
The Diary

Chapter 11. The Diary

Harry sat on a comfy sofa in the Room of Requirement. Daphne and Tracey sitting on either side of him.

Astoria and Iris were settled on another sofa, opposite the older trio.

Both first year girls had been in awe of the amazing room when they first saw it, and were using it since then.

Harry, Daphne and Tracey had helped them in their studies and were also planning to start their lessons in duelling after Christmas.

But they weren't there to discuss that.

"Harry, you said you'd take care of it. What happened then?" Daphne scowled.

She wasn't annoyed only because he forgot about it, but because he had refused to tell her about the problem and had then gone to forget.

The others were giving each other confused looks, not knowing what was happening.

Daphne, seeing that, explained about the Malfoy elf situation.

Tracey knew about the letters, but she hadn't known about the evil trap waiting for them here in Hogwarts.

"Even I don't know what exactly Harry knows after seeing through the elf's memory. He refused to tell me and said that he'd take care of it." she finished, sending a pointed look at him.

"Cut me some slack. Just after that, I'd found my long lost sister. Of course, I was going to forget about all of this. I was overwhelmed." Harry said, glaring back at Daphne, who had the decency to look guilty.

"So, what exactly is going on?" Tracey questioned him.

He sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"According to the elf's memory, Lucius Malfoy had a strange diary which he planned to let loose in Hogwarts. Even though he didn't know what it'd do, he had an inkling that it'd cause a massive problem here." Harry said honestly.

"Why would he do that?' Iris asked.

She couldn't believe a man was trying to hurt school children. Why would someone want to hurt innocent children?

"Who cares? Maybe he's a typical evil man or maybe he's trying to accomplish something, or maybe he's taking revenge on someone. I don't give a damn." Harry droned on, not caring about Malfoy's intentions in the least.

Iris wasn't satisfied by that explanation, but kept her silence. Daphne and Astoria didn't need any motivation to hate the Malfoy family, so they didn't object. And even the sweet Tracey didn't have any good things to say about Draco and Lucius.

"What are you going to do now?" asked Astoria, coming directly to the point.

Harry tilted his head up, staring at the ceiling.

An excited smile grew on his face.

"There are two ways to get the diary. First way is boring and the second way is fun. I suggest a fun way." Harry said thoughtfully, trying to contain his glee.

Daphne and Tracey shared an amused glance and answered together. They know it was trouble when Harry had that look in his eyes.

"What's the boring way?"

"Oh come on. Let's do it in a fun way. Please?" he complained

"Harry? What is the boring way?" Tracey asked, enunciating each word sweetly.

Astoria and Iris just remained silent, watching the byplay. Even they both were used to the trio's antics now.

There were two subgroups in the group. The first consisted of Harry, Daphne and Tracey and the second had Iris and Astoria.

These two subgroups were together, most of the time, but there was a visible distinction between their group. Even the two first year girls were aware of it.

"Well, I'll just use my Deus and the book will appear in front of me." Harry told them, shaking his head as if it was the most stupid thing.

The others looked at each other to see if someone knew what Harry was talking about.

No one knew.

"What's Deus?" asked Astoria.

The other girls were curious to hear about it.

"Oh! I didn't tell you? Well, I was definitely busy. The Deus is the new name for my power. You'll have seen it. The gold mist inside me, the unknown power in me. Daphne and Tracey had already seen it when I tried to strangle Draco on our first day. Astoria had seen it when I came to Greengrass Manor to cure her. Iris hadn't seen the mist, but she'd seen me using it to create different stuff."

"You named your power God. That's what Deus means in Latin. Talk about pretentiousness. We need to work on your modesty." Daphne said, raising her eyebrow in amusement.

Tracey gave him an exasperated look while Iris was curious to know about this power. She had seen him work wonders in their room back at Privet Drive, but she had mistaken it for 'normal' magic.

She decided she would ask him later about the differences between the two.

Astoria nodded as she got her answer. She didn't have any problem with that name. In her eyes, a power which can cure generations' old curse was surely godly.

Harry mildly glared at Daphne.

"I can kill others with a single thought. I can wipe out the wizarding world within a day, maybe within a minute.

"I can destroy the world. I can raise zombies, causing an apocalypse. I can evaporate the ocean. I can bring the ocean on the land, drowning the world.

"I can freeze the whole world bringing another ice age. I can burn the whole world. I can bewitch everyone to follow my orders. I can control anyone.

"I can wipe out humanity or save them. Is that godly enough?" Harry asked sarcastically, counting everything on his fingers in a nonchalant way.

