

Chapter 6: Wild Heart Bar

  Chapter 6 "Wild Heart" Bar

  After waking up, Angel found that the sun had already set outside the window, and the sunset shone obliquely, covering the entire bedroom in a golden color.

  After the "Tarot Club" ended, Angel felt that it was not yet time for dinner and was ready to make up for the sleep. She tidied up Lily Granger's room a little, and after removing the dust cover, the bed underneath was unexpectedly clean, so she regarded it as her bedroom and fell asleep.

  She looked up at the wall clock, and the short hand had passed five o'clock in the afternoon.

  With the tempting suggestion of "I want to sleep more" in her mind, Angel went to the kitchen and used the marinated lamb, cut and washed potatoes and onions to make her first meal in this world.

  "Isn't this even simpler than breakfast?" Looking at the potatoes and lamb stewed in front of her and the cut white bread, she couldn't help but recall the sour and salty Feneport noodles and the creamy mushroom soup in the Silver Crown Restaurant, and lamented that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

  The money has to be saved for buying a fake identity and dealing with other possible needs. At present, I have no income and I am living off my savings. I think I can save as much as I can.

  After figuring this out, Angel took a bite of the white bread, then picked up the soup spoon, scooped up a spoonful of mutton soup, blew it symbolically, and drank it.

  Too much salt... or it may be that the mutton has been marinated for too long. The mutton soup has a salty taste, mixed with the fishy smell of mutton, but Angel, who didn't have lunch, still drank the boiling soup in big gulps, and even the unfermented bread became delicious.

  Sure enough, when people are hungry, everything tastes delicious.

  After finishing the mutton soup and bread in a few bites, the strong feeling of fullness made Angel squint her eyes in satisfaction. If she didn't have to go out at night, she would even want to go back to the comfortable bedroom and continue lying down.

  "Alas, even if I change the world and change my identity, I will still be a hard-working person..." Angel sighed secretly and began to prepare for the action in the evening.

  She first went to Cole Granger's bedroom on the second floor and found a set of clothes that were easy to move in. Although the size was a bit large, it was still much better than a dress.

  Then she returned to the study, took out the revolver, ejected all the bullets, disassembled the gun into parts, and began to perform maintenance before use.

  The tools came from Cole Granger's collection. He bought them based on the clerk's recommendation when he bought the pistol. There were a wide variety of them, but he had never used them.

  "Sure enough, the rifling is worn out..." After carefully checking the use status of the revolver, Angel curled her lips. The barrel was made of poor material, the bullet was too hard, and the lack of maintenance was an inevitable result. This kind of damage has a great impact on shooting accuracy, and the tools on hand cannot repair it. She could only clean the residual gunpowder on the barrel, cylinder and hammer, lubricate the receiver, polish the wooden grip, and try to restore the weapon to its best condition.

  The bullets wrapped in oil paper and neatly placed in the box are 0.45 inches. The huge recoil will cause the accuracy of continuous shooting to drop sharply, but for a pistol that is essentially a "close combat weapon", greater lethality and stopping power are its unique advantages.

  After selecting twenty bullets and checking them one by one, Angel loaded the revolver with bullets and loaded the rest into the fast loader, five rounds in a group.

  Next is the real close combat weapon, the dagger that Cole Grant prefers to use as an "assassin".

  This is a short steel dagger with bloodletting grooves on both sides, a coating on the surface to reduce reflection, and a leather dagger sheath. As a former Templar, Angel is not proficient in daggers. She just tried to swing it a few times, remembering the weight and length of the dagger, and then sheathed it and tied it to her left thigh.

  Putting on a cloak to hide her face and weapons, Angel counted out fifty pounds from the desk drawer where she kept her money, thought about it, and added another twenty pounds in case of emergency.

  After being fully armed, Angel stood quietly in the living room until the clock's hands reached nine o'clock. Then she opened the back door, faced the red moon, and stepped into the brightly lit streets of Tingen City.


  She did not take the hired carriages that could be seen everywhere, nor did she use the cheap and more crowded rail public carriages. Angel walked along Daffodil Street to the adjacent Iron Cross Street.

  Iron Cross Street, as its name suggests, is not just one street, but two streets that intersect vertically, divided into Upper Street, Lower Street, Left Street and Right Street. Daffodil Street and Iron Cross Left Street intersect, and Angel's target, the "Wild Heart" bar, is located on Iron Cross Lower Street.

  Slowly walking through the municipal square at the intersection of the streets, avoiding the circus clowns distributing flyers, Angel came to Iron Cross Lower Street along Iron Cross Left Street, which can pass six carriages at the same time.

  There is indeed a reason to divide Iron Cross Street into "up, down, left, and right". Lower Street is obviously much more dilapidated than Left Street that we just passed by. Not only is the street narrower due to the large number of hawkers occupying the road, but the paving stones are also uneven due to long-term lack of maintenance. Even the clothes and spirit of the pedestrians are obviously different from those of Left Street, not to mention Narcissus Street.

  Almost all of the three- or four-story apartment buildings along the street have no independent balconies. Clothes are hung outside the windows in a mess. Sewage flows at the door and miscellaneous items are thrown everywhere. As a main street, it is even dirtier than the back alleys of Narcissus Street.

  Walking here, Angel even has the illusion that garbage will be thrown on his head at any time.

