
I Want More

Chapter 37: I Want More

Fleur was very surprised when a sudden large wave approached from her left. She gasped in fright, knowing that it was too late. That it would collide with her and eat her up. When it washed over her, she had her eyes closed, hoping that it would be over soon. But instead of carrying it away, it passed her as if she wasn't even there. She looked at herself mesmerizingly, her skin was giving off a golden glow and at once she realised that Harry was the progenitor of the deathly wave and her saviour.


Her eyes widened in amazement when she saw a wide dry path snaking between the great lake just a few feet away from her left. She bit her lip as the temptation to jump from this water body and use the path filled her mind. But then she shook her head and swam away. She wouldn't depend on Harry from the get go. She would at first give her all to finish the task by herself instead of relying on him.


Hundreds of feet ahead of her, Viktor Krum and Cedric Diggory too were untouched by the giant wave. It wasn't Harry's intention to attract negative press by injuring his fellow champions after all.




Harry sat on the dock with Iris snuggled beside him. They both had their eyes on the giant television screen along with the others. He frowned as he saw Fleur struggling in the task. It seems she had understated her weakness in the water. His Fleur, who was fiery and destructive, looked sluggish and sleepy as she swam towards her goal. The other two champions were far ahead of her. Cedric already had Cho in her grasp as he began his return journey. Krum too reached the underwater village and freed his partner before settling her on his half-transfigured shark back and turning towards the shore.


Harry scowled when a group of grindylows surrounded her. She did her best, she fired her spells but all was in vain. She was brought down by the swift ugly creatures. Harry couldn't sit on the fence anymore and stood up, startling Iris who was dreadfully staring at the screen.


"I will be back. I need to go and rescue Fleur." He said before she could question him. She nodded immediately, supporting him. He gave her a soft smile before jumping in the water which drew others attention. But instead of colliding with water, his form vanished in golden lights. 




Fleur was being dragged down by the evil creatures. She hissed in pain as their sharp teeth buried in her skin. She wished she had worn thick pants instead of a swimsuit which left her hands and legs totally naked and vulnerable to their teeths and claws. Her wand was already at the lake bed and she could do nothing to fight back. Her bubble head charm was also cracking, slowly filling up with water. It was humiliating how easily she was overwhelmed by these lowly creatures. It was annoying that all her newly gained strength from Harry did nothing against her natural weakness. She closed her eyes, delirious from the pain, not knowing what would happen next.


Her eyes snapped open when there was a large boom sound around her. All the teeths and claws moved away from her, the grindylows screeching angrily at the new player. 


Harry was here, his form glowing golden as if a benevolent angel himself had come to save her.


He was here for her. She smiled in relief and let the darkness swallow her. She would be safe, she had no doubt.


All Harry did was glare at the creatures before they started convulsing in pain as if they were on fire. And a second later they were literally on fire. Every last one of them. Their pained screams resonated around him and Harry's lips curved up for a second before he grabbed Fleur and disappeared again in golden lights. The grindylows weren't forgiven in his absence, their scaly bodies were covered with green fire, the water around them bubbling hotly but not able to douse the flames. A minute later, the creatures were nothing more than ash, drifting down towards the weeds on the lake bed.




The spectators were stunned into silence after they witnessed the massacre. They didn't know how to respond to that cruelty. While they were deeply uncomfortable, not one of them was able to gather their courage and ask the fourteen year old boy how he stored so much cruelty inside him that he could simply burn dozens of sentient beings without a single iota of remorse. They could understand his rage at seeing his friend hurt and in danger but they couldn't comprehend his mercilessness. After all, the grindylows were just doing their job, following their base instinct. They weren't evil or anything, they were just animals. Endangered magical animals.


The silence remained even after the boy teleported to the dock with the French champion. Madam Pomfrey was quickly onto them, swiftly casting healing spells at her unconscious body. Harry carried her gently to the tent as ordered by the healer. He then laid her over a bed.


"She will be absolutely fine, Mr. Potter. You don't need to worry. Why don't you go and retrieve Mrs. Delacour's younger sister while you're at it? I was against putting a little child in the middle of the lake but who has ever heeded my advice." she said exasperatedly, rubbing soothing ointment on her mutilated skin. Harry nodded absent-mindedly, his gaze flickering through various cuts and bruises which covered Fleur's soft pale skin.


"Go, brother. I will watch over her in the meanwhile and I am sure others will be here soon." Iris smiled softly at him before sitting on a chair beside Fleur. With a last nod, Harry was back into the lake where the hostages were tied in the underwater village. Only Gabielle was left tied on the statue, others were already rescued. 


Harry couldn't help but stare at the little girl who looked so beautiful and peaceful in her sleep, swaying gently in the water. She looked like a cute innocent silver-haired angel who hadn't ever sinned in her life. She really was Fleur's sister and thinking that, a strong protective instinct rose inside him. She is Fleur's and so she is mine too, no one is allowed to hurt what is mine. He cut off her restraints and gently pulled her in arms before teleporting back to the makeshift infirmary.




Dumbledore paced back and forth in his office. His face was pale and sweaty as he again rewatched the memory of Harry Potter doing undoable things. Once he had thought that Harry Potter was Britain's new saviour. Not anymore. Now he didn't know what to think of him. Harry Potter was a strange mixture of unneeded cruelty and human kindness. He had seen the boy smiling and laughing with his friends, acting like any other normal teenage boy but he had also seen him massacring wizards and magical beasts without any care. It was a very concerning matter.


And the power, the unbeatable power that he wielded was just too much. How a mere teen had that amount of power, he didn't know. But what he did know was that there shouldn't be anybody, neither child or adult or magical beasts, having so much power in their hands. It wasn't right or safe for a single being to have so much power over others.


But what to do about that?... He didn't know. He neither had physical nor mental capacity to confront that child. All he could do was hope that the boy wasn't a rising dark lord. Because if he was, then the world was doomed.




The world had been witness to what happened during the second task of the Triwizard tournament. They had seen the power and ruthlessness of Harry Potter. Every magical household knew his name and had discussions about him. Some were scared of him while some admired him for his unbelievable power. But whether they liked him or disliked him, they had many questions regarding him.


Was he more powerful than Dumbledore?


Was he even more powerful than Voldemort or Grindelwald?


Was he really Mother Magic's chosen? If yes, then was he a demigod? Or a divine being?


… Or was he a god?


The last question wasn't asked by many people but few were there who had begun questioning if Harry Potter was even a human being.


Uncaring but aware and amused from all those speculations, Harry was currently escorting Tracey to her class. Honestly, Harry was just bored and had tagged along with Tracey to kill some time.


"I am pretty sure that boy masturbated with my image in his mind." Harry said to her as they passed by a blonde third year Slytherin who was looking at him lustfully. Tracey scrunched her nose and glared at the mentioned boy who quickly hurried away.


"I didn't need to know that. And are you going to drop the massive revelation that you are now gay or bisexual?" she teased, nudging his shoulder. Harry chuckled, wrapping his arm around her as they turned a corner.


"Nope, no need to worry, Tracey. I am still as straight as I was before. I was just stating facts." He grinned, squeezing her shoulders. She smiled fondly as he placed a kiss on her cheek.


"I still can't believe Daphne is going to skip today's class just because she feels like it." Tracey grumbled as they got nearer to the class. 


"I mean she is not wrong entirely. It's just History and DADA today. She won't miss much. While the DADA class is interesting, Daphne is way ahead than the curriculum. The only bit out of syllabus part was the Fake Moody casting unforgivables in the class. After that whatever he taught, she already had mastered it." Harry said defensively.


"Yes, but still–


"Nope, I have an idea. Let's go on a date. You too are skipping classes today. You need to loosen up a bit. And as your loving boyfriend it's my job to help you." Harry announced abruptly, stepping in front of her and grabbing her by the shoulders, stopping her in her path. She gave him a deadpan look.