There was a complete silence at his declaration.

Iris and Astoria realised that they never knew the extent of his power.

The information just cleared that they didn't know him very well.

Even Daphne and Tracey, who presumed that he was the most powerful wizard, hadn't known the limit of his power.

There was tension in the air.

The girls didn't know what to say next.

There was literally a god sitting among them.

"Now, someone please ask me about the fun way." Harry said excitedly, totally changing the serious atmosphere, looking at the others hopefully, childishly.

When no one volunteered, he continued taking their silence as agreement, "The fun way is making a new connection. I remember Lucius Malfoy wanted the book in the possession of Weasleys. And the diary is most probably with one of them. So, I'll become best friends with Jasmine and then convince her to spy on them and then steal it from them."

"What is so fun about it?" Iris was the first one to break from their collective stupor.

She ignored his remark about the best friend thing. She had observed in the past days that Harry sometimes said very silly things which always amused Daphne and Tracey as if it was some kind of inside joke.

Even now they were wearing amused smiles.

"We'll play detective. We'll try to recruit Jasmine in our gang. I know it'll take time convincing Jasmine to steal the diary from the Weasleys as one of them is her friend, but it'll be fun.

"Who knows what interesting things might happen during the meantime. We'll let the diary do its work. We may even have an exciting adventure." Harry said, exuberant.

The other stared at him as if he was mad.

Daphne and Tracey's smiles disappeared.

"What if some student dies during the meantime because we are trying a 'fun' way instead of a best way?" Tracey asked somberly, staring at him.

"Who cares!" Harry exclaimed, annoyed.

'Why can't they appreciate fun? Why do Tracey always have to care for others? They are so annoying.'

"Harry?" Iris called him, unsurely.

She wasn't totally getting the conversation. Although she was understanding the gist of it.

Apparently, there was an evil diary in Hogwarts which had the potential to create a deathly disaster. A catastrophe.

Harry had the power to destroy it quickly, but he thought it was boring and wanted to create a game around it. And also he didn't care if some other student died to sate his adventurous spirit.

She hoped that it was one of the silly things Harry said sometimes and didn't mean it. "Please just use your Deus. I don't want to see anyone die because of us."

Harry looked at her, his gaze sharp and questioning.

Her emerald eyes were unsure and pleading to be heard.

After a few seconds, he deflated and nodded.

Iris smiled happily.

Tracey and Daphne shared a knowing grin. It seemed Iris had gained the power to wrap him around her little finger. They hadn't thought that she would be that quick. They both knew that they had enough influence on Harry to restrain his very eccentric and bad side, but it seemed Iris had also joined the team to keep him in control.

They gave her appraising looks.

"I'm going to summon the diary." he said, ignoring them.

A second later, a diary with faded cover appeared in his hand. The girls seemed impressed, but when Harry dropped the diary, their amazement turned into confusion.

Harry was looking at the diary on the floor. He was looking as if he had seen a ghost. His eyes wide and his hands shaking. He looked scared, which was so rare that Daphne and Tracey didn't know what to do.

Iris meanwhile leaned down to pick it up, but stopped when Harry yelled.

"Don't touch it!"

She flinched, abruptly sitting back, staring at him, scared at his angry demand.

Was he finally going to hurt her? Was he finally going to abandon her?

Iris shrinked in herself. He picked the diary up and examined it, not noticing Iris's reaction.

But Astoria did, who put her arm around her friend's shoulders and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Harry's expression changed from horror to joy then to amazement and then back to horror.

"What is it, Harry?" Astoria asked the obvious question, still with her arm around Iris' shoulders, who was now acting normally.

The air was tense around them with mystery.

He looked everybody in the eye.

"This book has a very evil aura to it. Very unique aura to it. But the most amazing and scary thing about it is that there's a soul residing in the book.

"A real soul, a human soul. The magic of the soul is somewhat familiar. I'll find out in a moment." Harry mused, opening the book and finding a name on the first page, "T. ."

Then he turned the pages and found all of them bereft of any writing.

A frown marred his features.

"I'm going to learn everything about it. This may be the thing I was searching for all this time"" Harry thought out loud.

"Harry, are you sure you want to keep that book? You yourself said that it has an evil aura and that there's a soul inside, which sounds impossible and wrong.

"Souls should be inside a human, not in an inanimate object. Can you believe it? A malicious soul residing in that diary. We should just destroy it to be on the safer side." Daphne advised, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Harry looked at the others and saw that everyone was behind Daphne's idea.

His resolve faltered for a second, but then he shook his head.

