

While I was immersed in my MBBS studies, my family's financial problems weighed heavily on my mind. I was proud that my younger brother had excelled in a prestigious technical college, but I was also anxious because the $1.7 million admission fee was a huge burden. My parents had taken out a $2 million loan, but their ability to work and earn a sufficient income was limited due to their advanced age. I felt pressured to contribute and was overwhelmed by the weight of responsibility.

I started looking for part-time work alongside my studies, but the low pay and long hours were mentally taxing. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of ​​debt and responsibility. The library offered me a job for $100 a month, and I accepted with a mixture of gratitude and desperation.

But fate had other plans. One day, while working at the library, I witnessed a dramatic scene that would change my life forever. When a woman hit a man, my first instinct was that she was the culprit. However, as I listened to her side of the story, I realized that the man was actually harassing her. I was taken aback because my past experiences with women had left me with prejudiced perceptions.

My grandmother's constant conflicts with my parents and their families, combined with my own experience of infidelity, had led me to see women as sinful. But this incident made me question my beliefs. I felt a pang of guilt and remorse for being so quick to judge the woman. As I watched, the man accused the woman of lying and trying to extort money from him. I was torn between my initial suspicions and the possibility that the woman was in fact a victim. Her parting words made a lasting impression on me: "I hate women, you'll understand one day how hard a woman's life is, you idiot." I felt deep shame and remorse for my actions.

Later that day, as I was closing the library, I found a mysterious book with a dark red and purple cover. I opened it and found my name written on it and nothing else. I was surprised and decided to take the book. While I was sleeping, I accidentally dropped some saliva on the book and it started to glow and disappeared.

When I was going toward my house I hear some muffle noise from a lane as I entered there , I witnessed the same man trying to sexually assault that woman again. Realizing my mistake, I rushed to her rescue and yelled at the man to stop. He pulled out a knife, I felt a surge of adrenaline mixed with fear as I tried to defend myself from the old man's attack. My martial arts training and knowledge of human anatomy helped me hold the fort, but it was only temporary. When my cell phone rang, I made the mistake of looking at it and the old man plunged a knife into my stomach. I tried to fight back, but his strength was inhuman and I felt hope slipping away.

My whole life, my whole existence, flashed before my eyes as I realized I was no match for him. He overpowered me and left me helpless on the ground. I tried to scream but my voice got stuck in my throat. I didn't know why.

As I lay there, I saw that old man attacking the woman and using her , her eyes glued to me. I saw remorse in them and it pierced my soul. I didn't know what she regretted, but I knew it was my fault. If I'd called the police sooner, if I'd not underestimated the old man's power, maybe she would still be alive.

In her final moments, I wished with all my heart that I could turn back time and save her. I wished I was stronger, faster, smarter. I wished I hadn't let my prejudice cloud my judgment. The woman's eyes haunted me, and I knew I would never forgive myself for my mistake.

Then that come towards me and as the old man raised his knife to deliver the final blow, I closed my eyes and waited for the end. But it never came. Instead, I heard a voice in my head giving me a second chance. I opened my eyes to find myself back in the dark place, face to face with the mysterious book.

Book: What a poor boy

Me: Wow, a talking book! I've never seen anything like you before.

Book: Ah, a human who can hear me. I've been searching for someone like you for so long. My name is Chronos, and I hold the secrets of time itself.

Me: Chronos? That's a pretty cool name. But what do you mean by "secrets of time"?

Book: I was once used to seal a powerful technique that could send anyone back in time. But before it could be fully sealed, the demon king cursed me and the technique.

Me: Whoa, that's heavy. But what happened next?

Book: I was meant to be deleted, but somehow I survived and began to travel through all universes, gaining infinite knowledge and sources. But the curse remains, and I'm tired of living with it. I want to help you finish your life happily, but be warned, the curse may affect you too.

Me: I'll take that risk. But how can you help me?

Book: I'll provide you with a system that will guide you through your journey. To help you some time let your journey smoother

Me : ok

Book: Very well. Then let us begin our journey together. But remember, the curse is powerful, and we must be cautious.

Boy: iwas hesitant making up for past mistakes gave me the courage to go forward.

Throughout the process , II'm ready. Let's do this!

Book: Then let us start. System,

I wondered what curse this technology would bring. I felt anxious and scared, but at the same time, I felt a sense of hope and relief. Once the process was over, a bright light enveloped me, and I waited with bated breath to see my fate.



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