

Rise would not forget just how Epsilon naturally suppressed him. Just like a script, the protagonist would always defeat the villain. No matter how he struggled and managed to explode with strength, the end was inevitable. 

It was death. Just like his end in the last life. 

His eyelashes fluttered slightly, gripping his phone tightly. His emotions were affected by the memory. 

Gritting his teeth, he leaned once more on the headboard and closed his eyes, calming himself. 

Taking a few deep breaths, Rise once more read the message. His mind recovered from the shock and began to ponder once more. 

Strictly speaking, even if Epsilon was a late bloomer, his wavelength would still be detected, however weak it was. And Rise did not think Epsilon would be one. He was special, and also, as a S-rank, there was no way it would be buried just like that, and... wait...


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