
13 - Upgrades, People! Upgrades

"This is the best?" I inquired to the AI as I gazed down at the perfectly preserved, frozen organ before me.

It was inside of a reinforced glass tube, one wide enough to fit a whole alligator's head inside, but the organ contained within wasn't nearly as large.

It was a Mutant's andrenal glands.

"Indeed, Master Lugh. These glands belonged to a Sleeper by the name of John Kacey—his adrenal glands had the ability to produce a unique type of adrenaline that could instantaneously increase physical strength and promote muscle hypertrophy." Add explained as droid on wheels quickly approached and picked up the glass tube.

As mentioned previously, not all Mutants were necessarily crime fighters or crime doers.

Most were like this John Kacey, citizens who just happened to have special mutagenic traits. They were called Sleepers.

As for the donor of these precious organs, John Kacey was dead.

No—it wasn't me, illegal organ harvesting was a warcrime, and I'm clearly a warlord, not a warcriminal!

Jonh Kacey had stage 4 lung cancer before he died, and Add had simply moved his hands to sign the appropriate legal papers when John was paralyzed and then waited for him to die before taking the glands.

Rest in pieces, John. Know that your parts are in good hands now. I prayed with a smile.

As for the worry of these glands being potentially infested with cancerous tumours—why would you even worry about that, I am a Viltrumite!

Yes, the adrenal glands were to be transplanted into my body.

This was something that old heads like Conquest would do if they had some faulty organs, use the organs of a younger Viltrumite!

With how our genetics worked, the transplanted organ would be gradually assimiliated and reworked into essentially becoming nearly identical to the old organ.

The process usually took about a week if it was an important organ like the stomach or liver, only days if it was a small body part like the fingers.

With this, even the heart could be replaced, though not the brain for obvious reasons.

It also works on alien bodyparts as long as the general bodytype was similliar—but the practice was strictly illegal due to worries of corrupting the Viltrumite gene pool.

However, as the highest and only authority of the Viltrum Empire, it seems that I actually have free will!

After all, I was going to eventually mate with alien women later down the line to repopulate, that would be even more of a corruption to the gene pool then merely transplanting organs.

It wasn't like I had a choice—ancestors, please forgive me, really, I'm your only hope!

"Alright then, let's not waste anymore time." I declared to the AI before turning to the left and taking a few steps, my left hand gravitating backwards to scratch my back due to a minor itch, which Viltrumites also occasioanally had.

I was still regenerating from last night's spar with Superman near the Sun, but that's exactly why I wanted to get this surgery quickly done as fast as possible.

After all, the organ assimiliation process would naturally be faster if the body was already in the process of healing beforehand, it was straightforward logic.

My footsteps weren't usually loud, but in these quiet and confined hallways, they were much more noticeable.

Both of my eyes casted their gaze outside the translucent window, overlooking the bustling city of Tokyo below. Yet as my ship languidly hung above them in the sky, the citizens continued on with their daily lives, as if nothing was amiss.

In their perspective, there actually was nothing amiss though as my ship's cloacking system was quite remarkable once given the chance to be fully-utilized.

I wonder how'd they react if I just casually appeared? Those Japanese gojira movies always have such scenes... I silently mused to myself.

The ship, being entirely controlled by an advanced supercomputer, didn't need any handscanners as the doors automatically slid open, allowing me in.

Walking in with the droid controlled by Add, the doors began to close behind us after we entered.

It was at that immediate moment that valves and pipes emerged out from the wall, and mere seconds later, they started to pump out a clear white gas.

Although Viltrumites had a nearly-impenetrable immune system, that didn't necessarily mean the wildlife of Viltrum shared the same level of resistance to off-world bacteria.

Thus it was decided that all ships must have a decontamination chamber to lessen the risk of an alien outbreak.

I wasn't at all afraid to inhale the decontamination gasses, it wasn't that dangerous to the human pair of lungs, much less mine, though it definitely smelled off.

The entire process only took about 23 seconds as the pipes and valves retracted back into the walls. I then exited the decontamination chamber and entered the actual med bay.

It wasn't the quaintest of rooms, being a rather plain space that looked more like a biochemistry research lab and less like a hospice.

As a member of a species capable of great regeneration, I rarely needed anything more than a plaster and some bandages to seal the wound, maybe some treats to recover blood.

I moved quickly, approaching a sleek, silvery operating table suspended in the air. It wasn't actually floating, but instead, simply held up by extremely thin strings of plasteel.

After all, what would happen if the power was disrupted while someone needed to get an emergency surgery? If the operating table was actually floating, then they'd have to do it on the floor!

Without wasting anymore of my precious time, I swiftly laid my bum on the operating table.

The droid approached before its camera lens showed a green light, it was performing a rudimentary scan of my body.

Huh... wait, why don't I do the same? I thought to myself before glancing down at my body.

My sight quickly pierced through the thin layer of synthetic fabric as it then went past my skin, exposing the flesh and tissue to my gaze.

