
Chapter 3

A few moments after his birth, Orochi Tsukugami awoke with a new consciousness, aware of having finally arrived in the world of Ao Ashi. His blurred vision slowly adjusted to the dim light of the hospital room. He could hear the muffled murmurs of his parents, Maria and Takeshi, who seemed to be delighted at his coming into the world.

"Oh, Maria, look, he's trying to open his eyes. He has really beautiful red pupils!" Takeshi exclaimed in a loud voice, full of undeniable pride.

"Stop shouting like that, Takeshi. You'll scare him," Maria chided gently, lightly tapping her husband's shoulder with an amused smile.

Both parents laughed softly, their voices filled with happiness and tenderness as they happily chatted about their newborn. Meanwhile, a small door opened slowly and a little boy timidly entered the room. It was Alejandro, Orochi's big brother, who was five years old that year.

"Oh Alejandro! Come on, I'll introduce you to someone," Takeshi called gently, beckoning his eldest son to come closer.

Alejandro, with tousled brown hair and eyes bright with excitement, stepped forward with hesitation mixed with anticipation. He stopped near the crib where Orochi lay comfortably, his small hand gripping the edge of the bed.

"Look, Alejandro, here is your little brother Orochi," Maria announced with motherly sweetness, as she leaned down to gently stroke Orochi's head.

Alejandro's eyes widened in surprise and admiration as he looked at his new brother. He knelt gently beside the cradle, studying Orochi's face intently with amazed fascination.

"He's so small," Alejandro whispered with a beaming smile, his fingers gently brushing Orochi's hand.

Takeshi placed a protective hand on Alejandro's shoulder, feeling the familial warmth fill the room. "You will be a great big brother to him, Alejandro. Take care of your little brother and help him grow up strong and happy," he whispered, his gaze full of pride for his two sons.

Alejandro nodded solemnly, his eyes shining with determination. "Of course, Dad. I'll be the best big brother to Orochi."

The next few hours were filled with this new family bond, as Maria and Takeshi introduced Alejandro to his expanded role within the family. Alejandro asked curious questions about Orochi: how many teeth he would have, when he could play with him, and if he could help him learn to play soccer.

"You'll see, Alejandro. Orochi might even become better than you at soccer one day," Maria joked, gently teasing her eldest son.

Alejandro smiles widely. "Oh, I'd love to see that! But I'll be there to help him train."

And so, in that joyful and hope-filled afternoon, a new family dynamic formed around Orochi Tsukugami, as he began his journey into this world with the unconditional love and support of his loving family.

He observed his mother Maria, gentle and loving, and his father Takeshi, a proud and resolute man of Japanese origin. And his brother Alejandro, a tireless young boy. The first days of his new life took place in peaceful harmony in Barcelona, ​​where he was born.

The mornings were calm, bathed in the golden light that filtered through the shutters of Orochi's room. Maria hummed softly as she made breakfast while Takeshi got ready for the day. Orochi, still very small, cooed happily in his cradle, attracting the attention and affectionate smiles of his parents. Alejandro was always there, ready to entertain his little brother with funny faces and imaginary stories.

As he grew older, Orochi showed a particular interest in balloons, which he enthusiastically grabbed whenever he could. His first request for Christmas was a soccer ball, a wish that made Takeshi and Maria smile. On Christmas Day, Orochi unwrapped his gift with stars in his eyes, and as soon as he learned to walk, he practiced dribbling and shooting in the family garden.

Takeshi, who had been an avid player in his youth, couldn't hide his pride when he saw how naturally Orochi handled the ball. He spent precious time with his son every day after work, teaching him the basics of football and guiding him with patience and love. "Look, Orochi, this is how you make a perfect pass," he would say, showing his son the movements with the precision of an experienced player.

Maria, for her part, encouraged Orochi with infinite maternal tenderness. She clapped and laughed softly as she watched him chase the ball around the yard, his little legs moving with remarkable agility for his age. "You will be a great player, my darling," she would say, taking him in her arms after a long playing session.

Alejandro could only be happy to know that he and his brother shared the same passion.

Orochi's early years were marked by a warm and multicultural atmosphere within his family. His father, Takeshi, of Japanese descent, was a quiet but determined man, who brought treasured Japanese traditions with him to their home in Barcelona. He was a businessman who had a fortune in Spain. After settling there permanently he met Maria. His mother, Maria, from Spain, was an energetic and loving woman, who always had a radiant smile for her son. She worked as a nurse in a large hospital in the city. Thanks to his father's work, his family is quite wealthy and can afford just about anything they want.

