

"Damn, Kaelen is about to face Aldous"

"Do you know how this Aldous fight? I was to concentrated in Kaelen previous fights that I didn't notice him"

"Yeah I did, as you can already see, his weapon is that halberd he is holding over there and he has already acquired Spear Union"


"Yes I can confirm that. I just also acquired Spear Union in my training so I can identify if someone else has it."

"Damn!! Seems like we are in for a good show"

While the spectators began to chatter amongst themselves while Kaelen and Aldous were going up the stage, Sofia overheard what some of them were saying which made her had a worried look on her face as she thought.

'Will he be able to overcome this obstacles?'

"Are you guys ready?" The referee cooly asked right after Kaelen and Aldous faced each other on the stage.


"Then let the duel begin!!"

Next chapter