
Even Psychopaths Like Hugs

Chapter 2. Even Psychopaths Like Hugs

The next day, Harry went for breakfast in a group led by a prefect. Nott and Draco were talking to each other as they walked. Crabbe and Goyle were on their sides.

Harry was back in the group, alone. He had his hands in his trousers pockets. His unruly hair was messily arranged. His eyes were cold, staring ahead. As they reached the Slytherin table, Harry took a seat at the farthest end, nearest to the entrance. The others left the adjacent seats empty. As his anger was boiling inside him, Daphne and Tracey sat across from him and gave him a small smile. The anger disappeared, replaced by confusion.

"Good morning, Harry." They said together in greetings and began talking with each other, again ignoring him.

'Well, at least they are not avoiding me as if I was a plague. That's an improvement.' He pondered and started eating his breakfast.

Jasmine and Hermione entered the hall. When their eyes caught his, they waved at him in a friendly gesture. He waved back as they sat on the Gryffindor table.

'What is worse? Total avoidance or partial avoidance? Most of them are isolating me while some are just smiling at me from a distance, not bothering to talk to me.' He mused with a pout.

"Potter!" Someone sneered at his back. He turned his head and saw Professor Snape standing behind him.

"This is your timetable." he said, handing him a parchment. Without waiting for any response, he left.

'How fun will it be to turn his skin as dark as night with pink thorny horns sticking out from his long ugly nose.' He imagined with a small smirk.


Harry walked to the transfiguration class. He sat at the last bench and waited for the professor to arrive. As a boy with ginger hair ran in the classroom, the cat which was sitting on the desk jumped and turned into Professor McGonagall. Harry peered at her in astonishment. That was brilliant magic. He might have recognised her earlier if he had paid attention towards the desk.

Professor McGonagall scolded the boy whose name was Ronald Weasley for being late. She then explained how she was a cat animagus. Harry listened in with great interest. It was a neat trick.

'I'll definitely love to be an animagus. I hope it will be a cool animal.'

"Now then," Professor McGonagall spoke to the class, "shall we begin?" She asked but continued before anyone could respond.

"Transfiguration is one of the more difficult branches of magic that is taught at Hogwarts. It is also one of the more dangerous branches, that means I will not tolerate any fooling around. I will not hesitate to kick out a student if I think you are misbehaving. Is that understood?" She said in a stern voice.

"Yes, Professor." The class chorused. She stared at the students for several moments, as if checking to see that they were all being truthful. Eventually, she nodded and continued teaching. After a short while of simply talking about transfiguration along with what it could do and how dangerous it could be if people messed around, she had the students attempt to turn a matchstick into a needle.

Harry picked up his wand and looked at it. He hadn't used it even once after buying it. He wasn't really interested in a wand. He didn't need a wand for his magic, but now the use of it was inevitable.

There was a gentle thrumming coming from it. A warm pleasant sensation flowed in his hand through the wood, like a soft blanket warming his body on a cold winter night. He waved his wand as instructed by the professor. The matchstick turned into a shiny needle in an instant.

"Brilliant, Mr. Potter. 10 points to Slytherin." Professor McGonagall said encouragingly. Others stared at the needle in astonishment.

Ignoring the others, Harry continued holding his wand and looking at it in awe. He felt stupid for neglecting his wand. This piece of wood felt like home, which he never had, so warm and reliable. He vowed to take care of it even if he didn't need it.

As the class ended, several more students turned the matchstick into a needle, but it was a partial transformation. No one came close to Harry's excellence.

He smiled at his success. He loved this warm feeling from the wand. It was almost addictive. He packed his bag and went out of the class, all the while his hand was in his pocket, gripping his wand.

The charms class also went well with him mastering the Levitation charm in first try. He was proud of himself even if it was barely any feat to write home about. If he wanted, he could have done anything with his method of magic by just wishing it to happen, but being able to do the 'normal' magic with wand movements and incantations made him believe that he could do anything without revealing his real powers. Not that he was very serious about hiding his capabilities. He didn't care enough about hiding to actively sabotage himself.

It was evening and he was exploring Hogwarts with a bounce in his step. His warm faithful wand was in his pocket. As he passed by an unused classroom, he heard distressed voices coming from inside. He slowed and stood in front of the entrance, curiously opening the door and leaning on the doorframe.

"Please don't do this. I am begging you." Tracey pleaded. Her hands were stuck to each other by a strong sticking charm behind her back. She was wearing only her knickers, her clothes being strewn across the floor.

Tears were running down her cheeks. Her hair was dishevelled and standing in front of her was a sixth year male student.

He was leering at her naked chest. Not that there was anything to stare at, according to an oblivious Harry.

"It is tradition, Miss Davis. Every half-blood female first-year Slytherin has to pleasure a pureblood student, at least once. Don't worry, I will be gentle and sweet. I will even obliviate you of this experience so you won't be traumatised." he smiled benevolently, hiding his malicious pleasure at finding an easy prey. His dark eyes savoured her innocent naked figure. So boyish and yet distinctly female. It would be fun to peel off her innocence and bask in her childish flesh. As he raised his hands to touch her naked flesh, Harry cleared his throat.

"How nice of you to consider her mental health." Harry announced neutrally, neither angry nor happy. Really, there was no need to show emotions here in the quarrel between two strangers. He shouldn't care if the boy got his sick pleasure or if the girl escaped the villain. Yet, he was favouring Tracey's side since he was acquainted with her. Maybe she would become his friend after he saved her. Most probably.

The sixth-year student looked at him with barely hidden fear and exaggerated anger. Tracey glanced at him desperately, an ember of hope sparking in her moist eyes.

"What are you doing here, Potter? Go away, no one needs you." he grumbled.

Harry walked towards them and stopped a step away from them, a bit stung by his remark. He removed his robe and covered Tracey with it. Acting like a gentleman didn't take much effort. He rolled up the sleeves of his green shirt and cracked his knuckles. He always wanted to act like he had seen in the movies. Hehe, he was mimicking a hero.

He hated heroes.

"So, is this really tradition or some bullcrap?" He asked in an inquisitive voice, maybe it really was a tradition. An unnatural, and yet beneficial for some, tradition. Harry might become the beneficiary in some years, he needed to know that.

The sixth year glared at him venomously and folded his hands on his chest.

"What if it isn't? She will be fucked, if not by me then some other student. Everyone loves taking the virginity of small innocent girls. The memory charm is helpful in that way. You know what? You look delicious too. Maybe I will have a feast today. I am not too picky when blood rushes south in my body." he sneered.

Harry raised his eyebrow at that.

"Hmm. I will have to decline." he answered with almost a feral grin as he took out his wand.

The older boy didn't even have a moment to retaliate.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Harry said in an excited tone.

The sixth year student was suddenly yanked up and slammed against the ceiling. Then he was violently pulled down and smashed on the floor.

A loud crack echoed in the classroom.

The boy's hands and legs were bent at an unnatural angle. His face was splattered with blood. And he was already unconscious.

Harry pocketed his wand and looked at Tracey who was staring at him in awe.

She started sobbing and threw herself at him and embraced him tightly.

Harry caressed her hair with one hand while his other arm wrapped around her waist. He hoped he was doing it right. He wasn't used to consoling crying girls after all.

It felt so good, Harry thought. It was his first hug if his memory served him right. This warm and soft body pressed into him, this closeness with another human body was amazing and surprising. If hugging felt this great, he might have used his relatives for that instead of torturing them for fun. Whatever, better late than never.

Harry could get used to having hugs.

"Everything is fine, Tracey. Don't cry." he whispered gently, going full on gentleman mode. She just buried her face further in his neck and kept crying. Harry sighed but carried on with caressing her head. If he wasn't interested in making her his friend, he would have ignored her pleas for help. Saving someone and consoling them was definitely a chore. Although he got his long hug, maybe being a good boy had its perks.

After five more minutes, Tracey slowly pulled away and looked at him gratefully.

"Thank you so much, Harry, for saving me. I was so scared. He stunned me back in the hallway and brought me here." She smiled a teary smile.

Harry shrugged, not really interested in her backstory. "I was just passing by when I heard your scream and decided to see what was going on."

"If you ever want anything from me in future, then feel free to ask me. I'm in your debt." she offered.

"Anything?" He raised his eyebrows. Giving anyone a blank cheque was dangerous, he thought. She shouldn't have worded it that way. Her uneasy looks confirmed that she was aware of the peril of her offer. Even frightened, she nodded in defeat.

He rolled his eyes. Dramatic people.

"Come on! I am not going to ask that. I am only eleven, and thinking about that makes me want to hurl." He assured her, meanwhile pinching his nose in disgust.

She smiled, sighing, a weight lifting from her back.

"Although you can pay the debt by giving me hugs regularly. Three times, no, six times a day. Yes, that's reasonable. I never knew hugging feels so nice." he mumbled wistfully.

She giggled, giving him a look as if he was a moron.

"Of course, Harry. I'll hug you whenever you want, even more than six times. I'd have done that without the debt, but I'm glad that my debt won't cause any trouble for me in the future." she agreed.

Harry grinned at her and grabbed her for another hug. She laughed joyfully and hugged him back, winding her arms around him.

He pulled back after a moment and looked at the downed figure.

"What to do with him? Do you want me to kill him? I've never killed humans before, but I think I can manage it. Indeed, I was always curious if it'd change me." he thought out loud.

She looked at him sharply. "Harry, you don't have to do that. Killing is bad. We'll inform the professors and they'll take care of that."

'Tell that to the cat that scratched me or the pup that tried to test its budding teeth against me. Killing is bad; how funny.' Harry pondered with amusement.

He shrugged at her disapproving look. "If that's what you want. He's your prey. Feel free to be merciful."

She rolled her eyes at him.

"You really don't know how to talk to others. Do you?" She asked jokingly.

He tilted his head to his side, giving her words some serious thought.

"Now that you mention it, it's true. I never had anybody to talk to properly."

"What about your family?"

"They aren't people. They're my prey. You don't talk to your chicken. That would be weird." he said jovially.

'I really need to teach him how to behave properly and not to say things like this in front of others. Otherwise people will brand him creepy.' Tracey thought. She shook her head to clear her hazy head. Her current dire situation wasn't exactly helping her thought process. She needed to find some alone time and cry her eyes out.

"Guard him. I'll go and bring a professor." she said, handing him back his robe after picking up her clothes from the ground.

"Turn around and don't peek." she warned, her chest covered with her bunched clothes.

Harry looked confused.

"Isn't that illogical? I've already seen you naked. Sorry, half naked. Why does it matter if I see or not see you half- naked again? And also, there is nothing to see, your body looks just like a boy's body. It's almost like looking in the mirror." he questioned her sincerely.

She really wanted to glare at him, but knew he wasn't insulting her and was just genuinely confused.

"It's improper to see anybody naked without their consent, and I haven't given you my consent to see me. As for me looking like a boy, I'm only eleven." she half-yelled indignantly, controlling her blush at the stupidity of the situation, where she was explaining to a boy why he shouldn't peek at naked girls even if they didn't have their assets developed.

Harry nodded as if it made sense and turned around. She sighed, quickly dressing herself.

"Be careful, Harry. I'll quickly bring a professor." said Tracey. Then she left the class.

Harry put on his robe and sat on a chair facing the limp body of the sixth-year Slytherin.

Harry was tempted to torture the unconscious boy but didn't knew if the healer could detect the symptoms of being tortured. So, he decided against it.

He still stood up and kicked him on his face though. He needed some fun while being idle.

After a few minutes, Professor McGonagall came running, with Tracey closely following her.

She gaped at the sight.

Harry wanted to laugh at witnessing such a reaction from the always composed professor.

"What happened here, Mr. Potter?" She asked sternly, kneeling beside the sixth-year Slytherin.

"He tried to rape me and Harry helped me." Tracey quickly explained, not wanting her new friend to be in trouble.

"He did that!" She exclaimed, anger pouring out of her as she glared at the unconscious boy.

She levitated the body and started leading him to the hospital wing.

"Go to your common room, Mr. Potter. I will dutifully inform the Headmaster of this travesty. Miss Davis, you should come with me to the hospital wing." she ordered.

Harry and Tracey nodded.


Harry stepped into the Slytherin common room to find Daphne Greengrass pacing back and forth at the entrance.

He went to her, feeling obliged to inform her.

"Daphne? Are you all right?" He asked.

She stopped walking and looked at him. Her lips turned up into a small nervous smile. "I am fine, Harry. I'm just worried about Tracey. I don't know where she is. I've been waiting here for her for almost half an hour."

"She is alright now, I think. She is currently in the hospital wing if you want to see her." he revealed.

Her eyes widened and filled up with fear.

