
Chapter 61: Learn Something

  "I can convince Sean."

  Carl looked up.

  "Convince what?" Moore was a little surprised.

  "Darryl seems very unhappy, and because he is unhappy, you seem unhappy too." Carl said lightly.

  "Hey, kid, what are you talking about?" Daryl's hoarse voice contained a hint of dissatisfaction.

  Carl shrugged. "It should be about the crossbow, right? I can convince Sean to drive the armored vehicle to retrieve the crossbow."

  "Shit, taking such a big risk for a crossbow? I don't want a crappy crossbow. If it's lost, it's lost." Daryl was a little agitated.

  Carl said nothing and looked at Moore.

  Maul ignored Daryl and nodded with a smile, "Deal!"

  Carl asked, "How soon will training start?"

  Moore asked in return, "How long will it take to find it?"

  "After a few days, when the zombie swarm in that town calms down, we will be much safer. You can't not believe me, right? Do you have to find a crossbow before you teach me?" Carl frowned slightly.

  Moore smiled and wanted to say something, but suddenly restrained his smile and did not tease Karl or anything, "In the afternoon, I will find you in the afternoon."

  "Okay, I'll wait for you." Carl nodded, turned around and left without hesitation.

  Carl returns to camp.

  As usual, Dale was standing guard in the RV with a shotgun on his back. Although the farm seemed safe, it was actually not that safe, and Carl had reminded Sean of this.

  In the end times, no matter where you are or how safe it seems, you should never let your guard down.

  Carl climbed into the RV, "Dale."

  Dale saw Karl and smiled, "Karl, how come you have time to come to see me?"

  Carl said directly, "I want to learn something from you."

  "What?" Dell was a little surprised.

  "Driving, repairing cars, replacing car parts and so on."

  Dale was even more surprised, "Why are you learning these?"

  "These are all very useful skills in the end times. Although you are in the team, sometimes we also need to go out and you may not be there. Can you teach me?"

  "If you want, I'd be happy to do it, but it's not as simple as you think, kid." Dale frowned slightly.

  Carl said, "I want to learn, and I won't give up. I promise."

  Dale thought for a moment and nodded, "Of course, but can you wait? If I teach you, someone has to take my place on sentry duty while everyone else is practicing shooting."

  "Of course, I'm not in a hurry. Thank you for your hard work, Dale. I'll be leaving first." Carl waved goodbye.

  "See you later, Carl." Dale smiled as he watched Carl leave.

  Carl left the camp and came to the only house on the farm, the small building where Hershel's family lived. The door was open, but out of politeness, Carl still knocked on the door.

  "Boom, boom…"

  After making sure the sound had been transmitted, Carl put down his hand and waited patiently.

  Soon Beth came out and smiled, "Karl, are you here to see me?"

  Carl shook his head, "No, I'm here to see Hershel. Is he here?"

  "Of course, come in, you don't have to be so restrained." Beth put her arm around Carl's shoulders and led Carl into the house. "Are you here to see my father for something?"

  "Something's going on."

  "What's the matter? Can you tell me?" Beth asked curiously.

  "There's nothing to say." Carl looked a little indifferent.

  Beth frowned slightly and patted Karl's shoulder with some dissatisfaction, "What's wrong with you today, kid?"

  "It's okay, just thinking about something." Carl forced a smile.

  "Okay." Beth pouted, took Carl to the study and knocked on the door.

  Soon Hershel's voice was heard from inside the house, "Come in."

  Beth opened the door and walked in with Carl, "Dad, Carl said he has something to talk to you about."

  Hershel was sitting at the desk reading a book. He looked up when he heard the words and saw Carl nodding slightly. Then he said to Beth,

  "I see. Please go out first and close the door."

  Beth pulled Carl to sit on the sofa beside her, "I want to hear what you guys are talking about."

  "Get out." Hershel said calmly.

  Beth stood up quickly, but ran behind Hershel and squeezed his shoulders. "Dad, I don't want to go out. Do you have any secrets that I don't know?"

  Hershel frowned slightly, wanting to say something but hesitant, when Carl walked over to the desk and said, "It's okay, Beth doesn't have to leave."

  Hershel then nodded, "So Carl, what do you want from me?"

  Carl didn't say anything at first, but he noticed the book "The Sinking Age" on Hershel's desk.

  Carl looked at the bookshelf behind Hershel again. There were quite a few books, many of which were worth reading.

  "Carl?" Hershel asked again?

  Carl retracted his gaze and said, "I want to learn something from you."

  "What to learn?" Hershel was a little unresponsive.

  "A lot. There are many things I can learn from you, but there must be priorities. So, the first thing I want to learn is medicine."

  Hershel was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly, "Carl, you know, I'm just a veterinarian, and medical skills are not so easy to learn. It takes a lot of time."

  Carl nodded. "I know. So I want to learn some simpler things first, such as bandaging wounds and stopping bleeding, and surgical amputation."

  "Amputation?" Beth couldn't help but laugh. "Carl, you're really making a big mistake. Does bandaging it mean amputation?"

  "Beth." Hershel reminded her sternly.

  Beth stopped laughing, but made a face at Carl from an angle where Hershel couldn't see.

  Karl finally couldn't hold it back anymore and almost laughed out loud, but he still tried to hide his smile with a fake cough.

  Although I will definitely not mess with Beth for the time being, Miss Beth is so cute that I can't resist her.

  "Carl, what's wrong with you?" Hershel asked.

  "Oh, I'm fine, Hershel can you teach me?"

  "Why are you learning this?"

  Karl smiled and asked, "If you have the opportunity to learn something useful, why waste it?"

  "Okay, you've successfully convinced me. How soon do you want to start?" Hershel put the book on his shoulders and stood up.

  Beth, who was behind Hershel, quickly stopped making funny faces.

  Carl said, "One more thing."

  "Oh, what?"

  Karl smiled and said, "I want to borrow your books. Although it is the end of the world, I don't want to be illiterate."

  To Carl's surprise, Hershel did not agree immediately. Instead, he frowned and thought for a moment before saying,

  "Okay, what do you want to see?"

  Carl pointed to the desk and said, "This book, The Sinking Age, is pretty good. I also saw Right Wing State and Why Why, which are both good books."

  "No." Hershel suddenly said sharply, and suddenly thought of something, "Okay, but you can only read them in my study and you can't take them away from my study.

  Also, remember to wash your hands before reading, wipe off the water, remember to use a bookmark, and don't make creases..."


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