
Chapter 35.1 Purification     


Time after time, time after time, time after time, describing every ritual I perform in this world is, in my opinion, redundant. I will explain why. The fact is that all ritualism is based on the following: the ritual is performed in a certain place; at a certain time; ritual symbols are placed on or above the ground; there is usually live fire, burning wood, herbs, and other substances; altars and bowls are often used; ritual tools for activation, defense, and attack are always present; ritual clothing may be required.

Sometimes something else is added, but generally not even half of the above is used, the variables change, but the principle is always the same. That's it, I don't want to go back to rituals... anytime soon.

Okay, here we go. The fire is lit, everything is prepared, and the prayer invocation has just finished. I sit on my knees and wait for an answer, either the highest guardian spirit of these lands or the same guardian-younger god should come.

 The ropes and candles from the bar helped to bind the creatures and light the hall. A cloud of mist gathered in the center of the hall, became impenetrable and dense, and dissipated in a few seconds, revealing the arrival to the mortals. A newcomer, to be exact.

A girl, about ten or eleven years old, with black hair in a thick, tight braid down to her waist, wearing a light blue sundress and pink sandals. Who came — it is not clear — the power hides, all that is clear — not mortal. The girl looked around with interest, an adult's evaluative gaze, went through the ritual, the bound animals, and only then turned her attention to me. Of course, I'm not in ritual robes, and I'm not wearing that stupid high Omyoji hat, even more — I didn't even recognize its name on principle. But in cases like this, you can ignore that.

— You called, I came. — A voice like a normal girl's made the magic shudder and "go in waves".

— It's a pleasure to see you. — I bowed deeply. — May I know how to call you?

— It is you. — The girl nods, smiles warmly, which fills the hall with golden light, not blinding, not burning, friendly. — But you, I think, already recognize me....

— Amaterasu-sama. — I bow low again — an elder goddess, especially a kind and wise one, deserves respect. — I didn't expect to see you. I thought the guardian of the city would show up. — Will he or won't he?

— I chose you, and the god can come to his mages and priests whenever and wherever he wants, if he is invited, of course. — I nod, beginning to realize that I have just been informed not only by word, but also by the appearance of the True Priestess Avatar. — So you want to give these beings to atone for their sins, for the evil they have created, according to the ancient contract. — The Goddess in the body of an Avatar is looking earnestly into my eyes, and I feel as if I am being examined under a magnifying glass. — Do you know what you're sentencing them to?

— Yes. — I nod confidently, keeping my gaze fixed on them. — They will become faithful slaves in the service of the Guardian God, protecting humans from their own kind, fulfilling the slightest order, until the Guardian decides that the slaves have corrected themselves and paid for their evil, at which time he will release them for rebirth... — I pause briefly to catch my breath, but I am interrupted.

— ...and they will atone for their sins for another number of rebirths, according to the number of their victims. Is that what you want for them? — The Goddess asks, raising her voice slightly, under pressure.

— They deserve an eternity in Gehenna, but I don't want to mess with Inferno right now, and this way they will not only have enough time to realize their evil, but also serve a good cause.

— I see you are certain of your decision. — The goddess looked at me silently for a while, then smiled again, more affectionately. — You have chosen well, Sora, even goodness must be punished, and We always need tools in the mortal world, for it is not in Our rules to come down here for petty things in all Our greatness. Is there anything you wish to ask or add to her fate? — I shook my head in the negative. — Good. GOOD. — The girl's figure radiated a golden glow, and with a commanding wave she stripped the beasts of their flesh, leaving only blue silhouettes that immediately vanished into thin air. — Done.

The girl's figure disintegrated into blue smoke, and the presence immediately disappeared, and I felt that I had lost a lot of energy, I wanted to eat. That's it, the ritual is complete. I wish I'd had the chance to ask the goddess why she marked me.


Because you love this world, my little stranger, even if you don't know it yet. For you don't like blood, but you're not afraid of it. For whose blood has taken you in and responded to you.

A beautiful girl with a long wave of blue-black hair, wearing a red kimono embroidered with gold, rose from the bench by the stream and walked away. In the silvery water flashed scenes of mortal life, landscapes and quite surreal images, every second gathering and dissolving.

The girl walked leisurely, and the gaze of her lively eyes moved from the few passers-by in strange, odd, and eerily traditional dress to the huge palace complex. The marvelous creation is a huge Japanese-style castle with many passageways branching off in all directions.

Many buildings are scattered around, and no less hidden in snow-white clouds, where golden-red staircases lead. A sudden flash of light in one of the clouds, followed by a rumble of thunder, made the girl quicken her pace and change her expression to a more focused one of displeasure....

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