"Really? The door to the classroom is just behind you. After walking all the way to the class, you are asking me to just skip it?" she asked incredulously.


"Yep. Choose, Tracey, choose. Enjoying your day with your love of life or a boring day filled with boring classes? The world depends on this answer." he asked in mock seriousness. She rolled her eyes at his dramatics.


"Fine, my love of life . But be prepared to spend all day with me in Hogsmeade. I won't let you back out." She said sternly, putting her hands on her waist. Harry grinned slyly and wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her tight against him. She stifled a gasp as she was suddenly pressed into him. She could feel the heat of his body, the hardness of his muscles, the way his fingers dug in her waist, the way her breasts squashed on his chest.


"It will be my pleasure, love." He laughed before the couple vanished in a flash of light. The few students who were present were startled at their sudden disappearance.


At this point Harry wasn't even trying to downplay his abilities.




Harry ran his hand on her side, caressing her warm and soft skin as he thrusted into her. The two had secretly returned to his room after they finished their date in Hogsmeade. Currently, Tracey was sprawled on her back, on his bed, with her beautiful brown hair spread around her neck and shoulders. Her eyes were narrowed in pleasure as she bit her lower lip to stifle her moans. Her big pale tits, topped with puffed up areolas and stiff nipples, swayed sexily whenever his hips slapped against hers. She had her legs wrapped around his waist, imprisoning his pistoning cock between her hips.


"Ahhh." She moaned as his fingers cupped her chest. She met his hungry gaze as he squeezed his hands, sinking his fingers in her soft mounds. She arched her back as his thumbs teased her sensitive nipples. Heat flooded in her bosom as Harry fondled her round breasts and played with her erect nipples. She screamed loudly as he hit a particular spot with his dick. She raked her fingers through his hair as their hips continue moving languidly, as he impaled and unimpaled her, as he buried and unburied his throbbing penis inside her smouldering pussy. They both stared into each other's eyes as they made love to each other. She curled her fingers in his hair and pulled his head down, meeting his lips with hers in a gentle kiss.


She cried first as her orgasm hit her like a truck, shuddering under him, gripping his body tightly against hers. She whispered sweet promises in his ears as he pounded into her, as he squeezed her breasts. She gently ran her fingers on his spine and caressed his hair while he shoved in and out of her slick tunnel. His thrusts became rougher and insistent as he reached his crescendo. Soon his hips stopped being so energetic and his movements slowed, getting sluggish. Sheathing himself deep inside her, he mashed his lips on hers and hugged her tongue with his as he filled her up.


He gently pulled out his slowly softening cock but Tracey still moaned, his exit enticingly rubbing her walls, stretching it before her vagina was empty again. 


He laid down beside her while his hand still moved over her curvy chest teasingly. She rolled over and he mirrored her position so they both were facing each other. Their lips spread in a blissful smile as they scooted closer until barely any space was left between them. She giggled as her bountiful chest squashed against his, her nipples touching his. He too smiled, putting his arm around her waist and planting a kiss on her cheek.


"You sure were pent up. If I didn't know better I would have thought that the date was just an excuse to have sex with me." she smiled playfully.


"Do I really need to make an excuse to have sex with you?" he chuckled amusedly as he circled his thumb around her coin sized areola, his every touch sending a jolt of electricity through her. Her breathing was hot and heavy as he suddenly held her nipple between his forefinger and thumb, pinching it gently. She too wasn't being idle. Her fingers found his erect manhood and wrapped around it.


"You are right. You don't have to make any excuses. You just have to ask and I will jump you." She laughed and sat up, moving her hand up and down his length. Harry didn't let go of her nipple and her breast was forced to stretch as she changed the position. She moaned wantonly as his thumb pressed down her nip. She kneeled over him and straddled his stomach, her shins folded under her hips on his either side. His cock was snuggled between her arse cheeks behind her. Harry held his breath in anticipation as his best friend rose her arse up and pointed his pulsating cock to her entrance. She bit her lip and slowly sat down, taking his length inch by inch inside her.


