
Hormonal Teenagers

Chapter 24: Hormonal Teenagers

Harry teleported to the Grimmauld place to find everybody restlessly waiting for him. They all cried in relief at his appearance. For the next few minutes Harry was on the receiving end of bone crushing hugs from everybody. He had to tell Sirius to loosen his hold just so he could breathe. As it was already midnight, everybody decided to go to bed without discussing the events in detail. They were just relieved that everyone was alive and okay. And it was enough for now.


As Harry and Iris climbed on the bed, he sensed that Iris wasn't going to wait for the morning to get her answers so he told her everything quickly without waiting for her to ask. At last, Iris just nodded and pulled him beside her and pressed herself against him, then drifted to sleep.






Harry Potter: Killer or Savior?


A great tragedy occurred at midnight, after the match between Ireland and Bulgaria. Some drunk men decided to don black robes and white masks and tried to terrorize thousands of people. It caused great chaos and fear. Many were injured during the frantic escape from these men. It was a frightening sight. No one had expected to see Death Eaters again in their lifetime after the demise of You-Know-Who. The sudden appearance of Death Eaters brought back the worst memories and paralyzing fear for the people who had already experienced that a decade ago. The most unfortunate victims were the muggles, unaware of what was happening to them as they were dangling from air, screaming for help. Sad to say, no one was in the mindset to help, all were concerned in running away from the history's worst terrorists.


But then a miracle happened. A single boy stepped forward to help everyone. That boy was Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived. I was there in the crowd when it happened and let me tell you, I have never seen such confidence in a young man. Harry Potter strode towards the Death Eaters with no concern. He erected a ward around him and the Death Eaters to spare the bystanders from the exchange of spells. The Death Eaters were overjoyed at finally getting a chance at revenge against a merely 14 year old boy, thinking that they would easily kill the boy. Even I was concerned at seeing Harry Potter trying to confront fully grown men. I had expected to see him being crushed by more experienced Death Eaters, thinking that I was going to be scarred forever by witnessing the death of a 14 year old boy who was responsible for bringing peace in the wizarding world around a decade ago. Surprisingly, Harry Potter was like a god among men. He didn't even need to cast a single spell to protect himself, he just weaved through the tens of spells coming at him with an ease of a legendary duelist. I was mesmerized along with the others at the impossible sight. A teenager fighting against dozens of experienced Death Eaters without even firing a single spell at them. That was the most unimaginable thing I ever saw. And it was not the end of a beautiful spectacle, somehow when Harry Potter was just a few feet away from the gathered Death Eaters, they all suddenly fell on the floor. Everyone was confused by what they saw. I didn't see Harry Potter casting any spell but still the group of Death Eaters fell on the ground without any apparent reason. After that, Harry Potter vanished in golden lights. And after seeing that, no one there could argue that it wasn't divine. It felt like a god descended there to save us.


But the most surprising thing was found when the aurors went to arrest the unconscious Death Eaters. They weren't unconscious at all, they were actually dead. The aurors were horrified at seeing the corpses of dozens of Death Eaters. After removing their masks, their identities created another big shock. All of the dead Death Eaters were the powerful purebloods like Lord Malfoy, Lord Nott who had at one point pleaded innocence by saying that they were under the imperius curse by the Dark Lord. This creates another question, were they again under imperius curse or were they responsible for their actions this time along with the past ones? Unfortunately the answer will be buried with them. Their cause of death is still unknown but at least it is clear that it wasn't a spell that ended their life. So how did they die? Did they die by natural causes, which honestly doesn't look like or were they victims of some unknown power of Harry Potter which at present is the most plausible theory. Was it necessary to kill them? Couldn't Harry Potter just incapacitated them without harming them? Is Harry Potter the next Dark Lord or is he the next Dumbledore? There are so many questions which are unanswered at the moment and won't be answered until Harry Potter himself comes forward to answer them.


I, at least, am grateful to him for saving my life along with thousands of other people's lives. In the future, I will tell my kids and grandkids that I was there to witness the rise of the most powerful wizard, maybe more powerful than even the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. I can't say for sure what path Harry Potter will choose in future, whether it be a right path or a wrong path, what we can be sure of is that we have just witnessed the beginning of a legend of Harry Potter.


