

An hour later...

The World Economy News Paper, presided by Morgans, an emperor of the Underworld swiftly spread his infamous newspaper all over the Grand Line. It contained information the Marines were unhappy being released to the public.

[Paradise, Hyokaido]

[Queen The Plague, an all-star of the Beast Pirates who was renown in the New World, has been captured by the Marines! Shockingly, Marine Captain Ray, dominated the ruthless pirate in their intense battle resulting in Queen's swift defeat!]



"God damnit! It's that dumbass Morgans again!" shouted Sengoku as he slammed his palm onto his desk, cracks forming on the surface despite controlling his strength. Sengoku was a tall, fair-skinned, and muscular man with a long, braided goatee and a moustache. He was the current Fleet-Admiral of the Marines.

"Garp! Get your ass to Hyokaido as quick as you can, I expect the Beast Pirates are unwilling to let one of their commanders be captured" ordered Sengoku.


On the couch in Sengoku's office, Garp was taking a nap like he usually did.

"Huh?" Garp looked around as he woke up.

"Don't huh me, get your ass on a ship to Hyokaido right now!"

"The brat's in trouble?"

"Yeah, that fucker Morgans released news of Queen's capture, you can bet your ass the Beast Pirates are headed there"

"Ah, fine, I better get a long vacation after this" complained Garp as he stood up, ready to leave.

"It's your god damn job, Garp!" said Sengoku as Garp left quickly left, unwilling to hear more complaints from his old friend.


[Onigashima, Wano Country in the New World]

Currently, a mammoth of a man was drinking himself to sleep, seemingly bored as very few could hope to challenge him.

In a large cave lied an imposing figure due to his extreme height of 710 cm, also aided by the bulk of his muscles, making him dwarf normal humans. Right of his defined abs is his only scar: a massive, recessed X-shape whose upper points reach to his pectoral.

This was Kaidou of the Beasts, captain of the Beast Pirates and renowned as the world's "Strongest Creature". Currently one of the Yonko that ruled over the New World, as another large yet smaller figure could be seen below Kaidou, bowing in respect.

A towering man at 613 cm tall, clad in a dark, form-fitting leather uniform that bares no skin. Covering his head and neck area is a full-faced leather mask, which leaves only two holes for his eyes and has a zipper going up the front of the neck, flanked by two blue, grey-studded leather bands.

He was King the Conflagration, one of the three All-Stars of the Beasts Pirates and Kaidou's right-hand man.

"We have some unfortunate news captain, Queen has been captured by the Marines in Hyokaido, I suspect they're still there waiting on transport" reported King.

Grabbing his large large, black, spiked kanabō and smashed it into the ground, releasing a loud shockwave throughout the cave.

"Fucking useless bastard, can't even do a simple task" said Kaidou in annoyance.

"Was it an Admiral or that bastard Garp?"

"Neither sir, it was a new rising Marine Captain named Ray"

"He lost to a fucking lowly Captain?!?" now Kaidou was truly enraged, Queen had brought shame upon his name and his crew.

"I suggest we head over straight away sir, the rest of the crew would slow us down" suggested King.

"WORO RO RO RO RO! I hope they can entertain me, lets go" announced Kaidou as he headed out.


[Paradise, Hyokaido]

Currently, contrasting to the panic in Marineford, Ray laid flat on his back relaxed on the ground with his eyes closed, now calm as he got lost in his thoughts.

'Conqueror's Haki huh, quite unexpected I must say' Ray hadn't even been aware that he had awakened the colour of supreme king until he looked back at his fight with Queen.

With enough mastery, Advanced Conqueror's Haki adjacent to Advanced Armament Haki can propel a fighter above even Yonko Commander's. Of course that was easier said than done, very few could actually coat their attacks in Conqueror's Haki, it was a broken ability. 

Looking back, the progress Ray had made in the last 4 years was truly astounding. In the fight against Queen, he didn't even use his full strength, he wanted to slowly overpower Queen and make him despair.

Ray had gained a moderate mastery over both Advanced Observation and Armament Haki.

As expected his Observation Haki had always been a step ahead, Ray developed future sight last year through extensive training, unlike others, Ray dedicated his entire day to training, rarely spending time with others but Ray was content. 

Unlike his Observation Haki, Ray's progress with Armament Haki was slower, only recently developing the ability to use Emission.

By letting the Haki flow out from a part of their body and emitting it over a short distance without a medium to carry it. This allowed the user to ultimately increase the range of their attacks making them deadlier, as well as a bolster in defence.

Attacks would not come in direct contact with the user's body unless the attack contained Advanced Conqueror's Haki or through the use of internal destruction. Ray was still figuring out how to apply internal destruction despite knowing the functions of it.

He figured it was because Armament Haki was the most suited in blooming in combat, Ray very rarely ran into challenging foe in Paradise after all.

The focal reason behind Ray's quick progression in Haki besides being a pure Haki user and his extensive training, was his prior knowledge of all Haki techniques. It was easier to learn those abilities as Ray was keenly aware of their functions, he also had Garp teaching him. A master of Haki himself. 

A short while later...

Whilst napping Ray detected something in the distance, or rather two figure approaching rapidly as they glided through the sky.

'Nah, no fucking way it's those two, where's that lazy fuck Kizaru! He's a Pika Pika no Mi user for god sake' despite being frustrated at the Admiral's lack of urgency, Ray wasted no time, dragging Queen's large body along as he raced towards the other side of the island, hoping to stall as long as he could.

Only one chapter today folks, Im a little tired but expect many tomorrow!

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