
Chapter 100.2 Pleasant and Unpleasant Encounters

Snape apparently didn't want to go all the way, so he got off easier. No questions asked, by the way, because I put up a warning sign at the border. Shields, you say? It burns from the spiritual plane, so not every shield will help, and not completely. Especially since I've put so much magic into this construct that it can penetrate anyone who doesn't have official access.

By the end of the demonstration, the students were divided into two camps: those who had fallen into thoughtfulness and those who immediately asked questions.

Of course, I'm not going to teach anyone anything. I said: — This magic is the legacy of Family, and only my future wife and children will know it. Of course, there were absolutely stupid outbursts like: "What should you do?" and "So you are a pureblood," but I just responded with an expressive look with a different message, depending on what I heard. And it wasn't just that Sunday, the rumors spread throughout the school, so I was approached by all kinds of people.

Last Wednesday, I'd received official letters from the heads of several clans, the vast majority of them stating their intention to buy something from the list Malfoy had given me. Significantly, the letters weren't just from those whose children were Slytherin students. And very few of the chapters offered to meet in person and discuss things in more detail.

Since I had envisioned something like this long before Malfoy's demonstration of the barrier, just waiting for the right opportunity and a reduced workload, I began making paper seals and wooden talismans whenever I had free time. These activities were usually combined with socializing with someone in the faculty lounge or in my apartment when guests came to visit.

Luna and Astoria visited me quite often, and always at the same time. Greengrass tried meditation, but she was not as sedentary as Lovegood. While Luna immersed herself in meditation, or read my personal writings on the subject, which I had forbidden to be published (the fact is that after the performance in the Great Hall there were many people who wanted to do the same.

For this purpose, with the help of copying charms, I made four manuals on the introduction to the course and primitive methods of the simplest meditations. One copy of each manual was given to the head of each faculty. And if there was a noticeable interest in the first two or three days, then the children cooled down and gave up. And then the manuals would get lost somewhere.

People still came to me asking for new manuals, but I gave them all to the faculty heads who were responsible for them. It should be noted, however, that in each of the faculties there were clever people who had managed to make a separate copy for themselves, with which they continued to study.

Such people sometimes came to me in secret for advice, which they always received, and a generous allowance. I decided that I didn't want to encourage irresponsibility and absent-mindedness, so Luna kept a personal diary, which she hid in a thin ring that had been on her little finger for some time, and Astoria and I either chatted (and I also did some crafting) or practiced Transfiguration, for which Astoria had developed quite an appetite. And there was some talent.

A girl, or already a girl(?), because she's 13 like Luna and Gabrielle, even though they're all small. Or is that normal? I didn't really pay attention to that. So Astoria started to use Transfiguration and a handful of simple charms to make various small crafts. For such an important thing — studying — the whole volume of old nails after the repair of the gym was provided. I myself during this time with metal, you can say "well acquainted", so I decided, in addition to educational tasks, still pay attention to the stone.

This raw material turned out to be different, not easier, not more complicated, just different — different from metal. To confirm a hunch, I tried to transfigure wood, glass, even a laboratory mouse. In each experiment, the sensation is different, though it's not easy to notice the differences.

I can't devote much time to it, since I've resumed training with the armband at the gym, and I have to study, and I have orders to fulfill, things to do, but I don't put transfiguration on the back burner.

Somehow, unbeknownst to me, a certain shaggy-haired knowledge hunter began to flicker into my living room. First it was a simple "I'd like to compare our essays on...", and then this mademoiselle was snuggling up on the couch with some of my books, which I also do not let anyone take out.

And it was so natural that I figured it out about the third night. I didn't kick Granger out, but I took her word that the girl would persuade Potter to let me study his artifacts — the map and the robes universe.

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