"I'm not budging on this one. I've to do this. Don't worry, it won't be able to hurt me. And I won't let it hurt anybody else if that's what you fear." Harry announced. His voice was firm with resolution.

The girls exchanged wary glances among themselves, but nodded to him. They could see he was serious about it and they knew that they couldn't stop him even if they wanted to.


In the Gryffindor common room, Ginny Weasley was frantic.

She had just lost her precious diary. She had lost Tom, her only friend in this massive castle. She had searched everywhere, her dorm room, the common room, but it was nowhere to be found.

She was sitting in a chair, alone, depressed.

What would she do without Tom? Who would she talk to? Who would she ask advice from? She looked around in the common room.

Everyone was busy talking to someone else.

Fred and George were whispering to each other, most probably planning a new trouble.

Percy wasn't even in there.

Ron was arguing with Hermione, who was trying to persuade him to do his homework.

Ginny quickly turned her gaze away when she caught the eye of the blue haired girl.

She was always with Ron and Hermione.

Her name was Jasmine Zinan.

She was sitting beside Hermione, a book opened in her lap. But her attention wasn't in the book, she was staring at her.

Ginny continued looking at the wall, trying not to feel the girl's stare on her.

Due to this, she was surprised when the said girl was suddenly sitting beside her.

"Hello, your name's Ginny, right? Ron's sister?" Jasmine asked politely.

Ginny nodded unsurely.

"Are you alright? You look troubled." She asked with a frown.

"I'm fine." Ginny said in a small voice.

Jasmine rolled her eyes, but didn't press for answers.

"If you say so. Come on, sit with us." she said, nodding towards the sofa where Ron and Hermione were staring at them.

Ginny shook her head.

"I don't want to intrude."

"Here's a little secret. Don't tell Ron and Hermione." she whispered, leaning towards her. Her mouth an inch away from Ginny's ear.

She gave her a conspiratory look and continued, "You see, Ron and Hermione are always arguing, yelling at each other, giving me a headache. Sometimes I want to strangle them or slap them, but they're my friends so I can't do that, but it'd be nice if I have another friend who'll keep them in line and stop me from strangling them. Who I can talk to when they both are busy arguing with each other. Are you up for it?"

Ginny was staring at Jasmine who had a mischievous smile on her lips, her short blue hair hanging around her shoulders.

Ginny nodded with her own small smile.

Jasmine's smile grew into a grin and she took Ginny's hand, dragging her towards Ron and Hermione.


Harry was alone in the Room of Requirement with the diary in his hand.

He had sent the girls away, saying that he needed to concentrate, and for that he needed to be alone.

That was a lie.

He sent them out because he didn't want them to see what was going to happen next.

He didn't want them to hear the screams of the soul trapped in the diary.

How strange was pain, you could feel it when you have a body and you could feel it even when you don't have a body. It was illogical.

Why would the soul feel pain when there were no nerves or brains, no blood and skin? But still, the soul could feel pain.

He had tested it just now.

He had heard the tortured scream from the diary when he pumped his Deus in it, using his red mist and then using his gold mist, trying to know what was in the mysterious diary.

Harry was somewhat annoyed with his friends and sister. They had good and pure hearts which Harry lacked. And sometimes due to that, they clashed.

But before, only Tracey was the one whose morals clashed against Harry's. Daphne was in the grey category. She didn't particularly care about others, but didn't like unneeded fights or problems.

So, the group worked well before. Daphne's vote was final earlier. If there was a clash between Harry's and Tracey's idea then Daphne decided the final outcome.

Now there was Iris and Astoria, two innocent souls, joining their groups. Harry was outnumbered.

Now there were three 'absolutely good' people, while Daphne and Harry were the only ruthless ones amongst them.

Harry was definitely able to ignore their opinions, but he just couldn't bear to see the horrified or betrayed looks in his friends' eyes, and particularly in Iris' eyes.

Looking at her eyes reminded him that he could have been her in another life, where he was a good boy, where he cared for everyone.

He shook his head, not the right time for these thoughts and looked at the diary.

Harry was surprised and amused when he realised that the soul was not of any unknown person, but of Voldemort himself or, more precisely, of Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Harry had found everything which could be found from the diary. He had seen the life of Tom from his childhood to his teenage years. Until when he had removed that part of the soul and hid it in the diary.


The device to cheat death.

Harry had to praise Tom for that. He had made a Horcrux when he was just sixteen.

He had made a device to defeat death when he wasn't even an adult.

Tom was something else. A genius. An exceptional wizard. He had earned a little respect from Harry.

Still, Harry wasn't sure if this was the way Harry himself wanted to go. Sure, this method protected oneself from death, but the prize was too much.

This cutting of the soul in different parts took a toll on the body and sanity. Harry wasn't sure if he wanted to pay that much for immortality. And even after all these, there was still a huge weakness.

If someone destroyed all the Horcruxes and then killed Tom then he would die like any other mortal man.

This whole scheme was stupid. After paying that high price, after offering his soul, his sanity, Tom was still mortal. He could still be killed and that is what Harry was going to do.

He was going to kill Tom when he faced him again. He wasn't going to start searching for Horcruxes, that was just too much work.

No, he was going to first destroy this diary and then he would destroy the other Horcruxes if it fell in his lap. He was too lazy to go seek them. And it might just be the entertainment he was looking for.

Harry was at least sure that there were seven Horcruxes.

That's what Tom planned after talking to that fat and moronic professor, Horace Slughorn.

Harry didn't know what they were but he was sure that the maximum number of Horcruxes were seven.

Now the question was, whether Tom was able to create that number before dying due to his mother's ancient sacrificing ritual.

He put the diary on the table.

There was also this Chamber of Secrets situation.

He was sure that the basilisk wouldn't hurt anybody, as the diary was taken away from Ginny Weasley.

Poor little Ginny Weasley,

Harry was pleased that he had saved the first year Gryffindor by taking the possession of the diary from her.

She was safe now. And she was his big fan, according to the diary's memory. He was happy to help his fans.

'Let no one say that I'm not good or kind.'

Getting back to the point, there were three ways to destroy a Horcrux.

First was using a basilisk venom which was coincidentally available.

Second was fiendfyre which unfortunately Harry hadn't learned yet.

And the last was the killing curse which Harry was sure he could fire at the diary.

But those options were for ordinary wizards and Harry definitely wasn't an ordinary wizard.

He had a power which no one had before. His Deus. But still, Harry had promised himself that he would try to keep the use of his Deus at the minimum. So he decided he would try the killing curse rather than the Deus.

Harry was excited to use it since he hadn't used it before.

He stood up and took 4 steps back. He threw the diary on the floor and trained his wand at it.

Harry knew he had to summon hate or indifference to cast the spell. He either had to hate the person on which the wand was pointed or he must have disregard for human lives, not caring who was before his wand. An innocent, a criminal, a child, a man, a woman, a girl, he mustn't care for the unknown people, he mustn't feel anything for the unknown.

Harry chose indifference and intoned.

"Avada Kedavra."

Nothing happened.

Harry laughed mirthlessly. 'So little Harry is still alive, wanting to be a good boy. I don't know whether I should be happy or angry.'

Harry shook his head and pictured the last moments of his mother's life.

"Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry!"

"Stand aside, you silly girl, stand aside, now…"

"Not Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead…"

A hot surge of rage burned him from inside.

Angry tears rolled down from his eyes.

He hated this moment, hated it more than Voldemort himself.

The pleading of his mother.

The begging of his mother.

Trying to save him, not running away.

Dying in front of his eyes.

The mind of a year old child not comprehending what was happening.

He hated this moment with all of his being.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green ray of light struck the diary.

An unholy scream reverberated in the room and then silence reigned in it again.

The diary was still intact, but the soul was banished. Harry burned the diary to ashes with a quick 'incendio' and walked out of the room.

He wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve and adopted his usual grin.


When Harry returned to his room, it was late at night.

He had used his Deus to turn himself invisible. Apparently, he had been in the room for 3-4 hours after the departure of the girls.

It was currently 12:20 in the night. As he silently opened the door of his room, he saw four girls sitting on his bed.

Iris was teaching them how to play muggle cards. But as they saw him entering the room, they quietened.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Tracey asked, her eyes full of worry.

Harry wanted to kiss her so bad. Sweet little Tracey, always worrying for him.

"I'm fine. What're you all four doing here?" he asked, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

The three girls looked sheepish while Daphne just rolled her eyes.

"Tracey and I thought that these two first year girls needed the 'talk' so we decided to teach them by letting them watch us do the 'talk'." Daphne said with a straight face.

Tracey gasped and shook her head violently, red quickly spreading on her cheeks. Whereas Astoria and Iris just stared at Daphne in horror.

"At this hour?" He mumbled, playing along.

Daphne nodded and jumped off the bed, sauntering seductively towards him.

She was wearing a red t-shirt and white shorts which showed enough skin on her hips and legs.

When she reached him, she encircled his neck with her arms and placed a long kiss on his lips, unlike they had ever shared before.