Dumbledore frowned after reading the article. He knew that the Daily Prophet always printed trash, that they always exaggerated things to whole another level but this felt quite different. Dumbledore could feel the honesty of the reporter through the printed words. He could feel the reporter's barely disguised admiration for Harry Potter. It was quite surprising and a breath of fresh air. He had never in his life thought that the Daily Prophet would write something good for once. Dumbledore was also relieved that the report was not written by Rita Skeeter. That woman would have just called Harry, the darkest wizard of all time, for killing the likes of Malfoy and would have painted him in a very bad light.


Though Dumbledore abhorred killing, he could understand Harry's mentality. Harry was being targeted by deadly spells from the Death Eaters and so it was in his right to answer in the same way. He didn't like that Harry killed them without trial but he was not going to judge him too harshly for that. Harry had done all of this to protect everyone and that was very admirable of him. Dumbledore smiled thinking of the future. Even after he himself was gone, magical Britain will have her saviour in the form of Harry Potter.


He shook his reverie and continued doing his paperwork. Dumbledore was sure that no one would demand Harry Potter to stand trial for killing the purebloods. Harry had in one swift move decimated the heads of the most powerful dark families, which helped in that matter. The grey faction of Wizengamot was led by Daphne Greengrass's father who wouldn't mind the new power gap. The light side would also just rejoice at the death of the prominent members of the dark faction. And the fear of a new powerful wizard would keep the other troubling people silent, no one was stupid enough to draw ire of someone who could kill anyone without the use of a wand.


Still, he will tell the professors in the upcoming meeting to keep an eye on Harry. He didn't want his students to die in Hogwarts. Two deaths were enough for his lifetime. And his instinct still pointed to Harry whenever he thought about the death of Jake Yaxley. He stood up with a sigh and started towards the Great hall where the few professors still present would eat breakfast.




In another part of the country a child finally accepted a mission at the command of her parents after they read the newspaper. The girl was reluctant but her parents' word was her law and she was not going to stop following them now.




Tracey was sitting on her chair at the breakfast table along with her parents. Normally, she would love this feeling of normality as it was rare that her father was home and able to break his fast with her and her mother but today she could sense something was wrong. Her father was pale and her mother's hand was trembling as she served the plates.


"Any problem, dad?" she asked, her voice full of concern. Her father just passed her the morning newspaper. Tracey's eyes twitched as she read about the world cup incident. She shook her head in exasperation as she put down the newspaper.


'Can't even leave him alone for a few months as he jumps into trouble.' she thought in annoyance but was also greatly relieved that he was fine. She turned her attention to her father who was pale and scared. She was actually confused by the reaction. Why would her father be scared?


"What is the problem? Yes, it's rare that a boy of fourteen 'allegedly' killed tens of death eaters but he is Harry Potter. He is legendary. Nothing new there. Why are you scared?" she asked dubiously. Her father winced at her words and then he waved his wand over his right hand. 


Time seemed to have stopped right then as Tracey observed her father's forearm. A gasp escaped her and she stumbled out of the chair, her eyes wide with anger, her fingers curled into fist as she gave him and her mother a betrayed look. They both looked sorrowful at her extreme reaction but Tracey didn't care. She didn't care how they felt, she just didn't care. She was trying not to let the tears fall from her eyes but was unsuccessful.


"You are a Death Eater. You are a rapist and a murderer." she laughed mirthlessly as she realised how ironic it was that she always acted like a kind and empathetic person in the school when her own family was full of sinners, when her own father may have taken lives, when her own father may have defiled wives and daughters of many, when her own father may have broken families by taking away the children and the fathers. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand angrily and ran towards her room, ignoring the pleading calls of her parents to come back. She wasn't in the mood to listen to their excuses/explanation. She closed the door and curled on the bed and let out wailing sobs. Her whole life was turned upside down, how could she ever look Harry in the eye when her parents were among the group who were responsible for the deaths of his parents? How could she ever touch him and not feel disgusted with herself? She had the blood of a Death Eater running through her veins. She buried her face in the pillow, muffling her sobs.


She now understood her parents' fears. They were scared that sooner or later Harry would come for them just like he was killing the other Death Eaters. She finally understood why her father worked in America instead of Britain, he was running from his past, he was running from his sins. How much she wished Harry was here, holding her, soothing her? Tracey stiffened as she felt a body above her. She knew what had happened and didn't know whether to be terrified or relieved. She had unconsciously summoned the very person she was thinking about.


