

Esteria had barely settled into her routine after the exhausting training when a knock resounded at her door. She opened it to find a solemn-looking guard who handed her a sealed scroll. The weight of Gladius's fiery sigil sent a shiver down her spine. She broke the seal and read the message:

"Prepare yourself. The next trial awaits at dawn. Meet at the Hall of Embers."

As the sun rose, Esteria joined the assembled trainees in the grand, glowing Hall of Embers. Flames danced across the obsidian walls, casting flickering shadows that seemed alive. Gladius himself stood at the forefront, his fiery presence commanding silence.

"The next challenge," he began, his voice reverberating through the hall, "is a test of your wit, strength, and resilience. You will navigate the Labyrinth of Cinders, a realm I have crafted to test the best. Teamwork is crucial. Betray it, and you will fail."

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