Harry closed his eyes and scrunched his face, pleasure coursing through his body, his erection was surrounded by her inner warmth and dampness. Tracey placed her hands behind her on either side of his legs and leaned backwards, gasping and moaning.


"Oh Tracey…" Harry groaned, putting his hands on her waist as she began gyrating her arse, squeezing his dick with her inner walls.




They finally snuggled with each other, their lust at last sated and fulfilled. Harry was on his back while Tracey was half lying over him, her arm around his chest and her leg thrown over his. Harry had his arm wrapped around her waist as he held her close to him, enjoying her warmth and affection.


"Are you sure about your plan, Harry?" Tracey asked softly, her voice full of nervousness. Harry pulled her up so they were face to face. He kissed her softly on her forehead before giving her a confident smile.


"Yes, I am." 


"Okay." Tracey responded meekly.


"What is the problem, Tracey? Are you having second thoughts? Don't you want to remain with me and Daphne for eternity?" He asked her cautiously. She gave him an uncertain smile.


"No, nothing like that. I am just scared of the consequences. How will becoming immortal change us? Will we become too jaded as time passes? Will we lose our empathy and start treating everyone as inferior? Will we become inhumane? Will immortality gradually chip away our morals? Will our relationship change due to that? Will our love survive the passage of eternal time? Will we grow bored of each other? Will we become disinterested in each other? Will we–"


"Tracey! It's fine." Harry gently said, squeezing her shoulders and stopped her from spiralling down in panic. "We will be fine. While I can't assure your every worry, I can at least honestly say that our love won't change for each other. Living forever won't diminish it. I love you and that's a fact. It won't change because of any reasons. We will be alright. We will have each other and that's all we need to be happy and whole."


Tracey had a soft smile on her face as he reassured her, as she stared into his emerald eyes. She touched his cheek with hers and heaved a sigh.






Harry smiled patiently as he was being marched towards the Forbidden forest by his hand. Gabrielle held his arm as she led him towards a familiar forest clearing with a scowl on her cute little face.


"Gabby, what is going on?" He asked finally. Instead of replying she just quickened her pace. Seeing that he wouldn't get any answers, he remained silent and followed behind her, not that he had any choice.


As they neared the familiar spot where Harry used to spar with Fleur before Room of Requirement, he saw flashes of spell light and realised what was going on. It seemed Fleur was practising here. Though he didn't understand why. She could have used the Room instead.


Fleur stopped instantly when she saw them. She was in the dead centre of the clearing. Around her the ground and the trees were damaged, some lightly and some severely.


Her silvery blonde hair was dishevelled, some curls sticking to her forehead while some untidily falling down her shoulders. Sweat was pouring down from her chin and down her neck. Her white sleeveless knee length dress was sticking on her skin due to the dampness. There was even dirt clinging to some parts of the white fabric. Harry could only imagine that she must be here for hours.


"I take it back. You are not the most beautiful veela but the sweatiest. I give the title of most pretty to little Gabby." Harry joked, picking Gabrielle up and sitting her on his shoulders as he approached Fleur. He grabbed her hips, keeping his hold on her. Gabrielle giggled as she put her hands on his head, clinging to his messy hair.


"Ha ha. You are so funny, Harry." Fleur grumbled, her wand back in its holster.


"Though I can't say I don't like the view." Harry grinned mischievously, running his gaze from her chest to her hips. The white cloth was almost transparent with the amount of sweat and he could see her bra clad boobs and her toned hips. 


"What view, Harry?" Gabrielle asked curiously, not understanding him. Harry just chuckled while Fleur glared at him.


"You won't understand now, Gabby. Maybe half a decade later." he smiled and squeezed her hips in acknowledgement.


"So, Gabby, why did you bring me here?" Harry asked her. Gabrielle leaned forward until her head was upside down and in front of his.


"She hadn't eaten anything and has been training here since the morning. When mama sent me to get her, Fleur yelled at me to go back, saying that she wasn't hungry." she revealed that with a pout and then leaned back again, glaring at her elder sister. 


"Oh. So you brought me here to punish her." Harry nodded sagely. 


"What! No. I just knew that she would listen to you. I don't want you to hurt her." she protested. 


"Fine, I will punish her for you, Gabby. After all, no one yells at my cute little Gabby." Harry continued, ignoring her interruption. He definitely didn't see her throwing her arms up in exasperation.


"If you are done annoying me, leave me, I am training here." Fleur said with a tired sigh, ignoring their antics. There was a moment of silence at her proclamation. Harry and Gabrielle shared a look.


"Punish?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.


"Punish." She nodded resolutely before glaring back at Fleur. Putting Gabby down, Harry stretched his body before looking at his girlfriend.


"Let's see how your training has helped you. Care for a spar? I won't even use my magic or my wand. You just have to hit me with a spell. Like our usual practice." Harry grinned in challenge. Fleur's eyes narrowed as she brandished her wand and pointed it at him.




Gabrielle quickly scurried to the edge of the clearing where she would be safe from the stray spells and would still get a nice view of their fight.


As the first spell left her wand, Harry didn't hold back, he effortlessly batted away her spell with his bare hand and sprinted towards her. While Fleur was very adept and quick with a wand, she could do nothing against his inhumane speed. Before she could even shoot another spell, he was already standing in front of her.


Instead of panicking, she used her free hand to punch him. But he laughed and ducked under her arm and went behind her. His hands came up and held onto her like a vice of anaconda. Her arms were restrained behind her back and her wand was lying down on the ground.


Gabrielle who was preparing for a big and flashy fight couldn't help but gasp at the sudden end. It didn't even last more than a couple of seconds.


"Dead." Harry whispered smugly in her ear as she was trapped in his arms. 


"Fine. Stop it now. I know that you are a god. I am just dirt beneath your shoes. That's why I am training. To become your equal. I don't want to be weak anymore." Fleur yelled angrily, fighting against his grip, squirming against his chest and hips but it was useless. Harry's grip was unbreakable. His arms were wrapped from behind and rested on her stomach.


"But that's impossible. You see, no one is my equal. Not now and definitely not when I finally transcend. At least not in terms of raw power. Training and believing that it will make you all powerful is stupid. True power, like mine, doesn't come from training. No, it comes from luck and mere chance. You can train all you want but you won't gain even one percent of my power. Not because you are less or anything but just because you are not fortunate enough. You weren't blessed by Mother Magic but I was. Thankfully though, you have me who will share his own fortune with you. Don't be so hard on yourself, mon amor. In just a few months, you won't have any weakness, not to water and not to sun or anything else, you won't need any training. You will be an immortal. And that won't happen because you are a hard worker. It will happen just because by a mere chance you were entangled in my path. And that's all you need to be powerful. Luck, my Fleur, is the greatest power and the most terrible weakness. But don't worry, after a couple of months we will be free from the influence of everything. Luck, fate, death, they all will bow to us. We will be the King and Queens of the worlds. Just have patience. Just for a little while."


Fleur was forced to listen to him as he pressed behind her and whispered sweetly to her. She frowned at his explanation but couldn't find a flaw in his logic even when she tried to. She slowly relaxed and stopped fighting against him.


"Are you calm now?" he asked.


"Yes. I am. You can let me go now." she sighed. 


"Hmm, let's stay like this a little while. Your arse feels amazing from here." She could practically imagine his grin. She groaned in half exasperation and half embarrassment as he ground on her butt while his lips caressed the nape of her neck. 


'Wasn't he just complaining that I was too sweaty a few minutes ago? What happened to that now?'


"Harry! Not in front of Gabby. Stop it." she hissed, her cheeks turning red. He chuckled but stopped his indecent act and stepped away, giving her some space.


"Let's go. Your family wants to fatten you up with food and who am I to go against that wish." He smiled, grabbing her hand and leading her out of the forest. Few minutes later the three stepped out of the Forbidden forest and approached the Beauxbaton carriage. Harry and Fleur were walking side by side with their hands and fingers intertwined while Gabrielle was sitting atop his shoulders and was messing with his hair.




