
Chapter 9 The Sun Also Rises

On the morning of August 11th, Wang Zhong opened his eyes, stared blankly at the canopy above him for a few seconds, before he remembered that he had taken up a guest room in the Tsar's Summer Palace to sleep in the day before.

He reached to his side and, sure enough, Liu Xia had already been up for a while; the sheets were cool.

Ah, having a fiancée who's too disciplined is not good either; wanting to cuddle for a bit in the morning is not even possible.

Just then, still drowsy, Wang Zhong saw a maid approach the bed, probably Nelly, so he sat up and grabbed her to pull her closer.

Nelly is sure to tolerate my babyish behavior with the heart of a mother!

Wang Zhong buried his face in Nelly's chest and then realized something was off.

Nelly usually wouldn't wear extra perfume, only smelling faintly of lavender.

But the scent wafting into Wang Zhong's nose right now was quite expensive.

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