  Iron Cross Street at night is no longer as lively as it is during the day, but there are still many vendors trying to solicit the last business, and there are no fewer pedestrians than elsewhere. Angel held his pockets tightly, guarding against possible pickpockets in the crowd, bypassing the mobile stalls where hawking sounds came one after another, smelling the air mixed with fragrance and stench, and walking hard in the stagnant water and garbage.

  After going through hardships, she came to the slightly exaggerated roaring wolf head logo of "Wild Heart" and greedily took a breath of the alcohol-rich air. She felt like she was reborn.

  In Angel's inherited memory, Cole had also come to the "Wild Heart" bar several times, sometimes to meet with the task client, and sometimes to get information. In his mind, this place is a news distribution center and a paradise for drunkards, but it is not a dangerous place. But

  in Angel's eyes, the dangers hidden in "Wild Heart" are far more than they appear on the surface.

  She just walked around the outer wall of the bar and attracted the attention of the strong man standing guard at the door. The naked, muscular doorman stared at the "unknown hooded man" and seemed ready to call for support at any time.

  The window on the second floor of the apartment across the street was always open, but there was no light inside. Angel could feel a vague sight from the window sweeping over her. It should be the secret sentry of the bar.

  There was a carriage parked next to the back door of the bar. The driver was dozing in the driver's seat and the horses were bridled. As long as the owner got in, the carriage could set off immediately.   

  This could be a car parked at the back door by a powerful person for privacy, or it could be a way for an important person in the bar to escape from the scene. Angel believed it was the latter.

  The street in front of the bar was also flooded more than anywhere else. Upon closer inspection, it can be found that several drains near the bar have lost their function. If it weren't for the laziness of the municipal workers that caused the drains to be blocked, this section of the sewer facing the street should have been used for other purposes.

  Back at the door of the bar, Angel had a deeper understanding of this bar with an unremarkable appearance. She hesitated whether to take the risk for an identity card, but finally decided to believe in the "Hanged Man" of the Tarot Club.

  "If I'm cheated, I hope Mr. Fool can punish him."

  After secretly complaining, Angel strode into the bar.

  It was almost late at night, but there were still many customers in the bar. Most of them were nearby residents who came here for a drink after work, and there were also unemployed workers who had nothing to do and numb themselves with alcohol. In the dark corner, the sneaky talkers were brewing a new conspiracy. A group of excited drinkers gathered in the middle of the hall, sometimes yelling and sometimes looking down in regret. A "dog catching rat" gambling game was being played in two cages that were half collapsed into the ground. The gamblers stared at the dogs they bet on, wishing they could turn into dogs and get into the cages to kill everyone.

  The bartender who was wiping the wooden wine glasses behind the bar had already set his eyes on Angel who came in. She was wearing a cloak and was out of place in the environment. Even for a conspirator in the corner, it was basic etiquette to expose her face and hands.

  After sweeping her eyes across the chaotic and noisy bar, Angel finally turned her eyes to the bartender. She walked around the dog cages and came to the front of the bar.

  "What would you like to drink? Rye beer for 1 penny, Southwell beer for 4 pence, and the newly arrived butter beer for 7 pence, iced!" The bartender saw the approaching person and skillfully promoted it.

  "'Captain' introduced me here. He said you can help people get identity certificates here." Angel did not order any wine, but directly explained her purpose.

  The bartender stopped wiping the glass. He looked up at the clock with broken outer glass hanging high up. It showed that there were still five minutes to 10 pm. "It's not time yet. You're early."

  "I can wait."

  The bartender put down the glass and rag and said, "Okay, I'll call you when the time comes. What do you want?"

  "Then let's have a 'half and half', with more sugar." Angel remembered that the "Hanged Man" had also given a code. The

  bartender nodded after getting the code and turned back to mix the wine. Soon, a glass of "half and half" made of beer and wine was served on the bar.

  "Didn't you get the code? You really serve the wine?" Angel frowned and looked at the bartender.

  "It's a way to make some money. This glass costs 1 soli."

  Angel counted out 12 pennies and threw them on the bar. She took the glass and found an empty table to sit down.

  She thought the bartender would come to call her at 10 o'clock, but she didn't expect to sit there until 10:15 without any news.

  Seeing the bartender actually chatting with other guests, she finally couldn't help it. When she was about to get up and ask, the bartender pointed to where she was. The "guest" turned around, and Angel realized that this was the person she was looking for.

  "New here?" The man was wearing a black windbreaker, and his figure could not be seen. His messy black hair was full of grease, and his face looked like he hadn't washed for half a month. He took a huge wooden cup and sat down opposite Angel. Without waiting for her to answer, he continued, "I'm Hagrid. Everyone knows that I'm always late. I usually come at half past ten. Only a newbie like you will come early."

  Angel ignored the other party's implicit sarcasm and introduced himself, and directly put forward her request: "I need an identity certificate. The information will be provided by me. There must be a verifiable file."

  Hagrid took a big sip of beer, uttered a satisfied "ha", and then replied: "Forty pounds, come back in a week." "

  That's not what the 'Captain' said, thirty pounds." Angel didn't feel sorry for the extra ten pounds, but based on experience, such concessions would only make the other party more unscrupulous.

  "Hmph, tell that 'Captain' guy not to use the price from a few years ago to trick a rookie like you into taking advantage of me, even if you saved my life." Hagrid was very angry when he heard Angel's offer. "Every time the party in the kingdom changes, we have to bribe Backlund's people again. The price these parasites ask for is getting higher and higher. How much do you think we can make? Besides, Tingen has not been peaceful recently. Many students have disappeared from the university. I heard that several people committed suicide yesterday. The police are checking for outsiders everywhere. You don't want to be arrested as an illegal resident, do you?"

  "Thirty pounds."

  "You can't do business like this... Thirty-five pounds, this is the lowest price, and I'll get it done for you in three days." Hagrid made a concession.

  "I can give you forty pounds, but you have to get it tonight." Seeing that the other party had given in, Angel changed his requirements in time and handed over a diary paper full of words, "The identity information I require is on it. You can make up the other blanks as you like, but don't be too outrageous."

  Hagrid was obviously surprised by the extra five pounds that was "lost and found". He subconsciously took the paper handed to him, pondered for a while, and nodded: "Okay, I'll help you cut in line. You wait here for two hours and have some wine." He pointed to the untouched wine glass in front of Angel, "Or go and see the dog catching the rat."

  Angel shook her head: "I'll wait here."

  Although she didn't dislike alcohol, consuming alcohol in a place where she might need to fight at any time was not a good choice.

  And she couldn't get interested in boring gambling like "dog catching rat".

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 7 Identity Obtained

  Chapter 7: Identity Obtained

  When the clock struck midnight at Saint Selina Church, Hagrid reappeared at "Wild Hearts", holding a thin sheet of paper and handing it to Angel, who had already lost a full 2 ​​pounds in the "Dog Catching Mouse" competition.

  "This ID is fine for dealing with the police in Tingen, but the Central Archives Bureau in Backlund doesn't have your file yet, and it can't withstand the inspection of letters. Once you commit a crime in Tingen City, the police will send a telegram to Backlund to inquire about your identity, and it will be exposed immediately. I suggest you wait about a week. After the forged identity is filed, you can go out with a swagger."

  Angel nodded, indicating that she understood.

  She lowered her head and carefully examined the ID in her hand in the dim light of the bar.

  Name: Angel Granger; Gender: Female; Date of Birth: June 28, 1331...

  Yes, the same surname Granger, in the fake information she submitted, she was a distant cousin of Cole Granger and Lily Granger, from the remote Sivilas County, and her parents died in the border conflict between the Kingdom of Loen and Intis.

  She had also thought of the reason for coming to Tingen City from Sivelas County. Angel Granger, who had lost both parents, decided to take all her savings to seek refuge with distant relatives living in Tingen City, and Cole Granger received her and let her live in Daffodil Street.

  Angel decided to link her new identity with the Granger family after careful consideration.

  First of all, she could live legally in Cole Granger's home. The property on Daffodil Street was not cheap. It cost nearly a thousand pounds to buy a house. Even if it was just rented, it would cost dozens of pounds a year. If she didn't live in the ready-made house and went to find another one, whether it was rented or bought, the living cost alone would be a huge expense.

  Secondly, the connection with the locals also made her identity more credible. Compared with a stranger with a blank resume, it was obviously easier for others to accept a "distant relative" of a local resident.

  Finally, as a relative who had been in contact with Cole Granger for a period of time, Angel also had the opportunity to expose his previous crimes and redress the injustice of the deceased.

  This was the last thing she could do for Cole Granger as his "heir" - atonement.


  After carefully putting away the ID card he bought for forty pounds, Angel Granger left the still noisy "Wild Heart" bar.

  The street outside the door was no longer as crowded as before. Although there was no curfew in Tingen City, most of the residents of Iron Cross Lower Street were lower-class people who worked a day to earn a living. For them, staying up late was a bad habit.

  Especially in an era when the cost of lighting at night was quite expensive.

  Looking around, the big man who was guarding the door had already taken a nap on the empty barrel, and it seemed that he didn't notice Angel's departure at all. The secret sentry on the second floor opposite was conscientious and still kept watch with the window open.

  Angel tightened his hood and began to return along the original route.

  The gas lamps on the street had long been turned off, and the residents on both sides also turned off the lights to rest. The quiet street was only illuminated by the red moon above, which seemed extremely dim under the cover of the passing clouds.

  Even if there was no one around, Angel, who had dark vision, honestly played the role of an ordinary person without extraordinary abilities. He walked slowly on the street in the moonlight, carefully bypassing the puddles of sewage and garbage thrown everywhere.

  Not long after she walked, her keen hearing detected someone following her from behind.

  This did not surprise her.

  When paying Hagrid's "certificate fee" at the bar, Angel noticed that many greedy eyes were focused on her in the dark. This was the reason why she had avoided using large bills when she went shopping before. Unfortunately, the reward of forty gold pounds would attract attention anyway.

  Besides, even if she was not targeted by others, an intelligence dealer like Hagrid would not necessarily let go of the prey at hand. Mr. "The Hanged Man" had saved Hagrid's life, but his friends had not. The

  person behind her had a shaky step and no intention of concealing it. It was likely that he was an ordinary person and had drunk a lot of alcohol. But even if he was not an extraordinary person, ordinary criminals with hot weapons could pose a threat to her. Angel did not intend to take this risk.

  She used dark vision to bypass obstacles on the road and quickened her pace. As long as she left the lower street and reached the intersection of Iron Cross Street, she could easily get rid of the pursuer by using the roads that extended in all directions. It was not worth it to risk her life with such a greedy drunkard.

  The stalker paused, then quickened his pace, but the dim environment caused him a lot of trouble. Behind Angel, there were constant noises of garbage being kicked away and stagnant water being stepped on.

  At this moment, the sound of "click-click-click-click" of horse hooves came, and Angel looked back. A four-wheeled carriage was coming. Under the light of the hanging oil lamp, the "crossed swords, surrounded by a crown" logo painted on the side of the black body shone brightly. This is the police system logo used throughout the Kingdom of Loen. The driver wore a tall hat and a suit, and calmly drove the carriage through the dirty streets. The

  stalker had been pulled away by a lot of distance. When the carriage passed by him, he shuddered when he saw the police logo and went straight into the gap between two apartments on the street.

  "Illegal" Angel subconsciously wanted to duck his head to avoid it, but then he thought that there was no high-tech such as facial recognition in this era. Even if he walked face to face with the police, as long as he did not commit a crime on the spot, he did not need to worry at all.

  On the contrary, pretending to hide would make them more suspicious.

  Thinking of this, she raised her head again, turned sideways and took small steps to the side of the street to make way for the carriage in the middle of the street. At the same time, she used her agile body as an "assassin" to avoid the dirty water splashed by the wheels.   

  Just like what ordinary passersby would do when encountering a speeding carriage.

  The police carriage really passed by her without stopping.

  At the moment of passing by, she saw through the window that there were two people sitting opposite each other in the car. One was wearing a black coat and a tall hat with a police star on his shoulder, with short light brown hair and gray eyes staring forward, and he was talking seriously. The other was obviously much younger, with black hair and brown eyes, wearing a linen shirt, and his expression was indifferent.

  Could this be the second generation of an official using the public vehicle for personal purposes late at night, Angel thought to himself.

  Before she could think about it, the four-wheeled carriage sped away, and the little light brought by the oil lamp hanging on the carriage disappeared, and the street was once again shrouded in dim moonlight.

  The footsteps behind her sounded again. Unexpectedly, the stalker still did not give up. Taking advantage of Angel's daze, he quickened his pace and approached again.

  A strong smell of inferior wine wafted over, and the footsteps stopped one meter away, followed by the sound of clothes rubbing against each other.

  Angel knew that a conflict was unavoidable, so he turned back decisively and quickly judged the situation with the help of his dark vision.

  The stalker was a middle-aged man wearing coarse cloth trousers and a short-sleeved shirt. His unkempt beard and hair that had already stuck together showed that his financial situation was not good. He might have recently lost his job and was escaping reality by drinking cheap alcohol in the bar.

  Seeing that he was taking something out of his trouser pocket, Angel took a step forward, raised his right foot and kicked the opponent's left knee joint. The man, whose balance ability was reduced due to excessive alcohol intake, felt a pain in his knee and knelt on the dirty street.

  He then took out a small pistol with a strange shape from his trousers with his right hand. Without waiting for him to raise the gun and aim, Angel reached out and grabbed the hammer, grabbed the pistol and twisted it, and took away his weapon amid the man's screams of pain.

  "Ah... fingers, my fingers..." The man didn't care about the pistol that was taken away, but knelt on the ground, covering his right hand with his left hand. His index finger joint was in a hyperextended state, and it was obviously dislocated.

  "It's just a sprain. Find a doctor to see it. You should be glad that only your finger was injured." After subduing the stalker with two moves, Angel held the seized pistol and said slowly. This small revolver should be for women. It can only hold four rounds and its caliber is smaller than that of general pistol bullets. Due to lack of maintenance, the grease seeping from the receiver has agglomerated, making the gun body mottled. Angel even suspected that the primer of the bullet had been damp and could not be fired at all.

  Pointing the gun at the man, Angel asked: "Now I ask you a question, where did you pick up the gun?"

  "Outside the city...outside the city dock, I picked it up at the dock. I was helping people unload goods there before, and someone might have thrown it there. There were only three bullets in it, and I didn't dare to use them. I kept them under the bed. Now I have lost my job and my money, so...I'm sorry, I don't dare anymore, don't kill me!"

  The man was pointed at with a terrified face. He didn't dare to hide anything and told Angel the origin of the gun like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

  "Did someone instruct you?"

  "What...what? No, no! I just saw that you were generous and gave Hagrid a lot of money, so I wanted to make some money. It's all because of the rye beer!"

  The man looked up in panic and saw the black muzzle of the gun still pointing at him. He quickly lowered his head and denied it.

  Seeing the stalker so flustered after the gun was taken away, Angel felt that he might indeed be tempted by money and decided to follow him temporarily under the influence of alcohol, rather than being a pawn sent by Hagrid or others to test him.

  Of course, it is also possible that the other party is hiding deeper, and even this abandoned child himself does not know.

  Angel looked in the direction of the "Wild Heart" bar and found no trace of other people.

  "Okay, you are lucky today. I don't want to kill anyone. Find something to do in the future. I confiscated this gun." Ignoring the man who was kneeling and begging for mercy, Angel took a few steps back with the pistol. Seeing that the man still did not dare to look up, he turned around and left the scene quickly.

  The streets of Tingen City were empty after midnight, as if the prosperity in the first half of the night was an illusion. Angel was not idle on the way back home. She disassembled the pistol and threw the cylinder and the gun body into different sewer drains. Several bullets were also thrown into the garbage dump on the corner of the street.

  She did not intend to keep this lady's pistol for her own use. Not to mention that the special small-sized bullets were difficult to buy, the poorly maintained appearance alone made her lose interest in using it.

  All the way back to Daffodil Street, Angel entered from the main door this time, inserted the key to turn the lock, and caught the note that slipped from the door. She did not relax, but carefully checked the environment of the entire living room through the dark vision, and compared it with her memory before going out, and then entered the house. After

  locking the door, taking off the cloak and hanging it aside, her tense body completely relaxed. From this moment on, she could be considered to have a firm foothold in this world.

  Having her own identity certificate was only the first step. Next, how to use this identity to settle down in Tingen and make up a suitable reason for herself to live in Cole's house, she already had a general idea, but to form a detailed plan, there were many loopholes to fill.

  After changing into loose and comfortable clothes, Angel walked into the study again, drew ink, and opened his notebook. This would be another sleepless night.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 8 Letter

  Chapter 8 Letters It

  was not until the sky turned white and the warm sunlight replaced the cold red moonlight that Angel, who looked tired, raised her head and threw away the pen that had almost run out of ink.

  In front of her were two pages of notes filled with words, which detailed the experience of "Angel Granger" from Sivelas County to Tingen City in Ahowa County.

  There were also future plans and ways to deal with unexpected events.

  After memorizing the results of the overnight work, Angel tore off the two pages of notes, but felt unsafe, so she tore off a few extra pages on both sides, burned them all on the stove, and flushed them into the sewer to destroy the body.

  Looking at the time, it was almost eight o'clock in the morning. She went to the bathroom and washed her face simply to make herself look less tired.

  As the clock pointed to eight o'clock, along with the church bells outside the window, there was also a crisp knock on the door.

  "Dong Dong Dong——"

  Cole Granger, who lived alone, hired a handywoman from the housekeeping company. She came to his house every Monday and Friday morning to wash and clean, and came to collect the clothes that were hung out to dry the next afternoon. Cole paid 1 soli per week for this.

  Angel made a rough calculation. Even if the female worker's schedule was full and she worked from morning to night seven days a week, she could only earn less than 10 soli. But this was already a good job for the lower class. No knowledge or special abilities were required. As long as you were willing to work, you would have income. As the saying goes, having hands is enough.

  Now was the time for her to come.

  Putting on a natural smile in front of the mirror, Angel said to herself, "From now on, you are Angel Granger, the distant cousin of Cole Granger."

  She repeated it three times as if hypnotizing herself before she walked out of the bathroom.

  After opening the front door, the noise from the street suddenly poured into the living room. Standing at the door was a short woman with brown curly hair that was barely straightened with a headband. She was wearing a cheap linen skirt and holding a wooden bucket full of tools in one hand. The other hand was raised, ready to knock on the door again.

  Seeing the door open, she greeted happily, "Hello, Granger..." Finding that the person in front of her was not her employer, but a strange girl, she swallowed the rest of the greeting.

  She looked around to make sure she had walked into the right door, and then greeted again: "Hello, beautiful lady, is Mr. Granger home?"

  "Are you the maid hired by my cousin? He is not at home now, just come in and clean up." Angel replied with a smile, and at the same time made way for the door.

  "Oh, okay!" The maid showed a look of realization, she took the tools and went into the house neatly, closing the door.

  This is also part of Angel's plan. She wants to contact as many people as possible around her and leave an impression on them. In this way, even if the police doubt the authenticity of her identity certificate and conduct investigations around, they will get the conclusion she hopes for.

  At the same time, the information about Cole Granger's disappearance must be spread.

  "I am Angel Granger. I just came to Tingen this week and live here temporarily. Your name is... Tromi, right? Cole mentioned you to me." Angel pretended to think for a while before calling out the maid's name. Seeing Tromi nod, she continued: "He said he had something urgent to do in the middle of the night the day before yesterday, and he went out with a briefcase. He hasn't come back yet."

  At this point, Angel made a worried expression at the right time.

  This emotion successfully infected the kind-hearted Tromi, and the female worker also expressed her concern for Cole Granger's safety. After the two discussed Cole's whereabouts, Tromi began to work today.

  Very good, this is a good preparation. When Tromi comes again on Monday morning, he can naturally mention the matter of calling the police.

  Looking at the busy female worker, Angel smiled.


  According to the plan, in these two days, Angel almost went to every place around Daffodil Street that Cole had been to.

  Restaurants, libraries, bakeries, vegetable markets, and even the weapons store that Cole had only been to twice. When eating or buying things, he also spread the information that "Cole Granger has disappeared for several days", and at the same time made them remember this distant relative from another place who cared about their cousin. On

  Saturday evening, Angel returned to the door of his house. When he went out at noon, the balcony on the second floor was still full of clothes, which had been put away by the female worker Tromi.

  "This guy Cole actually gave the female worker a key. He really trusts Tromi." Angel hid the revolver, cash and other valuables in the secret compartment of the study table before leaving. But in her memory, Cole often forgot to lock the door of the study. Either this guy was too careless, or he trusted the female worker named Tromi very much.

  Since Tromi has been working here for a long time, Angel has no plans to change her for the time being, but she will carefully keep the valuables instead of testing human nature.

  Just as she was about to step into the house, a corner of the envelope exposed by the mailbox at the door attracted her attention.

  Could it be left by Tromi? Or is it something like a gas bill?

  Angel took out the letter curiously. There was no name of the sender and the recipient on the envelope, and there was no stamp on it. It seemed that it was not from the postal system.

  She tore open the envelope, took out the thin letter paper inside, took a look at it, put it back in the envelope, opened the door and walked into the living room.

  A moment later, Angel, dressed lightly and wearing a cape, slipped out the back door with all the cash and weapons.

  She was ready to run.   


  Angel didn't calm down until she got on the public carriage.

  She recalled the letter she had just received. The few numbers on it put her in the worst situation she had imagined.

  "Meet at the old place at 8 o'clock tomorrow night."

  There was no signature, but the handwriting was beautiful and calm. It was a letter from Sharon Hoy.

  In the eyes of most people in Tingen, Mrs. Sharon was an unattainable socialite. After the death of her husband, Baron Hoy, she continued to be active in various occasions in Tingen, maintaining the political and business network left by the baron. There were even rumors that she had an ambiguous relationship with her stepson, the current Baron Hoy.

  Cole, who was deeply attracted by Mrs. Sharon's charm, was undoubtedly one of her loyal lickers. Like other suitors, he obeyed her and responded to her requests.

  But in the eyes of Angel, who was able to step out and look at the memories, Mrs. Sharon was one of the most terrible people in Tingen.

  She has strength far beyond that of a Sequence 7 "witch" and may have reached the level of Sequence 6. The extraordinary abilities that Cole has seen include attacks with frost and black flames and invisible spider silk that can bind others. If the dark

  vision and light steps of an "assassin" can only be regarded as "the limit that a normal person can reach", then Mrs. Sharon's various abilities can be regarded as a true "Extraordinary". Even in Angel's original world, such a person can be regarded as a top-notch combat force.

  Of course, Mrs. Sharon should not have discovered that this Cole is not that Cole, but Angel does not have the confidence to hide her situation in front of a Sequence 7 or even stronger Extraordinary. Even if he has obtained most of Cole's memories, he cannot play another person without any flaws.

  Besides, what if Mrs. Sharon wants her to use her newly acquired Extraordinary ability? If

  she can't beat him and doesn't want to join, then she can only run away.

  In Angel's original plan, it is not that Mrs. Sharon was not considered an important factor, but she planned to face this former "mentor" after making sufficient preparations and laying the groundwork. By then, whether it is deception or breaking up, she has the confidence to do better.

  But I didn't expect Madam Sharon's invitation to come so soon.

  After all, Cole was also one of Madam Sharon's "bedmates". It was normal for him to invite her to the "old place" to get together after he was promoted to Sequence 7, but it was undoubtedly a death warrant for Angel.

  She was almost dead when facing Madam Sharon without completing all kinds of preparations.

  "Maybe I can get something with the full force of the 'Assassin'?" This lucky thought was quickly suppressed by Angel. The other party was also an 'Assassin', how could it be so easy.

  "We have arrived at Red Moon Street." The coachman outside the carriage announced the station.

  Several people in the carriage moved to the door and prepared to get off. Angel's first stop on the road to escape was also here. After the other people got off, she followed them.

  The sound of horse hooves faded away with the sound of wheels. Angel stood on the bustling Red Moon Street and looked at her destination, the Tingen City Police Headquarters.

  This is a six-story building. In the land-scarce northern district of Tingen, it also has a courtyard surrounded by high walls. The main entrance is large enough for four carriages to pass through. It was after work and most of the lights inside were off, but the diligent guards at the door were still standing straight.

  She took out a thick envelope from under her cloak and walked towards the reporting mailbox next to the main entrance. This is a half-person-high red mailbox, which is specially set up for citizens to make anonymous or real-name reports. It should be managed by the city hall, but they found that most anonymous reports involved criminal acts, so they simply handed the matter over to the police station.

  The envelope Angel held contained some notebooks and diaries of Cole Granger, as well as letters from Mrs. Sharon. With these evidences, the police only need to investigate a little to determine most of the crimes committed by Cole. Although Mrs. Sharon did not have the habit of signing her name on the letters, based on Cole Granger's unilateral records alone, there is a high probability that she will be investigated. Even if she escapes legal punishment through her network of relationships, she will have to restrain herself for a while.

  To deal with such an opponent with a strong network of relationships, the best option is to kill first and then report. Unfortunately, he can no longer do this.

  Angel sighed and stuffed the envelope into the mailbox. The mailbox made a "bang" sound, as if there were already a lot of letters inside.

  "When Mrs. Sharon finds out that 'Cole Granger' broke the appointment tomorrow night, I guess I'll have already arrived in Backlund. I'm sure she has a lot of connections in Tingen, so she can't do anything to me, right?"

  Angel returned to the street and waited for the arrival of the public carriage.

  The next step is to leave Tingen City. Due to lighting restrictions, there are no trains running in Tingen City at night. Angel is going to go to the dock to hire a boat to go down the river to Backlund, the capital of the Kingdom of Loen. First, find Cole's sister Lily Granger and remind her that it is best to accept the protection of the official Beyonder to avoid retaliation from Mrs. Sharon, and then go out to sea from the port of Pritz next to Backlund.

  As for whether to settle down in the islands near the Kingdom of Loen or go to Balam in the southern continent, it depends on the specific situation.

  At this moment, the hourly bell, which she had become quite familiar with since her time traveling, rang again. The sound was quite close to her. The ethereal bell sounded as if it was striking directly at her heart, and Angel could not help but look in the direction of the bell sound.

  Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the bell tower of Saint Selina Church that reached into the sky was reflecting golden light.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 9 St. Selina's Church

  Chapter 9 Saint Selina Church

  Saint Selina Church on Red Moon Street is the headquarters of the Church of the Goddess of Night in Tingen City. Together with the Church of the Lord of Storms, the River and Sea Church, which is also located in the northern district of Tingen, and the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, the Holy Number Church, which is located in the suburbs, they support the religious community of Tingen City and its affiliated towns and villages.

  Many of the passengers who got off the public carriage on Red Moon Street just now came to the church to pray.

  Attracted by the sound of the bell, Angel temporarily forgot the urgency of being on the run. She walked along the sidewalk of the street through the square and came to the fan-shaped staircase of Saint Selina Church.

  The church is in Gothic style, very similar to the Church of Light in Angel's previous life, but it is all black. The buttresses on both sides support the main structure. The glass windows on the front are red and blue, clustered around the protruding part of the main building in the middle, and above it is a tall bell tower.

  The protruding position is the arched main entrance, and many believers are coming in and out at this time.

  Among the three major churches in Tingen, Angel was most interested in the Church of the Goddess of Night. This was not because he could hear the bells of the Church of Saint Selina every day, but because the way the believers of the Church of the Goddess saluted was to draw a crimson moon on their chests.

  This was exactly the same as the holy emblem representing the sun that he had drawn on his chest when he was a Templar of the Church of Light.

  The Church of the Goddess of Night worshipped the Goddess of Night, and the color of their worship was black, representing the crimson moon. This was completely opposite to the Goddess of Light of the Church of Light, who worshipped the sun and pure white.

  This was too much of a coincidence.

  But when you think about the fact that this world not only had steam engines and revolvers, but also had 365 days a year, this coincidence didn't seem so prominent.

  Angel climbed the steps step by step to the top and came to the main entrance of the Church of Saint Selina. Just by looking at the solemn church, her somewhat anxious heart calmed down.

  She took out a five-pound note, walked to the donation box next to the main entrance, and threw it in.

  The young priest on duty seemed to have rarely seen such a generous believer. He hurried forward and drew a crimson moon on his chest clockwise: "Praise the goddess, thank you for your generosity, beautiful lady."

  "Praise the goddess, it's nothing for this precious tranquility." Angel also followed suit and drew a crimson moon and replied.

  She originally just wanted to take out a few coins, but for some reason, she reached into her pocket and took out a large bill.

  But this was also what she thought in her heart. In front of the church, she did enjoy a moment of peace. Thinking that there might be an endless journey of escape later, the quiet time now is indeed very precious.

  "Madam, you seem to be troubled by something. If you have free time, why not come to the confession room in the church? Maybe listening to the teachings of the goddess can answer your doubts."

  Is my state so obvious? Angel touched his head in confusion and found that his hood had been pulled down at some point, revealing his sorrowful face to the eyes of the attentive priest.

  As for the confession he mentioned, Angel originally planned to donate some money and leave, but changed his mind after the priest's persuasion.

  "Just think of it as earning back the five pounds." She found a reason for herself.

  Angel thanked the priest and walked into the church from the main entrance. Surrounded by the high two-color glass windows on both sides, the porch seemed narrow and dark. At this time, the sun had already set outside the window, and the crimson moonlight shone through the glass onto the ground, seductive and deep.

  She walked through the narrow porch and came to the prayer hall. It had been a while since the mass just ended, and most people had left. There were seven or eight believers sitting in the prayer hall. Some of them bowed their heads and closed their eyes to pray, some stared blankly ahead, and some covered their faces and muttered to themselves. She

  walked around the neatly arranged benches and came to the confessional on the side of the prayer hall. The door was opened from the inside, and a middle-aged man walked out. He had a confused look on his face and his eyes were out of focus. He almost bumped into Angel outside the door. It seemed that the previous confession did not solve his inner confusion.

  Seeing him slowly walking away, Angel walked into the narrow confessional, closed the door with his backhand, and sat on the wooden backrest chair.

  There was a candle on the horizontal bar in front. In the dim candlelight, a deep male voice came from behind the partition: "Child, what do you want to say?"

  Yes, what do I want to say? Angel asked herself.

  Am I from another world, and unfortunately possessed by a dead person who has committed many evil deeds and reaped the fruits of his own labor?

  Just after solving the identity problem and preparing to settle down in this world, I was scared by a letter and was ready to leave my hometown?

  Choosing her words, Angel said slowly:

  "Faced with evil, I chose to retreat and did not stick to my own principles."

  She expressed her confusion vaguely.

  Fortunately, the bishop who presided over the confession was used to the Riddler. He was silent for a moment and continued to ask: "Is this matter beyond your ability?"

  "Yes, there may be a little chance, but I don't think the hope is great."

  "So, have you tried to seek help from other forces?"

  Is he hinting that I should call the police? Angel was stunned for a moment before answering: "This is exactly what confuses me. I want to overcome it, but I am afraid of exposing myself and attracting the attention of others. Does this go against the teachings of the goddess?"

  "Fear is human instinct. People who overcome instincts deserve praise, but those who follow the choice of the heart will not be blamed for it, goddess..."

  The bishop's voice seemed to be getting farther and farther away, and the last sentence was almost inaudible. Angel leaned forward and approached the partition: "What did you say?"

  The candle in front of him suddenly went out, and the confessional fell into darkness.

  Angel felt a chill on his back, and subconsciously reached out to throw off his cloak, grabbing the holster tied to his leg, and dodged backwards, trying to get further away from the partition.   

  "The goddess said that those who face fear and move forward will be rewarded." Completely different from the voice of the bishop who was conducting the confession, another high-pitched voice that was difficult to distinguish between male and female came, lingering in the small confessional room, making Angel unable to tell the direction.

  "Who is it?" Angel shouted. Her hand had already touched the handle of the gun, but she didn't dare to pull it out. The person's whereabouts were strange and his strength was so strong that people couldn't even think of resisting.

  There was no answer in the darkness.

  In a flash, the light returned to the confessional. Angel found that she was still sitting quietly in the chair, with her hands folded on her legs. The bishop's low voice was as pleasant as the sound of nature: "...will forgive her honest believers."

  Except for the cold sweat on her back, the strange darkness just now seemed like an illusion.

  Seeing that she was frozen in place and did not move, the bishop summarized the confession: "Follow your heart and don't feel guilty or uneasy."

  I came to confess because I was wavering in my heart... Angel answered in her heart.

  She recalled that in her previous life, she was baptized in St. Charles Cathedral and became a Knight Templar. She swore to fight against all evil in the world. After passing the test and joining the armed forces of the church, she faced the darkness within, from initial doubt to resistance. When evil invaded the world, she stood up and fought on the front line.

  Less than two days after coming to this world, she almost forgot the persistence of decades in her previous life.

  Was it the confusion after becoming a woman? Was she in a hurry to obtain a legal identity? Or was it the feeling of powerlessness in the face of high-ranking extraordinary people?

  Or was it because she subconsciously believed that she was no longer the original Templar Angel Gray, but the extraordinary "Assassin" Angel Granger, so she didn't need to abide by the beliefs she had insisted on before?

  "No, I'm not escaping. It's just the best choice after weighing the pros and cons. The police will soon find the report letter in the anonymous mailbox, which records in detail the various crimes of Cole Granger. Based on these clues and evidence, Cole's actions will eventually lead the police to Madam Sharon behind the scenes. Because of the involvement of extraordinary forces, the police will notify the church's extraordinary forces to deal with it. If nothing unexpected happens, Madam Sharon will be arrested within a week."

  A voice in his heart argued like this.

  "Do you really think so? Then why go to Backlund to remind Lily Granger, your nominal cousin, to accept the protection of the official extraordinary people?"

  "You also think that Madam Sharon has a high probability of escaping legal sanctions? She has a dense network of relationships in Tingen City, and she also knows all kinds of little secrets of those politicians and wealthy businessmen. As long as she is not caught in the act, there are many ways to escape the crime. What can the police do to her?"

  Another voice mocked.

  "I have done what I can. The police will know that Madam Sharon is an extraordinary person, and the church's armed forces will intervene..."

  The voice of defense became increasingly weak.

  "This is not a monotheistic Earth. There are three churches in Tingen alone that are hindering each other. Madam Sharon was aware of the high probability of her escape during their early investigation. She can easily take out a sequence 7 potion to recruit subordinates. There may be a larger force behind her. If she escapes, you will be prepared to live in fear for the rest of your life!"

  The mocking voice became more and more pressing.

  "You know it yourself, a permanent solution, right?"

  Yes, I have always known it, but I just don't want to face it... Angel suddenly remembered a sentence he heard in his previous life: "When you are unable to make a decision, just toss a coin. Before the coin falls, you will know the answer you want."

  So, when I didn't hear the bishop's last sentence clearly and asked back, I should have understood my inner choice... Angel suddenly understood the meaning of that sentence.

  "Thank you, bishop." She thanked him sincerely.

  "May the goddess bless you." The bishop behind the partition returned the greeting, "Then, the confession is over."

  "No, it's not over yet." After making up his mind, Angel looked at the partition with a burning gaze, as if he could see the bishop's surprised expression behind him.

  "What?" The bishop was also stunned.

  "I want to ask you to tell them, whether it's the Night Watchers or anything else, those Extraordinary People." Angel said quickly, ignoring the bishop's surprise, "The previous murders and disappearances in Tingen City are related to a man named Cole Granger, and there are higher-level Extraordinary People involved. The relevant evidence is in the anonymous mailbox of the Police Headquarters. Please ask them to deal with it as soon as possible." The

  bishop behind the partition seemed to be silent because of shock. