
Chapter 35

The legions of demons before the Gothic-style castle were not terrifying but at least alarming.

"We're not going to fight all of them, are we?" Johnny's voice was tinged with concern as he raised an eyebrow at the nightmare army.

I gazed at the scene before me. The sight, reminiscent of Bosch's works, included not just an army but a distant city adjacent to the castle.

"No," I shook my head. "That would be counterproductive."

"Agreed with the brainiac," Logan growled, his voice rough and uncompromising. "We just need to get the girl, not start an inquisition or anything like that."

Thanks to our mutant scanners, we could pinpoint Illyana's location... and three other individuals with the X-gene near her.

"Of course, it had to be a castle," Ben grumbled, looking at the scanner.

We remained undetected only because we were cloaked in invisibility, maintained by both technology and magic.

"What's the plan, Dr. Richards?" asked Cyclops, aka Scott Summers.

I took a deep breath, focusing on our surroundings. Electromagnetic waves worked the same in this world as they did in ours, so I could use them for reconnaissance.

"We have plenty of options, but if we want to get this done quickly, our list of choices narrows," I said as a complete picture of the surrounding area formed in my mind.

---= Some Time Later =---

Once the final coordinates were confirmed, the silence of taut anticipation filled the air for a moment.

"Cyclops in position," Scott's voice cut through the quiet, focused and determined.

"Storm in position," followed Ororo, her voice like the wind before a storm, promising the unyielding force of nature.

"Thing in position," added Ben, his tone unshakeable as granite.

I smiled, nodding in satisfaction at their readiness. My gaze fell on the complex device before me, a technological marvel that would be key to our next move.

"Let's begin," I said into the radio, and the world held its breath.


The first charge exploded, and the legions of demons, like puppets, turned toward the blast. The space was momentarily illuminated by a bright light.

The next explosion followed a few seconds later.


Nanomachine clouds, each packed with potent neurotoxin particles, spread through the air. These microscopic devices, engineered with cutting-edge technology, were designed to infiltrate the demons' nervous systems, causing excruciating pain.

I lacked detailed information about the demons' internal structure, so I opted for the most potent weapon at my disposal. Given they were demons, I had no moral qualms about this decision.



As the echoes of the last explosion faded, the demons' screams filled the air, creating a cacophony of fear and distress. At this critical moment, my allies, coordinated and ready, executed our pre-planned strategy.

We decided on an encirclement tactic to trap the enemy. The team split into several groups, each with its role in the upcoming clash, forming a complex, multi-layered system of support and attack. Ororo and Scott created a diversion while Ben and Logan prepared for a frontal assault.

"Now it's my turn," I said, finalizing the nanomachines' settings. I programmed them to self-destruct after completing their task—transmitting battle data directly to my mobile analyzer.

I navigated the castle corridors with surprising ease. The castle's magical defenses, though formidable, were overcome thanks to knowledge from the Kamar-Taj library. The dark, stone-clad hallways of the castle resembled a labyrinth, full of hidden doors and secret passages.

Our intrusion did not go unnoticed, and guards were heading my way. The metallic clinks of their armor and weapons served as navigation beacons in this maze of shadows.

I could have neutralized them immediately, but I wanted to be sure of something, so I allowed them to reach me.

"A human?" one of them growled, his voice rough and grating like an old iron chain.

The demon stepping forward was a grotesque vision of horror: his skin like charred bark, eyes empty coal pits. His companions, equally terrifying and deformed, gathered around, creating a nightmarish scene where each figure was more frightening than the last.

"Surprised?" I asked with a wry smile.

Under the enhanced influence of calibrated electromagnetic waves, I could penetrate the inner workings of the demons' organisms. Through the spatial dissection of their biological structures, I identified their vulnerable points and potential weaknesses.

"No," one of the demons grunted with a smirk. "Lord Belasco foresaw your arrival."

This statement caught my attention. The idea that the enemy could anticipate my actions added a new layer of complexity to an already tense situation.

"Foresaw?" I echoed, seeking more information.

The demon grinned wider, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth.

"Oh, yes... And he told us that today we would feast on human flesh!"

His words ended with a sudden movement. The demon lunged at me with insane speed.


The next moment, he was crushed under his armor's weight. Thanks to practice, I now had better control over my powers. Manipulating metal was even simpler.

"I see," I replied, watching the last sparks of life fade from his eyes. "It seems dealing with you is pointless."

The surrounding demons met a similar fate. Their armor, meant for protection, now served as an unintended coffin.

I then moved forward to where Illyana was located.

"We've cleared the area," Ben reported.

That was good news.

"We're done on our end too," Scott said with a slight chuckle in his voice.

"We're heading towards Illyana's location," Ororo stated.

"We'll meet you there," I responded, picking up speed.

I had no intention of losing this unspoken race.

---= Illyana Rasputina =---

Belasco. The demon who kidnapped her from her world and brought her to this nightmarish place—Limbo.

Her memories of the abduction day remained vivid and tormenting—a relentless echo of terror she endured when she was taken from her world to this dark corner of the multiverse.

Every day in this dimension was a trial filled with fear and horror, which Illyana relived over and over. But the support of her teachers and her deep-rooted hatred for Belasco kept her from breaking. These feelings became her armor and beacon in the darkness.

"He looks different than usual," Illyana whispered, drawing the attention of her companions. Her barely audible voice was filled with anxiety and caution.

Ororo, whose destiny was closely intertwined with alternate versions of Earth, responded in the same hushed tone:

"Yes, something has happened to the castle's magical protection."

These words brought a sense of foreboding. Belasco, who always seemed an unyielding force of evil, now appeared changed. Changes in his appearance and aura could indicate new aspects of his power or the consequences of recent events he himself could not foresee.

"Belasco knows someone has infiltrated his castle," Ororo explained.

The white-haired woman, so similar yet so different from the one Illyana knew, had become her teacher in magic.

---= Reed Richards =---

The path to Belasco's throne room was paved with the bodies of demon guards who had become an unexpected battlefield in this grim saga. My journey through their ranks was marked by the masterful use of lasers, electromagnetic discharges, and metal manipulation, turning the castle corridors into echoes of a fierce battle.

"I'm in position," I reported into the radio, announcing the achievement of a strategic goal.

"Damn, I was hoping we'd get there before you," Johnny responded with a hint of disappointment.

"In your dreams," I retorted with irony, rolling my eyes as I turned to the heavy door before me, standing like an impregnable fortress.

"He knew we would come," I continued, gazing at the massive gates. "All these demons were just a test of our strength."

"What do you mean?" Ororo asked, her voice tense and alert.

"The demons I encountered said their master foresaw our arrival," I explained.

"A trap?" she asked, her tone cautionary.

"Probably," I agreed, contemplating the implications.

"But Illyana is inside," Jean interjected, her voice filled with determination and concern.

"Also true," I acknowledged, feeling the weight of responsibility.

"Then we'll just break through," Ben declared resolutely, filling us with new energy.

A smile crept across my lips, and I added:


"Hold on, we're almost there," Logan announced.

Indeed, I began hearing battle sounds nearby, and soon almost everyone was at the throne room's entrance.

"What kind of trap could it be?" Scott asked, his voice tinged with doubt and worry.

I shrugged and replied, "Given that this place is the center of Belasco's power, we shouldn't expect it to be easy."

"So, this place is a trap in any case?" Ben asked, his voice reflecting readiness for action.

I nodded in confirmation, and without wasting any more time, Ben declared:

"In that case... IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!"

His rocky fist demolished the door and part of the wall with such force it seemed like they were made of soft clay. It all happened so effortlessly that for a moment, it felt like time stood still, awaiting the outcome.

"We could've just opened the door," came a voice from the other side as the dust and noise from Ben's strike settled.

When the smoke cleared, we saw who awaited us inside.

The red-skinned demon sat on his throne, gazing at us with incredible disdain. Beside him stood Illyana and Ororo, while Kurt Wagner and Kitty Pryde knelt on the floor.

Around the throne, four demons — Belasco's loyal servants — were ready for battle.

"I've been waiting for you for quite some time," said Belasco. "I was beginning to think the prophecy was wrong."

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