before.

"Let me introduce you. This is my eldest son Brock, he is also at your age. Brock this is Mike a new Pokémon trainer also son of one of my friend," Flint introduce Brock to Mike.

"Hello there, nice to meet you," Mike also Said his hello to Brock.

After that Mike chat with them a bit more before the receptionist comment told Flint about the next trainer and to get ready for better.

After hearing this Mike also said goodbye to Flint and his family, then he start to get going, as he was going to stay here for a bit.

Flint also invited him to come to there house tomorrow for lunch. Mike accept it as he has nothing to do in the city. He will be relaxing a bit before going back on road for the next Gym.

When he was on the hallway he spots a trainer with Spike red hair coming with alone with the receptionist.

Mike took a brief look at the familiar face before heading back.

The red hair trainer also take a look at Mike as he senses a powerful trainer.

He was a dragon type trainer with dragon power as this was why he has higher sense than normal.

But after seeing the trainer he doesn't feel the feeling anymore so he also started to get into the direction.

"Interesting. He can even feel this amount of power that I released unintentionally. He has a very sharp sense," Mike murmur under his breath as he was going on road.

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