Harry tried, he really did but his mind always seemed to drift away from the Quidditch match taking in front of his eyes and into the future which was all set by his actions. Though he regularly checked on Iris who was flying above everyone, waiting for the snitch.


Today was the day of the Quidditch tournament between the three schools. Harry wasn't a big fan of the sport but since Iris and Astoria were participants, he made himself sit still and watch various teenagers fly around on brooms. Daphne and Tracey were sitting on either side of him with Fleur taking a seat beside Tracey with Gabrielle in her lap. The Veela mother too had decided to be with them and was seated with Fleur.


They all were cheering for them as Harry's mind again moved away from the sport. The recent talk with Tracey had planted a seed of doubt in his mind. He knew that his most important dream was to become immortal. Not only for Mother Magic's sake but also for himself and his girls. While he could imagine that Death wasn't that bad, he didn't really know what was after death. His queries about the afterlife were always ignored by Lady Death. And then it was only obvious to choose between certain and uncertain, between known and unknown. He wanted to be immortal not only because he feared death but also because he was greedy and selfish. He didn't want to let any of his girls go, he wasn't satisfied with the finite time he had with them as a mortal. He wanted more. He always wanted more. He was like a black hole, empty and dark, never being able to be content with what he had. 


Now, he didn't know if it was fate or by mere chance but he possessed all the resources to be more than just immortal. He had stepped into a gold mine of information which will change all the worlds. And like a black hole, he wanted to devour it. He wanted to have it. 


After all, if he was content in his life, he would have simply agreed to Lady Death's offer and would have given her the Deathly Hallows in exchange for gaining immortality for himself and his girls. That would have been the safest and easiest way to achieve his dream. But circumstances, new information and new tools had given him a world changing chance and he wasn't stupid enough to choose the safe option for the safe rewards. No, he wanted more. He always wanted more.


His attention was back in the game as Iris sped towards the ground, her broom shooting like a bullet at the grassy floor. Harry held onto his breath, his hand curled into fist beside him, ready to save her but it was not needed. She swept up just before collision with the snitch struggling between her fingers. The Quidditch field was filled with applause and screams as the match ended.


But Iris' eyes were just on him, her emerald eyes gleaming proudly, waiting for his praise and acknowledgment. Harry stood up and clapped his hands and yelled her name with others. Even from here he could see her bright smile as she descended down and got smothered by her teammates.


Harry chuckled softly at their victory jig. Iris' face was red from embarrassment but she continued dancing like an ape along with the Weasley brothers and the other Hogwarts players. The Beauxbaton team shot them dirty looks as they trudged away defeatedly. Harry smiled as he was surrounded by cheers and laughter. Yes, he wanted more of this. He was a black hole which won't ever be content. He wanted more of Iris, he wanted more of her smiles, he wanted more of her delicate flesh. And most of all he wanted an eternity with his beautiful little sister. Was that wrong of him? He didn't know and didn't care. He never was affected by these things called morals and contentment.


Though even in this atmosphere of joy, he didn't miss the fleeting look of envy and dissatisfaction in Astoria's eyes as she danced along with them. Unfortunately for her, no one was injured today and she didn't get a chance to shine. She had to sit on the bench and see her teammates fly and fulfil their ambition while she just brooded inwardly with a false smile on her face.


Harry hummed thoughtfully. He needed to do something nice for her to take her mind off this topic. He would have easily injured one of the Gryffindor chasers if it wouldn't have been so obvious to his friends. Tracey would have been angry at him for days for hurting innocents for his selfish gain. And what use his manipulation would be if it got Tracey angry at him. It's like hurting his one hand to heal the other. 


Whatever, he would think about it later as his attention was snatched by his approaching sister who jumped in his arms excitedly. He laughed as he squeezed her tight around her waist and buried his face in her soft neck, inhaling her distinctive scent.


The worlds were going to change irrevocably and he would be in control after that.

Next chapter