"Tracey?" Harry uttered her name after getting over his surprise at being there. His eyes widened at seeing her face wet from tears, his expression turned full of concern. He immediately pulled her into his arms and held her against his chest. Tracey basked in his warmth and pressed her face on the crook of his neck and cried more. Harry just remained silent, rubbing her back, comforting her. Few minutes later, Tracey pulled back and stared at him. Harry had his arms on her shoulders as he stared back, resisting the urge to read her mind and see what made her so sad. Tracey smiled a watery smile.


"Hello, Harry." she said softly.


"Hello, Tracey. I would have asked you how are you but seeing that you are crying, it would be stupid to do so." he said, raising his eyebrow. Tracey chuckled as she heard that.


"Are you going to say what is troubling you?" he asked, moving his one hand from her shoulder and cupping her cheek with it. Tracey froze at his question, not knowing what to say. She wanted to tell him about her father but her heart was against it. She knew Harry was many things but merciful wasn't one of them. She knew she could demand that he wouldn't hurt her father but there was a tiny chance that he would not agree which would endanger her father's life. She was in a dilemma, knowing that her very relationship with him could change with her choice. That it was a monumental decision.


"Can I tell you about it when we are in Hogwarts? I need time to think about it." she answered in a low voice. Harry frowned at that. He cupped her cheeks with both hands so she was looking at him.


"Tracey, are you okay?" he asked softly, his brows furrowed in consternation. Tracey gulped down her nervousness but nodded. Harry didn't believe her but didn't press further.


"If you are sure. Don't forget that you can ask me anything, ask for any help. You don't have to feel lonely. I will always be there. Always." He whispered, his voice somewhere between worried and annoyed. He didn't like that Tracey wasn't sharing her problems with him. Tracey's lips curved into a small smile as she nodded and gave him a peck on his lips. Harry sighed as he tried to climb down the bed and go back to Grimmauld place but Tracey grabbed his hand, her face pale.


"Stay." she said, "Just for a little while."


Harry was now really tempted to sneak a peek inside her mind to see what had gotten her so worried but refrained because he respected her privacy.


"Okay, Tracey." he agreed sympathetically as he climbed on the bed and laid beside her. Tracey smiled in relief as she cuddled against him, her back on his chest, his arms around her stomach. It reminded her of the night when she had shared a bed with him for the first time after Daphne was severely injured by the troll and she had needed a friend to lie beside. It filled her heart with warmth and nostalgia. That night will always be one of the fondest memories for her.


Then a few minutes later after she calmed down and was enjoying the comfortable silence, her eye started twitching in exasperation as she felt Harry's hand on her chest, fondling her boobs.


"Oho! Tracey, I didn't know you grew huge boobies in the summer vacation. Congratulations!" Harry laughed, squeezing her sizable breasts. Tracey was secretly proud that her chest grew quickly in the summer, that she now sported slightly larger than B cup breasts, quite large for her age and her body shape. She bit her lip to stop a moan of pleasure as Harry's finger brushed against her stiff nipples.


"Harry?" she said his name sweetly, too sweetly.


"Yes?" Harry replied absently, immersed in fondling her round and firm tits.


"If you want to leave today with your junk still attached between your legs then stop groping me." she said in an overly sweet tone. Harry's hands quickly slid down to her stomach, away from her newly grown tits as he kissed her neck.


"Sorry. I just got carried away. In my defence, I have never touched someone's boobs." Harry laughed nervously. Tracey couldn't help but roll her eyes. She turned on her other side so she was facing him. His green eyes sparkled as it met hers. Harry leaned forward and kissed her forehead and then kissed her on the lips after which she pressed her face on his chest. Tracey wasn't a fool. She knew what Harry did just now was his try at pulling her attention away from her troubles and towards his horny antics. She smiled on his chest, wrapping her arm around his back.


"I love you." she mouthed silently. She wished she had the courage to actually say it to him but she knew she couldn't do that until she had solved the problem with her father. In the end it was a choice between her father and Harry. She could hide the truth from Harry, choosing her dad over him or she could tell him the truth, choosing him over her dad. Both options were heartbreaking. She just hoped that she would choose the correct option. Though at the present she was going to play his game, to assuage his worries and enjoy his antics.


"Harry? Why are your hands on my arse?" she asked, feeling his fingers under her shorts, on the curve of her bum. She hid her smile as she shook her face on his chest.




Fleur read the British paper with disgust. The nation which needed children to step forward to save it. She felt sorry for Harry Potter. The corrupt nation always needed him to save it. First when a miracle happened and a year old child defeated the darkest wizard of all time, Voldemort, who was considered even more powerful and ruthless than Grindelwald and then again when he saved the day at the world cup recently. She just hoped the little boy didn't have to come forward again, risking his life to save the stupid nation. She dropped the paper on the bed and went towards the dueling room. With her wand in her hand, she performed powerful and impressive magic for a girl her age. She wasn't just the sexiest girl in the world but also the most powerful witch of her age, at least that was what she thought of herself and wanted to prove it to everyone. Yes, she was beautiful, sexy, gorgeous. Yes, it was fun to make weak willed boys and men drool at her sight but it was also fun to see their surprise and fear when she wielded her wand. Eventually everyone will know that. She won't just draw lustful looks from people but one also of respect and fear. Soon, it will be soon.


She smirked as she walked out of the room and into the shower. The warm shower on her sweaty body always felt good after tiring herself in practice. She dropped her clothes and stood under the shower naked. The warm water drew a gasp from her. Her pink pouty lips drew in a smile as she let the water touch her everywhere. Her silvery blonde hair, her beautiful perfect face, her luscious big tits, her shapely hips and bubbly curvy arse, her virgin entrance. She drew a gasping breath as her fingers danced on her pussy. She moaned loudly, pressing herself against the tiled wall and fingering herself from behind.


"Yes..ah...yes...fuck me…" she fantasized, her finger sliding in and out of her tight sex. She groaned, falling on her knees, still finger fucking herself and pinching and pulling her nipple. She gave a silent scream as she reached her climax quickly. She was panting under the shower, fluids dripping down her hip. The water and her cum intermixed on the wet floor. She sighed as she stood up, now cleaning herself properly since her horny muddled brain was cleared.


She sometimes wished that she wasn't such a prideful creature and just chose any man to take her virginity. But she wasn't anyone, she was Fleur Delacour, the most beautiful Veela, the most powerful witch, any man won't do. She needed someone as powerful and as beautiful as herself. She deserved the best. Her virginity was precious. Not anyone was going to get a chance to fuck her. She was a goddess among women and she wouldn't choose merely a man as her companion. She will get a god among men or she won't choose at all.


After ten minutes of pleasant shower, she stepped out in her room, in front of a full body mirror and admired her perfect body.


"I deserve the best." she mumbled to herself as she dragged her hand between the valley of her perfectly proportional breasts.




Harry levitated his and Iris's trunks as they climbed inside the Hogwarts express. They both entered an empty compartment, Harry placed the trunks under the seat.


He put away his wand and sat comfortably. Iris sat in front of him but didn't look at him, opting to stare outside the window.


"What is it, Iris? You have been acting weird since your birthday." Harry inquired again. As always, Iris remained silent, not answering his question. Harry rubbed his forehead, it was really quite annoying that his girls weren't sharing their problems with him, first it was Tracey and now Iris too. Iris mumbled something surprising to Harry.


"Come again?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. Surely, he didn't hear…


"I am thirteen and still don't have big boobs." Iris complained petulantly. Okay, she said that. She really said that. He waved his hand so no one outside would be able to see what was happening inside the cabin. Harry then stood up and sat beside her, putting his arm around her shoulder.


"Iris, let me be frank. You are being stupid. Not all girls have boobs at thirteen. Hell, some don't even have them as an adult." Harry explained, trying to hide his amusement and incredulity. Though that apparently was a wrong thing to say. Iris snapped her neck at him.


"What are you implying? Are you saying that I will never have boobs?" She asked, horrified, grabbing his shoulders. Harry blinked twice to understand if he was having a funny dream or not. No he wasn't dreaming.


"I didn't say that. I just said that being thirteen doesn't mean you will have boobs." Harry explained patiently. Iris made a whiny sound.


