

Esteria tossed and turned in her luxurious yet unfamiliar bed, unable to shake off the simmering irritation left behind by her new "roommate." Calyx's teasing words echoed in her mind, grating at her already frazzled nerves. The soft glow of firelight filtered through the intricately carved windows, illuminating her restless figure. With a groan, she threw off the covers and slipped out of bed.

"Forget this," she muttered, grabbing a light cloak before stepping out into the corridor.

The cool night air outside her room was a stark contrast to the smoldering heat that seemed to permeate the Fire Palace. Esteria sank onto one of the stone benches lining the hallway, leaning back against the wall. Her muscles ached from the grueling journey and the tension of the day. Despite her exhaustion, sleep evaded her.

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