Thinking about it, Orochi was quite happy with his background.

Dear mysterious entity, thank you for giving me such a loving family and a fairly stable situation.

At the age of four, Orochi had already captured the attention of his parents and even his neighbors with his surprising skills with a ball. Maria often laughed as she watched him chase the ball around the yard, his brown curls blowing in the wind. "It's amazing to see, isn't it?" she said proudly to a friend one July afternoon.

"It's really impressive! He has a natural gift for football," replied Maria's friend, her eyes shining with admiration. "He could become a great player one day."

During this time, Orochi's older brother Alejandro was his role model and favorite playmate. Alejandro secretly admired his younger brother's determination.

Sunday afternoons were reserved for pick-up games in the nearby park, where Takeshi, Maria, Orochi and Alejandro would join other families for friendly mini-tournaments. Orochi always stood out for his speed and precision, scoring goals that impressed even the adults present.

The years passed, during which Orochi's abilities awakened little by little. For Tsubasa's talent and abilities, it was something innate so there was no need for awakening for it. However, it took a while to integrate them.

When he was six years old, the Lightning Breath technique was completely integrated into his mind and his Emperor Eyes had fully awakened. What particularly surprised him was to see that his version of the Eyes of the Emperor was the one that Akashi had acquired while playing against Nash, the most powerful version.


Alejandro and Orochi were training as usual in the nearby park one sunny afternoon. Alejandro, still determined to push his brother to his limits, proposed a challenge.

"Orochi, show me what you can do," Alejandro said, getting into a defensive stance.

Orochi nodded, feeling the excitement building within him. His eyes glowed with an intense glow, a sign of the activation of the Eyes of the Emperor. He concentrated, analyzing his brother's every potential move before he even executed them. He knew he could anticipate Alejandro's actions with almost supernatural accuracy.

Alejandro attempted an aggressive approach, trying to destabilize Orochi with quick feints. But Orochi, thanks to his Eyes of the Emperor, saw each movement as if in slow motion. He moved with disconcerting fluidity, dodging his brother's attempts with no apparent effort.

"Amazing," Alejandro murmured, trying to catch his breath. "Your reflexes are...impossible."

Orochi didn't respond, focused on his next move. He decided to use the Breath of Lightning, a technique that he mastered well despite his young age. However, he knew that his still immature body did not allow him to use it to its full potential.

I have to be careful. My body is not yet ready for the full power of the Lightning Breath.

With lightning speed, Orochi unleashed the technique, moving like lightning across the field. Alejandro could only watch, amazed, as his younger brother passed him at a speed he had never seen before. Orochi stopped just in front of the goal, hitting the ball with devastating precision and force. The ball went into the net, leaving Alejandro speechless.

"How do you do that?" Alejandro asked, his eyes wide.

Orochi caught his breath, a modest smile on his lips. "It's something I've learned. But I still need to improve. My body isn't strong enough to handle everything yet."

Alejandro placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, a mixture of pride and curiosity in his eyes. "You are truly amazing, Orochi. If you keep this up, you will become one of the best."

Orochi nodded, determined. "I will do whatever it takes to get there."

Coming home that evening, Orichi heard about Fukuda Tatsuya on television, a new talent recruited by Sabadell FC, a club based in the town of Sabadell in Catalonia. And the latter's first match will be against FC Barcelona. This meeting marks the Catalonia derby.

Everything really happens like in the manga, I can't wait to meet him. Of course he's not the only one I want to meet. There is Kuribayashi Haruhisa and the famous Demian Kant.

While watching TV, Orochi asked his father. "Dad, can we go together to watch the match between FC Barcelona and Sabadell FC?"

His father responded with a slightly surprised look. "Of course, I was just going to suggest that you go, I heard that that day, there would be a gathering of the best young players in Catalonia. This is an opportunity for you to attract the eyes of recruiters. What do you say ?"

"I have no problem with that, in fact I would like to see the level of the best players of my age." He said smiling.

"Very well, I'll call my contact so he can reserve a place for you."

Orochi nodded in agreement and continued watching TV.

This is going to get interesting. It all starts now.

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