Harry didn't need any more motivation. His hands coiled around her waist, drawing her tightly against him.

Their fronts flushed against each other.

Their lips locked together.

They kissed hotly, sucking on each other's mouth.

"Harry, Daphne, stop! There are children here." Tracey yelled, scandalised, forgetting that she herself, along with Harry and Daphne, were children.

He pulled back and looked at the beautiful blonde, who was smiling at him. 'I know I have said it earlier, but they look so pretty when they smile.'

Astoria finally regained her wit as she dragged Daphne back to bed. She was embarrassed and angry at her sister's antics, blushing at their uncouth act.

Iris on the other hand was laughing. But there was still a small part of her which was jealous. 'How dare she kiss him! He's mine.' the part yelled in her mind.

Although she shoved that thought away. It was her brother's choice who he kissed. It wasn't as if she was his girlfriend or his wife. Which was never going to happen anyway. She should just be happy that he wasn't disgusted with her because she liked him in 'that' way.

"Oh… Harry, don't leave me! My love is eternal, unquenchable, don't let them separate me from you." Daphne said blandly, sitting back on the bed, shuffling the cards.

It was so funny seeing her say those words with barely any emotion. She said that as if it was just an afterthought.

Her eyes gleamed in amusement.

"What Daphne meant to say was 'of course, we're here to see if you're okay. Why else would we be here?'" Astoria translated unnecessarily.

"I'm fine. What's going on here?" He asked, slumping on the bed with them.

"We played chess for some time, but we got bored and then Iris introduced us to this game of cards. But now seeing that you're okay, we'll be going to our rooms. We do need our beauty sleep after all." Tracey smiled mischievously and got off of the bed.

The others followed her example, packing the cards and climbing down the bed.

"Goodnight, Harry." Tracey wished, hugging him.

"Goodnight, Tracey." he smiled and kissed her chastely.

Tracey nodded in daze as she went out, a smile tugging on her lips.

Iris and Astoria also embraced him, wishing him goodnight and left.

Only Daphne remained.

"Are you seriously alright?" she asked, worry visible in her voice.

"I'm fine, Daph. Don't worry." Harry grinned as he took her into his arms. And he was telling the truth. He was fine now.

He pulled back from the hug and they stared at each other briefly.

Suddenly they kissed one another passionately.

Their lips mashing, their tongues meeting, their breaths pooling between them.

Her one arm wound around his neck and the other ran through his hair.

Harry's hands were around her back, slowly dropping down, sliding down her spine.

They at last rested on her arse and he gave those round cheeks a squeeze.

She yelped at the suddenness of that and broke off the kiss.

"Hands off mister! I was joking when I said we'd do the 'talk'." she said though her face was red, but not from anger.

"Daph, are you really blushing? Did you like it?" he grinned as he again wrapped her into him.

His palms again on her bum, his fingers groping her flesh.

He could feel her soft-firm buttocks through the thin white fabric of the shorts.

It made him all antsy for some action. The sensation of her butt in his palms was to die for. And he was a person who seeked immortality, so that compliment wasn't given half-heartedly.

She glared at him.

"I'm not blushing." she said indignantly, and didn't pull away or asked him to take his hands off her arse.

Harry chuckled and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Goodnight, Daph."

She smiled and kissed him again.

"Goodnight, Harry." she said and walked out of the room with a pleased grin on her face. Harry shook his head in amazement, his eyes never leaving her bottoms until she crossed the threshold.

'I am one hell of a lucky bastard.'

Fifteen minutes later, Iris came back hidden under the Invisibility cloak.

She took it off and put it on the table.

She had changed into her pyjamas.

Harry was already lying on the bed.

He smiled at her arrival.

"I thought you weren't going to come tonight." he said.

Iris shook her head and climbed beside him, pressing herself against his body with a content sigh.

"I'll be coming here until you tell me to stop." said Iris.

"Haha! Then you may have to always come here because I'm never going to stop you." he chuckled.

She smiled and pressed her lips onto his.

'I hope so.' she thought greedily.

She pulled away after some time.

"Goodnight, big brother."

"Goodnight, little one." he said, caressing her cheek, his thumb touching her soft pink lips.

She turned her body, pressing her back to his chest.

Harry smiled in her hair, his hand snaking around her waist.

But tonight, Iris made a small change.

She grabbed his arm which was around her waist and coiled her hands around it before pulling it against her chest as if it was a stuffed toy.

She closed her eyes, her lips curving upwards. 'He's not going to stop me and I'm never going to stop coming. He's mine. At least a part of him is mine which is good enough.'

Next chapter