
Chapter 67

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[News! I've Already Confronted the Five Kage, and the System Just Arrived! Event!!!]

<150 Power Stones Chapter!>


As the rapidly spinning Rasengan was about to strike Kisame, his massive Samehada shifted sideways in a bizarre manner, blocking the Rasengan's path.

In the next moment, the Rasengan collided with Samehada, which seemed to activate an insatiable maw. Naruto watched in disbelief as his Rasengan, in which he had placed great hope, was quickly devoured by Samehada, leaving no trace behind.

"Samehada says it tastes good. Got any more?" Kisame asked, grinning at Naruto.

"You bastard!" Naruto's face was full of indignation.

"Forget it, I'll just take it myself," Kisame said, lifting the bandage-wrapped Samehada for a heavy slash.

Naruto tried to dodge, but his feet had somehow become trapped in a quagmire, making it impossible for him to move.

'Damn it!' As the massive Samehada was about to fall, and Naruto felt a sense of despair.

Suddenly, the sound of a thousand birds chirping filled the air.

A blinding blue lightning bolt shot towards Kisame's back, aiming for his heart.

Kisame glanced behind him in surprise and moved away from his original position.

"Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed with joy upon seeing the newcomer.

He had always believed that Sasuke was still the same Sasuke he knew.

Sasuke, without looking back at Naruto, coldly remarked, "Naruto, you are as useless as ever."

"Ah? Haha, just a mistake! That was definitely a mistake!" Normally, Naruto would argue with Sasuke, but now, overwhelmed with joy, he had no such intention.

"Sasuke, you..." Naruto, filled with excitement, wanted to say more.

But Sasuke ignored him.

With the Chidori still active in his hand, Sasuke's evolved three-tomoe Sharingan coldly focused on Kisame ahead.

Steadying himself, Kisame, seeing those familiar Sharingan eyes, felt a sense of nostalgia and remarked, "You've improved a bit since the last time we met."

Sasuke remained silent.

He was well aware of his newly evolved Sharingan.

Initially, he had no intention of involving himself in Naruto and Kisame's battle and had already left.

However, as he walked away, hearing the increasing sounds of battle behind him, a fire of agitation began to rise within him, which he couldn't suppress.

In the end, he didn't even know why he turned back.

When he saw Naruto about to be struck by Samehada, he couldn't bear it any longer. Under intense emotional stimulus, his two-tomoe Sharingan evolved into three-tomoe, and he rushed out to save Naruto.

"If Itachi saw you now, he would be very pleased," Kisame said with a sudden smile.

Indeed, witnessing the Uchiha clan's massacre and experiencing two Tsukuyomi should have caused Sasuke's Sharingan to evolve to the Mangekyo. However, it merely brought his Sharingan to two-tomoe, which must have puzzled Itachi.

Typically, an Uchiha evolves their Sharingan through intense emotional experiences, such as killing their closest friend or witnessing the death of their loved ones.

However, every Uchiha's understanding and focus on "love" are different.

Like now, Sasuke's Sharingan evolved into three-tomoe due to the severe threat to his comrade's life.

Even in the future, when Itachi dies before him, Sasuke's Mangekyo only awakens after learning the truth from Tobi about Itachi's actions and the reality.

Repeating the night of the massacre multiple times only made Sasuke extremely angry, but it was ineffective for evolving his Sharingan.

Only by understanding what true love is can the Sharingan ascend.

Kisame unintentionally helped Itachi in this regard.

"Don't mention that man's name in front of me!" Sasuke's face flashed coldly as he charged at Kisame with his Chidori.

"Sasuke, wait for me!" Naruto also rushed forward, ready to team up with Sasuke again.

"Sharingan and Nine-Tails teaming up? Interesting," Kisame remarked as he saw Sasuke and Naruto approaching from both sides.

"Water Style: Water Shark Bullet Technique!" he shouted, forming hand seals.

Multiple shark-shaped water bullets materialized out of thin air, quickly biting towards the duo.

"I see it! Everything is within my grasp!" With his newly evolved three-tomoe Sharingan, Sasuke could see the entire scene clearly and evaded the Water Shark Bullets effortlessly. Without paying attention to the struggling Naruto on the other side, he continued to charge at Kisame.

"As expected of the Uchiha. But this alone is not enough!" As Itachi's partner, well-acquainted with the Sharingan, Kisame sneered at the confident Sasuke.

Rumbling, the earth trembled, and the forest of trees collapsed.

Sharp bones continuously sprouted from the ground, transforming the area within a hundred meters into a terrifying white bone forest.

Dance of the Seedling Ferns!

Accompanied by violent coughing, Kimimaro, who had paid a significant price to break free from Itachi's illusion, unleashed his most powerful attack.

Seeing this, Itachi didn't hesitate. His three-tomoe Sharingan immediately transformed into the Mangekyo.


A massive crimson skeletal structure materialized, enveloping him completely.

This wasn't the end.

Soon, the crimson skeleton was covered with muscles and flesh, growing larger and larger.

Faced with the relentless onslaught of the bone forest, Itachi decisively activated Susanoo.

In the ensuing time, the intense sounds of impact echoed continuously.

The renowned Shikotsumyaku and Sharingan displayed their respective glories.


Suddenly, a crack appeared on Susanoo's crimson form.

As Itachi glanced towards it, Kimimaro's figure appeared on the nearest bone spike to the crack.

With a massive spiral bone spear in hand, Kimimaro thrust it heavily into the crack.


With a shattering sound, the formidable defense of Susanoo broke open, creating a large hole.

Kimimaro intended to charge in and strike at Itachi within.

Itachi, expressionless, glanced at him and did nothing more.

There was no need.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Much more severe than before, violent coughing emanated uncontrollably from Kimimaro's mouth.

As he vomited mouthfuls of black blood, he could no longer hold on and collapsed.

"It's over," Itachi said calmly, retracting Susanoo.

"Yes, it's over," Kimimaro, no longer in his prime, looked at the sky and replied equally calmly.

To have fought to this point with a dying body, relying not only on medicine but also on sheer willpower, was already remarkable.

But everything has its limits.

The man before him was too powerful.

What he had accomplished was already his limit.

(End of Chapter)

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