
330, Lullaby

Sacrifices always have something to do with religion.

Whether it's the sacrifice of livestock or of living humans, both carry a strong sense of ritual.

And in the oldest of legends, sacrifices were actually trades made with certain entities.

In return for a sacrifice, a boon would be granted.

Those so-called entities were bizarre and numerous, anything was possible.

The Veda Sect's sacrificial ceremony used the blood relatives of those who had died on Elm Street as mediums; their blood poured under that withered banyan tree quickly soaked a large patch of ground.

Even though the surroundings were lit by torches, the ground didn't seem red but instead faintly black.

The scene was bloody yet carried with it a taboo sense of horror.

The cultists, one after another, had their arms slit open by Aika, the archbishop of the Veda Sect.

When the time reached 4 o'clock in the morning,

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