"Hospital Wing? What happened to her?" She hissed.

"It's better if she tells you that. Now, hurry up and go to her."

"Thanks, Harry." she thanked him distractedly, leaving the common room.

Harry sat in the corner, alone, observing everyone. Some students were studying, some were talking about quidditch, some were flirting with girls and girls flirted back. Draco Malfoy boasted to the first years how he was a brilliant flyer and would prove it in the upcoming flying class.

Harry ignored them all and thought about what to do.

Should he reveal his powers and make everybody bow to him? Should he establish his domination so early, or should he wait more?

His reverie was interrupted by the opening of the common room door. In came Tracey and Daphne. They both headed straight towards him.

Daphne's eyes were brimming with gratitude. Tracey had a small smile on her face.

"Thank you, Harry, for saving Tracey. I can't put into words how grateful I'm to you for aiding my best friend in her time of need." she said, sitting beside him. Tracey then plopped down on the other side of Daphne.

"Glad to help." Harry replied.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Not knowing what to say. Harry wasn't really a good conversationalist and the girls still weren't over their fear of him.

"Did you really use her life debt for a regular supply of hugs?" She enquired incredulously, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Tracey snorted at that.

"Uhm, yes." Harry answered, not knowing where it was going. Daphne shook her head in amusement.

"You could have asked for thousands of galleons, you could have asked her to become your mistress, but all you asked was hugs."

"It seems that you are sad that I, a preteen, didn't ask for Tracey's virginity." he joked.

"Hey!" Tracey protested at the blatant mention of her virginity while Daphne laughed.

"No, I'm happy actually, but your demand is just so… unique." she smiled.

Harry just shrugged.

"Don't worry, Daphne. When I'll save you from some danger, I will ask for kisses in exchange for your life debt. Okay?" He smirked, trying to make her blush.

Daphne just stared at him, not taking his bait.

"Then, let's hope I'll not find myself in any danger." she grinned smugly.

"Let's be friends, Harry. All of us." Tracey piped up excitedly.

Harry and Daphne looked at her as if she was a moron.

"What? Why are you both looking at me like that?"

"That's so lame way, and straightforward of you to ask us to be your friends, but I agree. Let's be friends." Harry nodded, stifling the urge to do a victory jig.

Grinning, Tracey stood up and pulled him in her arms. Harry grinned, returning the hug, coiling his hands around her waist. Daphne watched them with wry amusement. When they pulled back and looked at her, she raised her eyebrow from where she was sitting.

"I am not going to join you in a group hug. As for being friends, I was always ready, but it was Tracey who held me back." she said, pointing her finger at Tracey.

Harry turned to Tracey who was looking sheepish.

"He was scary." She murmured with a blush tinting her cheeks. Harry laughed at her, pulling her back against him.

"You know that I'll continue scaring everyone, don't you?" he asked, tapping her forehead.

"But at least now I know you won't harm us." She mumbled, burying her face on his chest, not wanting to look at him.

Daphne cleared her throat.

"I am still here so please stop acting like lovers." Daphne teased, her eyes full of mirth.

They broke the hug and looked at each other. Tracey whispered something in Harry's ears. He nodded.

"What're you both planning?" Daphne asked suspiciously.

Tracey and Harry looked at her innocently.

"Nothing. We just realised we were excluding you." Tracey announced in a faux sadness.

"What-" She didn't complete her sentence since she was suddenly pulled on her feet and was sandwiched between Harry and Tracey.

Harry was hugging her from behind while Tracey from front, Tracey's arms looping around Harry's neck, trapping her between them.

"What're you both doing?" Daphne whined.

Tracey and Harry chuckled, and continued hugging her.

Daphne sighed dramatically.

"If this is what you want. I'll allow you little peasants to embrace me for a little while." she said haughtily, laughter bubbling inside her.

"You bestow us with your generosity, my lady." Tracey played along.

Harry was silent, content in remaining in the arms of his first friends.

That night Harry slept with a smile on his face.

'Power: check, Wealth: check, Friends: check. Hmm, I have everything I need. Congratulations little Harry, you get your wish. You have friends now. It seems the world isn't that bad.'


Harry left his room and entered the common room to find Tracey and Daphne waiting for him.

"Harry!" Tracey smiled and hugged him eagerly.

'Wow, I don't even have to ask.' he smiled.

