The light seeping through the room's curtains decorated in pastel colors woke Ru. Even though he felt like he had been beaten up, he was happy after last night's dream. Now he felt something, even if it was bad. Though still a child, the taste of existence was bittersweet. Ru was mentally mature enough to realize this.
"What a ridiculous nightmare," he whispered, staring at the ceiling.
"Oh, well," he said, his voice sounding different. He tried to cough. Had his cough changed too?
Ru sat up in the dark violet bed. The walls and objects were different, so where was this place, and how did he get here?
He got out of bed. Right in front of him was a makeup table and its mirror. There was a reflection of someone else in the mirror.
"Oh, my Goddess! Donatella!"
Ru was looking at the live version of the girl in the coffin. She had curly brown hair, green eyes—yes, Ru's eyes were green too—and black and red pajamas. He looked into the pajamas.
"Huh, I've become a girl," he said without being surprised.
"I've become a girl," he repeated, approaching the mirror.
"I'm talking to you, Ru. You're a girl now."
No, he wasn't surprised at all. It was as if he had always been a girl.
"Whoa!" he said to himself. Finally, he was surprised. But he was surprised that he wasn't surprised.
"Why am I like this? Was I hypnotized by the guy in the red hood? Speaking of the guy in the red hood, I remember talking to him. I was supposed to draw a sigil for him, hmm..." After thinking for a while, he remembered a not-so-distant time, two days ago.
"Oh, that man shoved me into this girl. Then I woke up in the hospital, or I had opened my eyes in there. Were they giving me blood? Oh, then that man came again, insisting on, 'illustrate the sigil.' Then, when this girl's family came, of course, he had to run away. I mean, when I say this girl, I mean my new body's family. Oh, it's fucking complicated."
As far as he could remember, Donatella had an extremely loving family.
"Ugh, no, idiot! The girl's name wasn't Donatella. That man in red called her that. Oh, darn it, what was this girl's name? I must remember, or I'm screwed."
Ru rummaged through the makeup table boxes, opened the dresser drawers, and looked in the wardrobe. In just a few minutes, he set a new record by completely messing up the room.
After he emptied the satchel and tossed it aside, a cliché came to his mind. He looked under the bed and found the box he was looking for. The diary was inside.
To find out who he was—or rather, whose place he'd taken—he needed to read the diary. But the diary was locked.
"Bloody witch!" he said angrily. He quickly grabbed a bobby pin from the hairpin kit and used it to unlock the diary. Then he started flipping through the pages.
"Ha! What I... My... What's my name, damn it? Oh, is it this one? No, that's the enemy girl. Let me make a note of this somewhere. I'll deal with her at school."
Ru read the diary for about half an hour but couldn't find his name. When there was a knock on the door, he had a small panic attack but managed to stay calm.
A woman called out to him/her, probably the girl's mother.
"Jenna, sweetheart, breakfast is ready. We're waiting for you, honey."
"When did I recover?" Ru thought. Maybe the time that had passed was more than two days. There must have been something he missed. Anyway, he had learned the girl's name for now.
Instead of answering, he opened the door slightly and found the woman standing in front of him. She was cute and chubby. Her warm smile was the most beautiful thing. And what about the loving sentences she constructed with her sweet voice? Ru hugged her for no reason.
"Oh, Jenna. Are you okay?" the woman asked, stroking Jenna's hair.
"I'm fine... just have a bit of a headache," Ru said.
The woman put her hands on his cheeks, looked into his eyes, and said, "You look pale. Maybe it's too early to go downstairs. You've been through a lot, my pancake," she said.
"Oh yes, my memory still isn't back. I struggle to remember what happened," Ru said with a tearful voice.
"Come on, get back to bed. I'll be right back with your breakfast," said the woman.
"Oh, thanks, Mom. What would I do without you?" Ru asked, letting her go and returning to the room. He quickly got to work to tidy up the mess he had caused.
Ru put some odds and ends under the bed and some in the wardrobe. When the door was knocked, he jumped into bed.
"Come in."
The mother and the man with her, probably Jenna's father, had prepared a rich breakfast tray for her. They were ready to feed their daughter with tenderness. Ru was hungry for affection as well as food. He received both in abundance.
For Ru, who knew that he was loved, it was the easiest thing in the world to enchant these parents with a simple look of affection. After a while, he lay down on the bed and said, "I'm still tired. Please don't ask me any questions."
The mother and father could understand their daughter. The mother wanted to stay in the room, but Ru refused, saying, "I want to be alone for a while."
After making sure that they were gone, Ru picked up the diary and continued reading.
The entries spoke of tear-stained pages and whispered frustrations, suggesting a girl who internalized her pain rather than face it. Jenna, as Ru understood her, was a good-natured person who was attempting to come across as intimidating. She was the kind of girl who kept her mouth shut so as not to upset anyone and who let others upset her.
"Maybe she's just used to protecting herself because her family is overprotective. Or it's just a reaction," Ru thought.
As evidenced by the dark romantic posters covering the room's walls and the clothes in her closet, she was emo. And that Jenna was an average student. She didn't like to study. She spent her time reading books, watching movies, drawing, and listening to music.
"Her drawings are beautiful. It's pointless for this sweet mother to impose mathematics on her," Ru grumbled.
Jenna liked a rascal. She had even asked him to be her boyfriend, but he had refused.
"Because this cunt guy wanted to be with Jenna's best friend. Meh! But wait, that's cause for a fight. I'm going to beat up this Jack too. Of course, after Aria. Oh shit, the list is long. Hmm... To decide which of my opponents to defeat first, perhaps I should make a list of priorities."