"But I want boobs. I want boobs right now. Use your deus." She said furiously. Harry was taken aback by her passion. He took a deep breath to stop his laughter and squeezed her shoulders.


"My dear Iris, I don't want to use my Deus in that way. You are already perfect. I don't need to change your body. You are already the most beautiful girl in my eyes. And why do you have this unhealthy fixation with boobs?" Harry said honestly. Iris blushed prettily at his praise.


"Uh, it seems you forgot. Don't you remember the deal we made where you will start engaging me in sexual activities if I develop boobs?" she asked incredulously. Harry's eyes widened as he finally recalled the words he had said two years ago. He couldn't help but chuckle. He patted his lap.


"Come here," he smiled. Iris happily sat on his lap, her back pressed to his chest, her arse on his crotch, his arms around her stomach.


"I remember that. Honestly, I was mostly joking back then. But it seems you didn't understand properly. When I said develop breasts, I didn't mean hanging udders like cows. I just meant that if yours grew even a little bit then it was a sign that you were in puberty and the time would be acceptable for me to see you in a sexual way." Harry said in her ear, kissing her cheek lovingly. Iris grinned as she felt him rising under her arse, she felt his boner poking her behind.


"I already see you in a sexual way and your breasts have definitely grown bigger, little sister." Harry whispered huskily in her ear, his hands sliding up from her stomach. Iris held her breath in anticipation. She moaned loudly when he cupped her chest with his hands and rubbed her butt on his bulge, enjoying his groan of pleasure.


"You are a beautiful girl, little one. It doesn't matter how big or small your breasts are. I will always get excited when I am near you. You just have that effect on me." he said, squeezing her bigger than 'A cup' breasts. Iris released another louder moan as her brother played with her chest.


"Make love to me, brother. Take me, take me now." she gasped, grinding furiously on his lap. Her body was getting excited from all the friction. Harry kissed her neck and bit her ear lobe.


"Not now, Iris. Not now. You are not ready and this is not the correct time and place. But rest assured, I will properly claim you soon. It is getting harder and harder to control myself." Harry said, resisting the urge to rip off her jeans and shove his cock in her tight pussy. Iris sighed in annoyance but nodded in understanding. She removed herself from his lap and sat beside him, cuddling to his side. Harry put his arm around her and pulled her tight against his side, enjoying the softness and warmth of her body. He pulled back his Deus from the compartment he sent earlier, making them visible again to the outside world.


At that moment the door opened and Tracey, Daphne and Astoria entered the cabin. Harry smiled at them and let his gaze roam over their bodies, loving how they were growing into beautiful women.


"Boobs!" Iris complained from beside him, pointing her hand accusingly at Tracey's chest.


"Oh, hell. Not again." Harry grumbled, eliciting curious eyebrows from the three new entrants.


"Hello to you too, Iris and Harry." Tracey said, her voice shining with amusement. Harry stood up and hugged his friends and kissed Tracey and Daphne soundly on the lips. He sat back beside Iris who was jealously watching Tracey's large shapely chest.


"What's up with that one?" Astoria asked, pointing at Iris as she sat on the other side of him. Astoria smirked victoriously as she and Iris took the seats beside Harry, making Daphne and Tracey sit on the other seat. Daphne mildly glared at her sister.


"Iris is feeling insecure about her body." Harry shrugged. Iris grumbled incoherently.


"So, what now Daphne? Tracey has bigger boobs than you. You are behind her in the competition." Astoria giggled, trying to make her sister feel jealous. Daphne shrugged nonchalantly.


"Doesn't matter. Harry is quite taken with my beautiful curvy arse. I can let Tracey lead me in the breasts department." Daphne smirked back, not backing down.


"Ah, can't deny that." Harry smiled mischievously, playing along.


"Boobs and arse." Iris grumbled, glaring at Tracey and Daphne.


"Not to worry, love. I love your beautiful arse." Harry patted Iris's hip. Iris smiled shyly, putting her head on his shoulder. The other three girls laughed at their byplay.


"Sadly, Astoria is behind in every category." Iris joked.


"Tell them Harry, tell them I also have a nice body. You won't let your sister insult me, will you?" Astoria joked back.


"Sorry, luv. Haven't seen or touched enough of you to vouch for you." Harry smirked. Astoria put her finger on her chin, showing that she was thinking.


"Hmm, well then, touch it and judge it." Astoria grinned, standing in front him and then turning around so her arse was in front of him.


"Tori." Daphne warned.


"What? I can do whatever I want. It is a free country." Astoria bit back, staring at her, daring her to challenge her. Daphne just huffed but didn't complain anymore. Harry meanwhile was frozen, not knowing what to do. He was definitely interested in groping Astoria but didn't want to draw Daphne's ire.


"Go on, then." Astoria said, wiggling her arse in front of his face. Harry looked at Daphne who just shrugged and waved in a go ahead motion. Harry sighed in relief and put his hands on her knees and let his fingers move up. Astoria was wearing tight cotton trousers so he could totally feel her warm skin underneath the fabric. His hand stopped on her butt. He gently cupped her arse and squeezed them, enjoying the lovely sensation of her bum in his hands. Astoria moaned.


"Yes, lovely arse you have here Astoria. I am confident to say that next year you will have the same delicious arse as your sister. Seems sexy arse is in your genes." Harry said with an amusing smile. He couldn't believe his luck. He was given permission to grope someone's arse. He licked his lips as he squeezed her arse some more. After a minute of feeling her up, he patted her arse playfully.


"I give your arse an 'outstanding' grade." he smirked. Astoria turned over and gave him a flirty smile.


"Thank you, Professor Potter. I will see you during detention tonight." she winked suggestively, patting his cheek. Harry burst out laughing as Astoria sat back beside him.


"What just happened?" Iris asked incredulously as they were seeing Harry and Astoria heavily flirting with each other.


"That was Astoria being ensnared by Harry and finally joining the harem." Daphne groaned, shaking her head in amusement.


"Hmm, I guess. If I need a boy then why not Harry?" Astoria said, turning to Harry. She kept staring at him.


"Eh- what?" Harry asked.


"Just kiss me dumbo. And you better make it special. It is my first kiss after all." Astoria demanded. Harry nodded dumbly as he turned and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tight against him. Astoria looked at him hungrily as their bodies were pressed together. She closed her eyes as Harry leaned forward. A second later her world was just the pleasant sensation in her stomach as his lips moved on hers gently. She eagerly kissed him back and drank in his particular scent. They pulled apart, panting after the kiss and looking at each other in a new light. Astoria suddenly grabbed his collar and kissed him again passionately.


Tracey and Daphne looked at them exasperatedly while Iris smiled softly at the scene.


"You expected that?" Tracey asked, nudging Daphne.


"Of course. Who do you think I am? I knew Astoria was going to pick Harry but just didn't know when." Daphne answered with a shrug.


Astoria pulled back when the annoying need to breath became a necessity. She grinned at him and patted his cheek.


"You are a good kisser, luv."


"I aim to please." Harry smiled.


"Well then, let's do it again. We have many hours to pass and I think I will like mastering this art of kissing." Astoria said with a sly smile and sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. Harry chuckled as he himself wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her.


"Hey, I also want to kiss my brother." Iris grumbled.


"And don't forget us. We also need our best friend." Daphne announced.


"Fuck off you lot. Iris, you have all the night with him. Kiss him then. And you two are always with him, make your schedule. I am borrowing Harry for the whole train ride. And I am not taking a no." Astoria said and began nibbling on his bottom lip.


"I guess that's fair." Iris agreed unhappily.


"Ahh, Harry." Astoria moaned loudly when Harry squeezed her butt.


"Can you please find another compartment to explore your new found passion. I don't really like hearing your moans." Daphne said to Astoria indignantly. Astoria agreed with that wholeheartedly. She definitely wouldn't like hearing her sister's moans of pleasure. It would be just too weird.


"Let's go, luv." Astoria said, standing up and grabbing his hand.


"We will be back after sometime. Or maybe not." Astoria told them and dragged Harry behind her. Harry gave them a mischievous wink as he followed his new lover out.


"So what shall we talk about?" Tracey asked as now only three of them were left.


"Boobs? How to make them grow bigger and rounder and firm too?" Iris supplied seriously, looking at Tracey's chest. Daphne snorted and burst out laughing while Tracey covered her chest, her cheeks red with blush.


"No, thank you."

Next chapter