"Good morning, Harry." Tracey and Daphne greeted him after Tracey pulled back.

"Good morning to you too, ladies." He smiled and stared at Daphne with his arms open.

Daphne rolled her eyes but walked into his open arms. Tracey meanwhile, giggled at her friends' antics. She knew Daphne enjoyed Harry's company, it was a breath of fresh air since she generally steered clear of boys in the past. Saying Harry was unique was like saying the Sun was larger than Earth. It was true, but it didn't convey the enormity of the subjects.

The trio then started for the Great Hall while talking about their classes. Daphne and Tracey praised Harry for his performance in class.

"Of course, I am the best." he agreed proudly.

"And modest too." Daphne quipped sarcastically.

"Why should I be modest and lie that I'm not the best when I know I'm the best?" Harry questioned, shaking his head at her stupidity. Tracey just rolled her eyes, aware that Harry's mind didn't exactly work like normal.

"But if you boast about yourself then people will think you're arrogant and no one will take you seriously." she replied. Harry remained silent, thinking about her words.

"That's true. I don't really care about other people's opinions, but I'll reign in my pride. There's no harm in that." he said.

"Great! Let your actions speak for you instead of your words." Daphne suggested.

Harry nodded, taking in the advice.

They sat together on the Slytherin table and talked among themselves. They were interrupted by the arrival of a magnificent snowy owl. The owl landed in front of him and picked up a piece of bacon and gobbled it down.

"Hedwig! How're you?" Harry asked with delight, caressing her plumage.

Hedwig hooted and leaned into his touch.

"Oh! You were exploring the forest. How was it?"

Hedwig hooted again.

"Interesting, you say. I'll have to check it out myself then." replied Harry, patting her head. Hedwig with a final hoot, took off and went away.

Finally, Harry registered the flabbergasted looks he was receiving from his friends.

"What?" He asked. Tracey just giggled while Daphne tried to say something but couldn't.

"Forget it. I'm going to expect strange occurrences every minute so I won't be surprised ever again." Daphne sighed. At that instant, Professor Snape came prowling towards them.

"Potter! The Headmaster has asked for you after breakfast. Miss Davis, you are also to come. Be ready, I will come after breakfast to take you." he informed them and went to the Head table.

"Is he always this grumpy?" question Harry.

"More or less." Daphne responded with a frown.

Tracey had gone silent, remembering the incident of last night. A shiver of fear ran through her body. Harry and Daphne noticed that and put their hands on her shoulders.

"Everything is alright. Nothing will happen again to you." Daphne reassured.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you and if I wasn't trying to be modest, I'd have said that nothing in this world can harm you with me at your side, which is true, but I won't say it because I'm trying to be modest, but you must know that it is true." Harry said.

Tracey and Daphne shared a laugh at his try at being modest. Harry had intentionally said that convolutedly to bring some levity in the scene. He smiled smugly at his success.

'They look nice when they smile and laugh.'

"Thanks, Harry. You have my full confidence." Tracey nodded.

After breakfast, the two followed behind professor Snape. He led them through corridors to the third floor where he stopped in front of a gargoyle and said something gibberish. The gargoyle moved, revealing a circular stone staircase. They climbed up the stairs and stood in front of a door.

"Wait here. Come in when I ask you to." Professor Snape instructed as he knocked on the door.

"Come in." Headmaster Dumbledore's voice called out. Snape entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"Be nice to them. Don't talk much. I'll take care of this. Did I mention being nice to them?" Tracey babbled in a panic mode.

Harry rolled his eyes and pulled her in a sideway hug.

"Okay, I'll be nice to them but don't freak out." he said as he squeezed her shoulders.

She sighed, taking a deep breath and nodded.

"Come in." Professor Snape said as the door opened. Harry and Tracey went inside and found the headmaster sitting behind his desk while Snape was standing beside him, glaring at them.

Headmaster smiled, his eyes twinkling.

"Take a seat Mr. Potter, Miss Davis." he said, pointing to the chairs in front of the desk.

Harry and Tracey sat in front of him.

"I want to hear what happened with you, Miss Davis, and how a sixth year student is still in the hospital wing? And also how is Mr. Potter involved in this?" He asked with a grandfatherly smile as if he was asking about her favourite candy.

"I was stunned and taken to an empty classroom. When I woke up, I found my hands bound behind me with my clothes…" Tracey continued narrating. Her voice was small and she seemed frightened. Harry had taken up one of her hands in his and was squeezing it whenever he thought she needed it. "And then I asked Harry to guard him and went to fetch Professor McGonagall."

Dumbledore and Snape didn't show any surprise so they must have already known that.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that, Miss Davis. I am very thankful to Mr. Potter that he saved you." Dumbledore told her with a sad voice and turned his attention to Harry. "But, I must ask, did you really use just the Levitation charm?"

"Yes." Harry replied succinctly.

Dumbledore tried using Legilimency on Harry, but to his surprise, he found nothing but an eternal golden light inside his head. This didn't go unnoticed by Harry. He wanted to use the red mist on the old man, but controlled himself for Tracey's sake.

"I see. You are free to go. 100 points to Slytherin for saving a fellow student." Dumbledore praised and gifted 'precious' house points.

Snape was furious. He didn't want the Potter brat to go unpunished for attacking one of his own, but if he went to say something against him, he would come out as a supporter of rape. With a great effort he controlled his anger and bias.

"How're you going to punish the boy for what he had done, sir? And what're you doing to prevent these types of things from ever happening again?" Tracey asked after screwing up her courage.

Dumbledore seemed troubled.

"I can't punish the boy since nothing really happened between you two. And if I expel him, then all the pureblood families will start a riot. As for preventing such heinous acts, I have posted some of the house elves to regularly patrol the school." He replied to her query.

Tracey wanted to protest, but Harry signalled her not to. She nodded at the professors and then left the office along with Harry. The walk to the Slytherin dorms was filled with unpleasant silence. Suddenly, Tracey turned around and jabbed her finger at him.

"Why did you stop me?" she asked angrily.

"They wouldn't have done anything. Why waste your energy by protesting?" he retorted.

"But that isn't fair. He was going to rape me and I can't do anything since he failed. He'll roam these halls with no care while I'll have nightmares every night." she said softly, tears rolling down her cheeks. Harry sighed as he caressed her face, wiping her tears.

"You just have to say one word. I'll kill him. You don't need teachers for that." Harry whispered in her ear as he held her firmly in his arms.

"I don't want him to die. I don't want to be the reason for someone's death, I just want justice." She murmured on his chest.

'You are too good and naive for your own good, Tracey.' Harry thought bitterly as he massaged her head.

Tracey pulled away and smiled at him tiredly.

"Let's just go to Daphne." she said, leading him towards their destination.


Daphne was seething with rage. She was pacing back and forth, in front of them.

"He should be punished." She hissed and sat beside Tracey. She rested her head on her shoulder and sighed in defeat. "But I can understand the Headmaster's reasoning. The wizarding world is run by the purebloods and they can get away with almost anything."

Harry patted Tracey's shoulder.

I can't depend on others to do my work or take my revenge. It is up to me to do my part. I am the one and only who has the power to change my life. That is the saying by which I lead my life. You should follow it too."

Daphne and Tracey looked at him sadly, understanding that he must have been lonely and had had a bad childhood to be that cynical.

"But if you believe that then you also don't have the power to help Tracey. It's up to Tracey to do something for herself." Daphne argued, raising her eyebrow.

Harry shook his hand, already having an answer.

"It was true before Tracey asked me to be her friend, but now she has me and she has a deal with me, so I've the power to help her just so she can continue fulfilling her side of the deal." Harry replied seriously.

"So basically what you are saying is that you'll help her just so you can continue having hugs?" Daphne asked incredulously.

Harry shrugged. "A deal is a deal."

Daphne snorted while Tracey laughed softly. She gently pulled Harry into another hug. She was lowkey surprised how easy it felt showing affection to him.

"Never change, Harry. You must never change." she giggled on his chest, tightening her grasp.

"Why would I? I am perfect. I don't need to change."

Tracey laughed again.

"Harry? Did you forget about modesty?" Daphne smirked, trying to suppress her laughter.

"Oops." Harry grinned. "As I'm being modest, I won't say that I am perfect, but you must know and believe that I am perfect."

The three of them started laughing hysterically. They got a few odd looks from the other students in the common room, but they didn't care. They just held each other and laughed.

"You suck at being modest." Tracey announced after finally controlling her laughter.

"I shall do my best at being modest for you, milady." Harry bowed.

Next chapter