

Esteria's heart raced as she locked eyes with Adrian, the crackling air between them a stark reminder of the power they wielded. He stood across from her, his posture casual but his eyes sharp, a faint current of energy surrounding him. The thunder demon was ready.

She was ready too, but a part of her hesitated. She had trained relentlessly, mastering water and lightning, but Adrian's control over thunder was unmatched. She could feel it in the air—his power was a storm contained, and it was about to break free.

With a swift motion, she lifted her hand, calling upon the water within her. A surge of liquid energy spiraled from the earth, dancing around her, forming shields and tendrils of blue. She could feel the cool embrace of water, grounding her, giving her strength. But it wasn't enough to block out the overwhelming hum of Adrian's electricity. The very air seemed to crackle with the anticipation of the fight.

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