A Viltrumite's internal organs weren't too dissimiliar to a human's. However, the major difference was that everything was inverted.

For example, the human heart wasn't exactly in the centre of the chest, it was slightly to the left. A Viltrumite's heart was the opposite, it was slightly to the right.

Such a similliar anatomy was great news for me since that meant the sychronization rate for the transplanted organ would be very high.

Although it was theoretically possible to assimiliate any transplanted organ, there would obviously be some weird side effects if I did something ridiculous like attaching wings onto my back.

Luckily, there shouldn't be any problems with these adrenal glands.

Red blood coursed through my veins, microtears in the individual muscle tissues were rapidly regenerating, and my heart was beating at a speed that would send a human straight into the grave—I was ready for the surgery.

With a haste, I quickly took of my garments and became naked.

Seeing my unprotected virgin body, Add didn't have a reaction as he simply removed the cap on the tube and carefully took out a pair of adrenal glands.

Viltrumite surgery was a bit different than Terran surgery in some aspects.

For one, a surgical knife that could be effectively and consistently used to cut through Viltrumite tissue was exceedingly expensive, for that reason, most Viltrumite doctors used their hands!

With Magic, it was a breeze. There was a medical spell that allowed one to temporarily grow longer nails, those would be the cutting instruments used by the doctors. After the operation, the spell would ware off and the nails would revert back to their usual size.

However, that was obviously a non-option for the Magicless me.

But it wasn't like I needed longer nails or anything.

Using my sight, I searched for the most vulnerable area of my skin, which there was actually a lot of since I was still healing, and quickly dug my fingers into the left side of my abdomen.

It was painful, extremely painful. But as I felt the sting of flesh being torn apart and blood seeping out to stain my fingers, my face did not even twitch.

I had faced much worse.

Time was precious, so I made sure to not take too long as my hands opened up a hole in my abdomen large enough for the droid's limb to fit through.

My flesh immediately writhed as torn bits of meat clumped together, the blood rapidly clotting as it acted as a sort of biological glue.

Add quickly reached forward as it produced a laser cutter out of its limb. It then shot out a thin beam of concentrated heat that was hot enough to melt exposed metal in seconds.

The pain erupted once more, the heat surging within my body as Add's laser beam sliced tissue and reduced them to boiling mush, only for those same mush to clump together and make something anew.

The droid moved fast, and within a short span of seconds, a part of my ribs could be seen.

Reaching inwards, I grabbed my rib and shattered it with my bare hand before pulling the piece of hard bone out, allowing entry for Add's limb.

As the droid worked meticulously in inserting the adrenal glands to their appropriate positions, I glanced down at the piece of Viltrumite rib in my hand before reaching up and taking a large bite.

I was delicious.

There was some reservations about eating my own comrades, but recyling my own discarded parts to preserve energy wasn't really wrong, right?

It was just a logical mindset, basic courtesy and whatnot.

"Master Lugh, if you want. I can prepare an exotic dish with some local ingredients if you give me the bone." Add interjected from a speaker in the wall.

"Make it spicy! I want to taste fire and ash." I said as I gently placed the exposed and bloody rib on a nearby table.

This planet had an unusual effect on food, everything tasted as if they contained a sliver of genuine Divinity—I didn't want to miss up on some delicious Lughal Rib.

Add quickly retrieved it with a flying drone, seperate from the medical droid operating on my body.

After half an hour, the heat within my body gradually dissipated as the newly-transplanted adrenal glands were attached to the rest of my internals via the laser.

There was nothing at first, and I fully expected that, so there wasn't any problem.

The droid's limb left my body as it retrieved some Healing Salves and began to pour them over the wound.

A green glow overtook the wound as the regenerative process was accelerated at a rapid rate, the flesh being sealed within mere minutes.

I might not be able to do Magic myself, but it would have been very dumb of me to not have scavanged some of the Empire's leftover Magical resources for myself. Potions, elixirs, tomes, grimoires, scriptures, mystic ores...

I had a considerable amount. Not piles of gleaming treasure, but enough to sustain me well for some few more years.

In the event that I ran out, it wasn't hard to go back to the ruined planet of Viltrum. It wasn't like the Demons stuck around or anything.

"How do you feel, Master Lugh?" Add questioned through the speaker almost immediately as the droid left the room.

I began to put on my uniform back before responding. "I think its still producing the hormone, don't really feel any of the kick yet."

"I suggest extraneous excercise, Master. Adrenaline surges when one is in great danger." Add explained.

"Great danger? In this planet?" I wondered aloud. "Well, I can try flying too close to the Sun..."

My mind then began to wander as I thought about my first encounter with adrenaline.

That's right, it was back in the Rhino incident, with that father of two.

I wonder...

"What else can trigger an adrenaline pump other than the fight or flight response?" I asked as I finished putting on my suit.

Do you need to have children and put them in great danger? I guess it makes sense in an evolutionary standpoint. Children are the future of your bloodline, an extention of you... I thought to myseld before a metaphorical light bulb appeared atop my scalp.

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