
Sorren's Betrayal

Zinnia's expression shifted in a flash, and she darted off.

But a golden whip of light shot down from the sky, wrapping her up tightly.

A young man in white, riding a hoverboard, swooped in like an eagle in flight.


Zinnia stuck her tongue out. "Zarek, you're quick."

"Put Aoi away," said Zarek.

Aoi was Zinnia's mecha.

Not daring to defy her big brother, she quickly put the mecha back into her Space Button.


The siblings were both fierce and wild. Zarek's fist came down hard on his sister's head.

"Arghhh! Can't you be gentler?" Zinnia rubbed her head, looking at him. "Can't you see I'm bleeding?"

"You're the toughest one in the family anyway." Zarek glanced around at the groaning people around them, then crossed his arms. "Explain yourself."

Zinnia perked up and started talking rapidly about her brave and heroic deeds.

"Here's the witness." She dragged over the nearby, expressionless Lyra. "If I hadn't come in time, she'd be toast!"

Lyra, petite and young, stood amidst the tall soldiers, looking like a child.

Zarek softened his expression and bent down to ask, "How old are you, young miss? Don't worry, we're here to save you."


"You don't need to lie. Did you run away from home?"

Lyra was silent for a moment before showing her electronic ID. "This is my identification."


"Oh my god, you're a year older than me!" Zinnia pushed her stunned brother aside, measuring her hand from Lyra's head to her own chest. "Your head's only as big as my chest!"

Laughter rippled through the scene; Zinnia was as carefree as ever.

While Zarek could tease his sister all he wanted, he wouldn't let others mock her. He ordered sternly, "What are you standing around for? Didn't you hear they're human traffickers? Gather evidence and arrest them for interrogation."

Rowie frowned and came up to whisper in his ear, "The higher-ups told us to stay out of the 27th Street area."

"Get lost. They kidnapped my sister; no one can protect this street now!" Zarek barked, then thought of an idea. "You go get some major media outlets to write this up... Let's shut down the public opinion first and see who dares to protect those thugs."

Lyra then spoke up, "Please blur my face."

"Don't worry, we'll protect the privacy of minors—ahem, the victim."

After Zarek assured her, he ordered his men to work, muttering that she didn't look like an adult in everyway.

As Rowie prepared to take her away, Lyra suddenly clapped her hands. "I forgot something."

She had had a backpack with her.

So, Rowie and Zinnia trailed Lyra back to the bar.

They arrived just as Sorren was arguing with the army guys.

"Sir, please show your identification."

"I don't have time, I need to find someone!" Sorren was panicking. As a wanted criminal, all his IDs were fake.

The army personnel began setting up a facial recognition device, and Sorren's legs started to shake.

"Why haven't you run away yet, COUSIN?"

Lyra's voice saved him. Sorren nearly cried when he saw her. "Lyra, are you alright? You weren't hurt, were you? It's all my fault getting us tricked."

He rushed past the people adjusting the device and ran toward Lyra.

"He's your cousin?" Zinnia eyed the young man, whispering, "I was afraid he's with these traffickers."

Lyra was impressed; the girl had sharp perception.

"No, he just got beaten up trying to protect me."

After lots of explanations, Sorren still ended up on the military Lev with Lyra.

It was like a sheep entering a wolf's den; he was extremely uncomfortable and tried to make conversation. "Lyra, which hotel are we booking? The spaceship to Planet Nagano doesn't leave until the day after tomorrow."

Before Lyra could answer, Zinnia leaned over from the left. "I'm also reporting to NMA the day after tomorrow. Let's go together! I'll have my brother change your ticket to my cabin, and you can stay with me for these few days!"

She whispered in Lyra's ear, "Your cousin seems unreliable. You seem easily bullied, so I'll protect you."

Her face was brimming with righteousness.

Lyra found it really hard to deal with such enthusiastic people.

Seeing Sorren's twisted expression, Lyra shook her head. "No need, I'll just find a place to stay on my own."

Zinnia looked disappointed. Seeing her bleeding face, Lyra activated her healing ability on her hand. "Lower your head."

"Wow, you're a healer? That's rare," Zinnia said, lowering her head.

The wound healed instantly. Rowie, who was driving, raised an eyebrow at the speed of the healing, thinking it must be a level five ability.

Lyra requested to be dropped off at the agency, deciding to rent a small apartment for Sorren's sake.

"Boss, you're so nice to me!" Sorren almost cried while renting the apartment.

Lyra opened the window and looked at him with her back to it. "You'll live here from now on. You should have enough money for the rent… right?"

Sorren's blond hair swayed in the cold wind. "Boss, what do you mean?"

"Iou still want to follow me to the admiral's garrison planet?" Lyra raised an eyebrow. "Are you that brave?"

"But I need to take care of you."

A sneer escaped from Lyra's nose. Her pale face showed a mocking smile. "Sorren, the basic principle of serving both sides is to offend neither. You should know that."

With a thud, Sorren's legs gave out, and he knelt down. "I AM SO SORRY!"

Facing Lyra's cold and knowing gaze, he felt a chill run down his spine and quickly confessed, "Snakehead told me to keep an eye on you, to make sure you don't get too close to the military. And if you do, to report back."

"They also want you to find out how 'the core' came to be," Lyra stated the part he hadn't revealed, walking leisurely toward him.

Sorren tensed up but didn't dare retreat. He couldn't understand how Lyra knew about his dealings with Snakehead and Blackheart.

After all these years, he thought he was the only one close enough to influence her.

Lyra's slender shadow loomed over him.

"Money moves people. I understand that," her whisper felt like a cold blade at Sorren's neck.

"You aren't loyal to me, and you don't have to be loyal to them either. Stay here and figure out how to handle them."

Lyra turned to leave, but Sorren grabbed her leg.

"I'm sorry, I really am! Don't leave me. I'll just do everything right from now on!"

He had enjoyed too many benefits from following Lyra: properties, a high-end Lev, and a fat bank account. He had gotten greedy and didn't want to let go.

Lyra looked at him sideways. "You stay here and wait. If I need you, I'll come find you."

A dog that betrays his master can still be useful, but only at certain times.

Her chilling look made Sorren let go immediately, not daring to cling any longer.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

C_Ryan_Hcreators' thoughts
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