
Chapter 29: Lucian's Regression (2)

"Just put him there and don't forget to lock it!"

"Don't push me! And we were told to put him in the farthest cell and tie him up, you stupid shit."

In a dimly lit dungeon, two cultivators were currently pushing each other as they made their way deeper into the dark hall; one of them who had a mustache was holding a large sack on his back.

"You're the stupid shit!" And once again, they pushed each other; causing the man with a mustache to accidentally just drop his baggage to the floor, giving out a light thud, "Be careful with that!"

"What the—You're the one who pushed me!" The man with a mustache quickly picked up the bag with one hand, just carelessly throwing it on his back again before the two continued to bicker with each other until they reached the last cell — there wasn't really anyone else there, all the previous cells they passed by were empty, "Open it."

"You don't have to order me around, stupid," the other man clicked his tongue at the same time as he unlocked the cell with a large key, "I swear, why don't they get one of those automated stuff? It's not like we still live in the 1800s."

"Why did you even come when all you're going to do is complain?" The mustached man let out a small groan as he entered the cell; just carelessly dropping his baggage before opening it up.

"What the fuck!?" And as soon as they did so, the two could not help but almost jump in shock as a decapitated head welcomed them, "Why… get that shit out! Don't tell me they put him in the sack like that!?"

"Fuck!" The other man quickly grabbed the decapitated head and threw it out of the cell, causing the boy who was holding it to be violently dragged across the dirty floor, "Quick, just tie him up so we can leave!"

Lucian looked incredibly pale; his clothes, face, and everything else were covered with blood. The two felt extremely uncomfortable just looking at him and quickly dragged him by the hair; lightly slamming him on the wall before binding his waist onto a long chain.

"This kid… isn't dead, is he?" The other man breathed out as Lucian had not made any noise since earlier.

"Does he look dead to you?" The mustached man grabbed Lucian's cheek and looked at his opened eyes.

"You don't have to be so fucking rough with him, man. Fuck… this kid looks younger than my son, this is the one they're calling the Medicine God?"

"No one's calling him that."

"I heard one of the Elders mention it."

"Whatever, nerd," the mustached man shook his head before walking away, "Let's just get out of here — this place is giving me the creeps already. Don't forget to lock it."

"What… do we do with the head?"

"Just leave it there and let the rats have something to eat."

"We don't have rats here. This place is…"

And soon, the pair's voices faded away and the only sound that was left was Lucian's breaths; as well as the sound of chains clanging with even the slightest movement.

"Oh…?" Lucian, despite the pain that was covering his entire body from having been dragged around like some sort of baggage, just let out a small breath as he started walking around his little cell. He then very slowly approached the therapist's head which was on the other side of the cell, but stopped walking right before he reached the end of the chain attached to him.

He stared at the therapist's head for a few seconds before sitting on the dirty floor… and then started at her head again.

A second.

A minute.

He stared at the head for an entire hour before he heard a noise echoing across the dungeon — and very soon, he watched as the therapist's head was just casually squashed by one of the people who entered the dungeon.

"Ugh, who left this head here? I got mud brains all over my new shoes!"

"Why would you wear your new shoes when you know we are going to the dungeon?"


The group were all wearing the very same robes as the masked men who barged in Lucian's home and killed everyone there — and from their voices, they were, in fact, the very same people. Lucian, however, did not know that at all as he based everything on appearance.

There were 5 of them.

The one who they were all listening to, who looked to be the oldest, had a silky white beard that almost reached his belly.

The one who complained about his shoe looked to be the youngest; a tattoo of a dragon covering the side of his neck.

There was a woman too, she did not really speak or react at all as she opened the cell.

There was a tall muscular man, whose robes had its sleeves cut.

And the last one was bald, and had some sort of gem on his forehead.

"Kid, you are about to do something for us," the one with a dragon tattoo tilted his head and crouched as he looked Lucian in the eyes, "And we would be eternally grateful for it…

…you are going to be making pills for the Infinite Coiling Dragon Sect."

"Stop talking to him. Just bring him with us."

The tall muscular man grabbed the end of the chains from the wall before dragging Lucian outside the cell. And even with the force, Lucian once again did not make any sound at all — he was then brought by the group to some sort of large shed where Lucian would be making the pills.

The place was immaculate, completely unlike Lucian's current state. And yet the group did not seem to mind at all as they attached the chain Lucian was attached to to a longer chain.

"This is where you will be making pills from now on," the oldest one brushed his beard while looking at Lucian, "You will have all sorts of materials available for you, you just have to make it. If not…"

The old man then snapped his fingers, and as he did so, the younger disciples of the sect entered the laboratory… pushing a man in a wheelchair.

"Father?" Lucian tilted his head to the side.

"You should be grateful, we saved your father's life," the man with a dragon tattoo smiled as he stood beside the wheelchair and placed his arm on top of the head of Lucian's father, "But if you don't work for us…

…we will kill him."

And so, Lucian did work for them. He created all sorts of pills for the Infinite Coiling Dragon sect — more specifically to increase their cultivation at an extremely accelerated rate.

And in 7 years, they were able to become the strongest cultivation sect outside the Demon Continent.

"You… were held like an animal for 7 years…?" Charlotte could not help but just cover her mouth with what she had just heard from Lucian, "The… Infinite Coiling Dragon sect… I… I know them. I know… what happened to them. How… how… did you—"

There was a young servant, barely even older than Lucian, who tended to him and his needs. She bathed him, bathed with him if needed. Fed him food different from the usual they were giving him.

"...Malenia?" Charlotte blinked a couple of times as she looked at Malenia's room, "Was it… her?"

"She was sent there to spy on me."

"How… would you know that?"

"She told me the very first time we met," Lucian let out a small breath as he looked down, "And she was the one who also told me that my father was dead, and that the person I saw was only a double who copied his face."

"How… can they even do that to you? You were… you were just 11 and they treated you like a slave for 7 years…?"

"And when I found out," Lucian then looked Charlotte in the eyes, "I started putting poison on the pills, Ms. Charlotte. And those who I can not poison, I created a pill that will make them breakthrough to the Immortal rank."

"That…" Charlotte's eyes widened.

"The 5 of them broke through at the very same time. They did not expect it at all," Lucian blinked, 

"And then a light coming from the sky swallowed all of them away, Ms. Charlotte."

"That's..." Charlotte whispered, "You forcefully triggered...

...Heavenly Expulsion?"

Damn, Lucian's a fucking badass.

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