
Chapter 373 It's a Coincidence

The security room was quiet, with nothing on the table except a liquid crystal computer.

There were only two pieces of software on the computer.

One was a chat room system with only text boxes, and the other was the amusement park's surveillance system.

But the only available surveillance footage was from the twenty-third of May, starting at midnight until midnight, exactly twenty-four hours of video.

If the mysterious person really wanted them to find the murderer, why not release all the surveillance videos from the days before and after the amusement park?

What made him think the clue was only present on the twenty-third?

Either he was the murderer,

or he didn't care at all about finding the murderer.

The six o'clock deadline was just a process of death throes for those trapped here.

Leaving the amusement park was the ultimate goal!

Hmm, and if possible, they might as well look for the mysterious person while they were at it.

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