
41. Outbreak of Insanity

(Guys, We are still not in the Top 30, Also, You have only tonight to vote before they reset in around 30 hours from the time this chapter is released, So, Give me your Powerstones for us to reach 300 Powerstones and redeem 5 Chapters!)

As he moved on to the fourth question, Sora's confidence wavered slightly. The problem involved complex calculations about kunai trajectories, taking into account factors like initial velocity, angle of throw, and even air resistance.

Q4: You are standing 120 metres away from an Enemy Ninja who doesn't know of your presence, Assuming that the Enemy Ninja remains Stationary, You throw a Kunai at an angle, Find the Initial Velocity from which You will throw the Kunai, such that it was in air for 6 seconds, for it to hit his foot, assume Acceleration due to gravity be 10 units and deaccerleration due to Air resistance be 5 units"

'Okay,' Sora thought, 'this is a bit trickier. But hey, I'm a seal master in training! I can figure this out!'

He stared at the problem, willing it to make sense. After a few moments of intense concentration (and possibly some quiet whimpering), an idea struck him.

'I've got it!' he thought triumphantly. 'I'll create a seal to solve the problem for me!'

With renewed enthusiasm, Sora began sketching out a complex array of symbols and lines on his test paper. To the casual observer, it might have looked like he was simply showing his work. In reality, he was creating an intricate fuinjutsu seal designed to negate air resistance and simplify the calculation.

As he put the finishing touches on his seal, Sora couldn't help but feel a bit smug. 'Who needs to study physics when you can just rewrite the laws of nature?' he thought.

With the seal in place, Sora quickly solved the problem, ignoring the air resistance factor entirely. He scribbled down his answer, adding a little note at the bottom:

"P.S. If you're wondering how I arrived at this answer without accounting for air resistance, well... a ninja never reveals all their secrets. But let's just say that sometimes, thinking outside the box means thinking outside the laws of physics too."

Feeling quite pleased with himself, Sora moved on to the fifth question. This one asked about the creation of Kekkei Genkai and possible elemental nature combinations.

'Finally!' Sora thought. 'All those hours I spent reading forbidden scrolls instead of attending class are about to pay off!'

He cracked his knuckles and began writing, his pen flying across the paper as he detailed various elemental combinations and their potential effects. He even threw in a few theoretical Kekkei Genkai of his own invention, including "Ramen Release" (a combination of Water and Fire nature that could instantly cook noodles) and "Prank Release" (a mix of Yang Release and pure mischievous intent).

As Sora worked his way through the remaining questions, his answers became increasingly creative (and arguably less sane). For the interrogation question, he detailed a plan involving itching powder, chilli peppers, and a tub full of angry cockroaches. His battle scenarios for question seven read more like the plot of an over-the-top action movie than actual ninja tactics. And his survival plan for being stranded on an island somehow involved taming a group of monkeys and building a giant catapult out of coconuts.

By the time Sora reached the ninth and final question, he was on a roll. His answer about enhancing jutsu through yin-yang manipulation was part genuine theory (based on his recent studies) and part wild speculation (based on his overactive imagination). He finished with a flourish, adding a little doodle of himself giving a thumbs-up at the bottom of the page.

Glancing at the clock, Sora realized he had finished all nine questions in just ten minutes. He looked around the room, noting that most of the other examinees were still struggling with the first few problems.

'Time for phase two of the plan,' Sora thought with a mischievous grin. 'Let's thin out the competition a bit, shall we?'

Carefully, so as not to draw attention, Sora slipped his hands under the desk. He could feel several pairs of eyes on him, watching for any sign of cheating. But that was exactly what he wanted.

While everyone was focused on his hands, Sora executed his real technique. Without any hand signs or telltale puff of smoke, a miniature shadow clone formed in his pocket, already transformed into a barely visible speck.

The clone, no larger than a grain of sand, floated out of Sora's pocket and towards its first target - a Sand ninja who was staring intently at his test paper.

As the invisible clone approached, it began weaving a subtle genjutsu. The Sand ninja's eyes glazed over slightly, and then...

"NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP!" the ninja suddenly bellowed, leaping onto his desk. "NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN!"

The entire room froze in shock as the Sand ninja continued his impromptu musical number, stripping off his shirt and twirling it above his head like a lasso.

"NEVER GONNA RUN AROUND AND DESERT YOU!" he belted out, his voice cracking on the high notes.

The proctor's jaw dropped, his stern demeanour momentarily shattered by sheer disbelief. "What in the name of the First Hokage...?"

But the Sand Ninja wasn't done. With a flourish, he unscrewed his water bottle and began spraying water in a 360-degree arc, dousing his fellow examinees.

"NEVER GONNA MAKE YOU CRY, NEVER GONNA SAY GOODBYE!" he crooned, pirouetting across the desks and scattering test papers in his wake.

Chaos erupted in the exam room. Genin leapt out of their seats, some trying to avoid the impromptu shower, others attempting to restrain the singing ninja. The proctors rushed forward, their faces a mix of confusion and anger.

"That's it!" the head proctor roared. "You and your team are disqualified! Get out!"

As the still-singing Sand ninja was dragged out of the room, along with his mortified teammates, Sora struggled to maintain his poker face. Inside, however, he was cackling with glee.

'One down,' he thought, 'and plenty more to go!'

Hanabi, who had been diligently working on her own test, shot Sora a suspicious glare. She couldn't prove it, but she just knew he had something to do with this madness.

Once the commotion died down and the remaining Genin were seated again, Sora's invisible clone sought out its next target. This time, it zeroed in on an Amegakure ninja who was nervously chewing on his pencil.

The genjutsu took hold, and suddenly...

"WOOF! WOOF!" The Ame ninja dropped to all fours, barking loudly. He bounded across the room, tongue lolling out of his mouth, until he reached a startled Takigakure Genin.

Without warning, the 'dog-nin' latched onto the Taki ninja's backside with his teeth.

"YEOWCH!" the victim screamed, leaping several feet in the air. He ran around the room, the Ame ninja still attached to his rear, yipping happily.

"What is going on here?!" the head proctor bellowed, his face turning an alarming shade of purple.

Sora bit the inside of his cheek hard to keep from laughing. He could see Hanabi from the corner of his eye, her face buried in her hands in clear embarrassment.

As the Ame 'dog' and his unwilling Taki chew toy were escorted out of the room (along with their teams), Sora decided it was time to really sell the illusion that this wasn't a Konoha-specific prank.

His next target: a Konoha Genin sitting a few rows ahead.

The invisible clone worked its genjutsu magic once more, and suddenly...


First Bonus chapter for 200 Powerstones

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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