"Xian Tian slowly opens his eyes, feeling disoriented from the previous night's festivities.
He looks around and sees two beautiful women lying beside him on the couch.
As he turns to face the bed, he sees three more women sleeping soundly.
Memories of the previous night come rushing back to him, and he can't help but feel a mixture of exhaustion and contentment.
Good thing! After the arrival of Tianzhen, he could take some rest.
Just as he's about to get up from the couch, a sudden voice echoes in his mind.
Rise and shine, Xian Tian.
says the Senior Dragon.
Xian Tian is taken aback by the voice in his mind but doesn't respond.
With a deep breath, Xian Tian stepped out of his personal quarter.
He could see a group of men and women, all dressed in the finest silks and adorned with jewelry that glittered in the light of a thousand candles.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: