
Chapter 10

"...Thank you all for being here and for your attention," I concluded my speech at the conference, where I was invited for my contributions to space exploration.

As soon as my speech ended, I headed for the exit. My primary goal at this event was accomplished, and it was time to reap the rewards of my efforts.

With the Fantastic Four currently in the spotlight and the groundbreaking discoveries I had shared with the public, I had gained new opportunities.

I made my way to the rooftop, where the Fantasticar was waiting. This was one of the privileges granted to me by the conference organizers.

"Route home," I said, settling into the Fantasticar.

The AI in the vehicle quickly plotted a course to the Baxter Building. After being invited to several similar events where I could arrive via the Fantasticar, I had begun to consider developing an autopilot assistant.

As the car set off, I started working on refining the cosmic energy polarizer.

"Kelex," I spoke into my earpiece, "begin construction based on this blueprint."

"Understood," replied my personal AI.

When I had more room to maneuver, I realized I couldn't rely solely on the existing AI systems, as their combined power wasn't sufficient to handle multiple projects simultaneously. Thus, I consolidated all my previous AI research to create Kelex, named after an assistant from another universe. Kelex was responsible for managing social media and overseeing a number of robots and tools.

"First Ben, then I can focus more on Project Chronos," I murmured, closing my eyes and enjoying the wind rushing against my face.

—= Baxter Building =—

"Ben, are you ready?" I asked my rocky friend.

He was standing on a platform with the polarizer, connected to the Cosmic Control Rod, positioned above him.

"Never been more ready," Ben replied. "I don't want to be late for my date with Alicia."

Alicia Masters saw the man in Ben, not the monster that others did. Perhaps her blindness allowed her to perceive something deeper and more important.

They met in the park. According to Ben, she initiated the conversation, and things progressed from there.

"Things are moving fast between you two," I remarked with a light smile.

If not for Ben's rocky complexion, I was sure I would see him blushing.

"Alright then," I nodded. "You'll be able to surprise Alicia soon."

"Reed, don't embarrass Ben," Sue said, present to monitor the changes in Ben's body.

"Okay, okay," I replied.

Although I said this, I couldn't help but worry about my friend. I knew Alicia Masters from the comics, specifically her adoptive father, the Puppet Master.

"I believe in you, Stretch," Ben said.

His words calmed my worries about his girlfriend.

"Let's get started," I said.

Sue nodded, ready to help. Her support was heartwarming.

"The polarizer is activated," I said, watching the interface.


Ben was in the chamber, ready to receive the full dose of radiation.

"Let's do this," Ben said firmly.

I took a deep breath and began the procedure. First, I had to sedate my friend to mitigate any discomfort from the process.

Everything proceeded as predicted. As the polarized energy reached the desired level, the crucial part of the process began.

Ben's body started absorbing the energy. Thanks to the scanners, we could observe the changes happening within him.

We watched as Ben shed his rocky skin, transforming back into his human form.

"The operation was successful," I said, feeling a sense of redemption.

"Yes," Sue beamed. "He's healthier than ever. All his vitals are perfect."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.

Sue nodded, handing me the data on Ben's cells.


Ben's cells were highly modified compared to typical human cells. The latest samples showed a higher concentration of cosmic rays.

"It's time to wake Ben," I said, seeing no issues.

A solution was administered to the chamber, and Ben awoke, staring at his human hands, unable to hold back tears.

"Well, Ben, you look even better than me…" I started to say, but Ben pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Reed. Thank you," Ben said.

"No need to thank me," I replied. "This was my mistake to fix. Now, we need to see how well you control your powers."

Ben stepped back, his hands turning to stone.

"Let's get started."

—= Ten Minutes Later =—

"Phew…" I sighed, pleased with the data collected.

Sue approached and hugged me from behind. Ben was off preparing for his date with Alicia.

"We could go to the theater tonight," Sue suggested.


"Yes. Will you be free?" she asked with a sweet smile.

"For you, always."

Inspired by my research and the prospect of spending the evening with Sue, I quickly finished my work. Ben's cells continued to intrigue me, but I decided to set aside scientific puzzles until tomorrow.

"Let's pick something special. Any preferences?" I asked, looking at Sue.

"I've always loved the classics," she smiled. "How about Shakespeare?"

"Great choice," I smiled back. "Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet?"

"Romeo and Juliet. It's more romantic," she said, winking at me.

I nodded and checked the time. There was still plenty of it to prepare and book tickets. Setting aside my notes and samples, I looked forward to a wonderful evening with Sue, enjoying a theatrical performance.

"I'll book the tickets," I said, leaving the lab.

Sue followed, and we headed out together, discussing our plans for the evening and savoring the anticipation of a delightful night out.


Hm, I think you should choose a different tie," Sue remarked, looking at me in my suit for the interview.

"Does it really matter what tie he wears?" Johnny asked. "He won't outshine me anyway," Sue's younger brother added with a smirk.

"Sometimes I wonder if he's really your brother, Sue," Ben commented, already dressed in a sharp three-piece suit.

Sue, wearing a blue evening gown that highlighted her beautiful eyes, replied, "Sometimes I wonder the same."

Johnny dramatically gasped and clutched his chest as if Sue's words had stabbed him.

"Et tu, Brute?" he exclaimed.

Sue chuckled and waved her hand, creating an invisible force field in the shape of a square, which she used to playfully bop Johnny on the head.


Sue's gentle smile eased the tension in the room, especially her own.

"Don't embarrass me in front of Alicia," she warned.

Alicia Masters, Ben's girlfriend, was there as his date. She wore a gown similar to Sue's, but in a light beige color.

"Alicia, am I embarrassing my sister?" Johnny asked the world-renowned blind sculptress.

Alicia smiled and shook her head. "No, I think it's sweet."

For a moment, it felt like the atmosphere around us turned rosy and tender. Ben hugged Alicia and said, "Sometimes Spitfire needs a little scolding."

Alicia placed her left hand on Ben's cheek and said, "Maybe…"

In that instant, the two of them disappeared into their own world, leaving Sue, Johnny, and me as observers to the tender giant Ben had become.

"That's so sweet," Sue whispered.

"Like a couple made in heaven?" I asked with a slight smile.

Sue nodded. I wrapped my right arm around her and said, "Just like us."

Judging by Sue's face, I had chosen the perfect words.

"Yes, yes, I get it. I'm the third wheel," Johnny grumbled, snapping us out of our romantic moment. "But we need to hurry. It's not every day we get to be on Jimmy Fallon as the main guests."

Jimmy Fallon was one of the most iconic and famous interviewers in the US. He and his team had invited us to his show. Thanks to the AI, the Fantastic Four had remained in the public eye, which was one of the reasons for the invitation. I agreed to go on the show with several goals in mind that would be harder to achieve otherwise.

"You're right, Johnny, time waits for no one," I agreed, letting go of Sue and adjusting my tie in the mirror. "Jimmy Fallon is known for his punctuality, and we can't be late."

Sue gathered her hair into a neat bun, adding even more elegance to her look. She approached Johnny, adjusted his shirt collar, and smiled.

"Remember, little brother, you're not a third wheel. You're part of the team."

Johnny smiled back and winked at Sue. Alicia, hearing their conversation, smiled warmly and said, "A team should stick together. You're all so different, but together you create something amazing."

Ben, standing next to Alicia, hugged her tightly and added, "And each of us plays a unique role. Like pieces of a puzzle fitting together."

"Exactly," I affirmed, "and tonight we'll show the world how well we work together."

The Fantasticar was waiting on the top floor, ready to take us to Jimmy Fallon.

"To the Jimmy Fallon show!" Johnny exclaimed, taking the lead of our little expedition.

"I'm not letting you drive," Sue said, seeing Johnny already in the driver's seat.

"It's fine," I reassured her. "The Fantasticar is on autopilot."

"Darn it!" we heard Johnny's frustration.

"Machine one, Spitfire zero," Ben said with a satisfied grin.

—= A Few Minutes Later =—

"Good evening, America!" we heard Jimmy Fallon's greeting. "Tonight, we have the most talked-about personalities in our world! Welcome, the first superhero team! The Fantastic Four!"

We stepped onto the stage to thunderous applause.

"Good evening, Jimmy!" I exclaimed as we walked in.

Sue, looking like a star, confidently stepped forward, her hair lightly flowing as she waved to the crowd. She made an elegant bow before joining me.

Johnny, always craving attention, performed a few fire tricks. Flames danced in his hand, and he bowed with a confident smile.

Ben, walking heavily but with a smile, joined us last. His powerful steps caused a slight tremor, but his eyes showed kindness and warmth.

Jimmy Fallon, with his characteristic smile, approached to greet us personally. He shook hands with me, then Sue, then Johnny, and finally, with a respectful nod to the giant, Ben.

"It's incredible to have you all here!" Jimmy exclaimed. "Your team has become a symbol of hope and strength for so many people around the world."

We settled on the guest couches, the studio buzzing with excitement and anticipation.

"Tell us, how did it all begin?" Jimmy asked, addressing the whole team.

Sue smiled and started, "It all began with a dream to explore space. We wanted to push the boundaries, but we never expected it would change us forever."

"Yes, the transformations were shocking," I continued. "But over time, we learned to use our new abilities to help people."

Johnny added, "And have fun along the way! Let's not forget that!"

Ben, smiling, said, "This is new for us too, being superheroes. But with each other's help, we're doing pretty well."

Jimmy, smiling, continued, "Well, it seems like you're doing great. How do you handle the fame that comes with being superheroes?"

—= Some Time Later =—

Jimmy's initial questions were pretty standard, in my opinion, so the beginning of the conversation went smoothly. But everything light must be followed by something more challenging and interesting… and Jimmy Fallon couldn't avoid that.

"Dr. Richards, what are your thoughts on mutants?"

This was the question I had come here for. It was the question I needed, and so did the audience, though for different reasons. The audience wanted to hear the opinion of someone well-known, and I wanted to use this platform to foster better relations with mutants.

"That's a very interesting question, Mr. Fallon," I began without a hint of a smile.

Stones for the God of Stones! Souls for the Throne of Souls!

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