
Ethereal Dream

In the dream, Freya found herself captivated by the ethereal beauty of the world Kael had created. The night sky was a tapestry of sparkling diamonds, with the moon casting a luminous glow that seemed to infuse the garden around her with an otherworldly light. Even the fountain's water shimmered, as if infused with tiny, twinkling crystals, enhancing the enchanting atmosphere.

Her dress had changed yet again—this time to a light blue gown that shimmered delicately with every move she made. When she glanced over at Kael, she found his eyes on her, drinking in the sight of the dress he had so carefully chosen.

"You don't disappoint in this color either," he said, his voice like velvet, smooth and lingering.

His gaze felt almost tangible, as if it could slip beneath the fabric of her dress. She felt a flutter of nervous energy and decided to redirect the conversation, anything to shift his focus. Taking a seat on a nearby bench, she tried to sound nonchalant. "Do you know who your opponents are?" she asked, hoping to shift the focus to the impending rite.

Kael drifted over, his movement so graceful it was as if he floated above the ground. He leaned casually against a tree, a vision of supernatural perfection. Yet, Freya couldn't help but wonder if this was his true appearance or merely another layer of his manipulation.

He chuckled softly, reading her thoughts. "I do look a little different in real life. I just didn't want to frighten you on the first day.

Frighten her?

"What? Do you have horns?" she half-joked.

His smile was enigmatic, a mere flicker of amusement in his eyes.

"You do!" Her eyes widened. 

 "I have more than just horns," he murmured.

"What do you have?" she pressed, unable to hide her intrigue.

"It shall be a surprise for you to look forward to," he replied cryptically.

She rolled her eyes. "This won't make me more eager to meet you," she retorted.

"Perhaps, I will be the next person you visit," he suggested smoothly.

"Perhaps," she shrugged, her mind still wrestling with the image of horns and what other surprises he might conceal.

"Are all demons soft on the eye?" she inquired, a part of her still trying to understand the aesthetic allure of such beings.

He nodded, his gaze softening. "You are soft on the eye too," he returned the compliment, his tone a little playful.

Wait! Was she flirting? 

Kael tilted his head, observing her reaction.

"Anyhow," she cleared her throat, feeling suddenly out of her depth. "Could you just let me return? I need to get some sleep. I was already late." She said not feeling ready for a deeper conversation. Besides she needed to meet him in real life to take this seriously. 

Surprisingly, he acquiesced without protest. "Alright," he agreed.

As she prepared to leave, a strange sense of disappointment settled over her. She took one last look around, trying to imprint this dreamlike world into her memory.

"Don't worry," Kael said softly, his voice carrying that ever-present edge of seduction. "I can bring you here whenever you wish."

Of course, she thought. He was trying to win her over, and he was damn good at it. But even as tempting as his offer was, Freya knew that dealing with Kael and his world required her to stay sharp, to be careful. Because as enticing as he made it all seem, she couldn't forget who—or what—he really was.

Walking over, Kael came to stand right in front of her, so close she could feel the cool air shift between them. Slowly, he lifted a hand, his fingers brushing along the side of her face with a touch that was both tangible and yet ethereal. It was as if she could feel it and not feel it at the same time, a sensation so otherworldly. "Have a good night then, Freya," he murmured, his voice a soft, hypnotic caress.

The next thing she knew, she was waking up in the bed she had slept in the previous night. Morning light poured through the large glass windows, bathing the room in a warm, golden glow. The fire had long since extinguished and the rain had left behind the lingering, soothing aroma of wet earth.

Outside, the world was alive with a few children playing in the grassfield, their laughter carrying on the breeze, while some women sat nearby at a table, chatting in low voices. 

"Is it Freya?" a voice came from behind her. 

Freya turned around, her mind taking a moment to place the familiar figure standing before her. It was the man she had healed. 

"Yes," she breathed as recognition settled in. He looked different now, alive again and not so sickly. 

A gentle smile spread across his face, warming his features. "I am Hudson. I was told what you did for me yesterday," he said, his voice light but carrying a somber undertone. "You truly have a gift, and I wanted to thank you for using it to help me."

"Oh, I'm glad I could help," Freya replied, touched by the deep sincerity in his voice.

Garr appeared then, stepping outside to stand beside Hudson. "You can stay here as long as you wish. You're always welcome," Hudson said, glancing at Garr as if seeking confirmation.

Garr gave a curt nod, his expression slightly detached as always. 

"Thank you," Freya said. "But I should probably return. I need to get acquainted with all of the ascendants first. Then, I'm sure we can spend more time together."

Garr simply nodded again, his lack of interest evident.

"You should..." Hudson began but got distracted as he stared up and ahead. The wind seemed to pick up around them, getting stronger and stronger before she heard the strong flapping of winds. She looked over and saw Ivan and Alvar landing and shifting to their human form. 

Hudson turned his attention back to her. "You should stay for breakfast atleast." 

"Some other time," Freya smiled, a bit regretfully. "I'm glad to see you're well now," she added, turning to Garr. "And thank you for your hospitality."

Garr gave little in response, merely acknowledging her with another brief nod. Sensing that their exchange had reached its end, Freya bid her farewells with a slight bow before turning to meet Alvar and Ivan, who were waiting for her.

"Good morning, healer," Ivan greeted her with a smirk. "I see you survived the night."

"You left me," Freya reminded him as she hurried over, a hint of reproach in her voice. "I thought you were more skeptical of them."

He shrugged, seemingly unbothered. "Your healing worked, so they seemed more grateful and less hostile."

Alvar nodded. "Since you are so good, maybe you can lend me some help as well."

Ivan looked over at him. "Are you also almost dying of heartache as well?" Ivan mocked. 

Alvar smirked. "You are more likely to suffer of such ailment." He retorted. 

Ivan scoffed at his friend.

"He lost a loved one. Of course it is painful." Freya said. 

They both turned to her. "But they exaggerate, killing themselves when they lose a mate." 

Freya wanted to defend them but she didn't have enough information and she was sure both Ivan and Alvar knew more than her but were glossing over the detail because of some hostility they felt. 

This now gave her additional detail. It meant dragons didn't suffer from the same ailment even though they also had mates. 

"So, who are we visiting next?" she asked, changing subject. 

"Whoever you want," Alvar replied.

"Alright, but I need to return home first," Freya said, feeling the need to regroup before diving back into whatever awaited her.

Flying back home, Freya quickly found herself in her room, washing up and changing out of the clothes that Roarke got her into. Alsike arrived to assist her as soon as she heard of her return.

"You were gone longer than anticipated," she remarked, her curiosity evident. "How did your meeting with the Roarke go?" She wondered, a gleam in her eye. "Aren't dragons just... regal?" 

Freya could tell Alsike was holding back from saying something far more passionate.

"They're big!" Freya shrugged, combing through her hair.

Alsike raised her eyebrows, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. "I know," she said, her tone implying she was imagining much more than just their size.

Freya turned in her chair, curiosity getting the better of her. "If you like them so much, why not find yourself a dragon mate?"

Was race mixing forbidden, or perhaps it simply didn't work? Alsike, with her elven beauty—long golden hair, earthy green eyes, and those elegantly pointed ears—seemed like she could captivate anyone.

Alsike waved a dismissive hand, pretending to busy herself with making a bed that was already perfectly made. "Have you seen their women?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of admiration and resignation.

"You're stunning!" Freya said earnestly. "Not that looks are all that should matter. But you can race mix here, right?" 

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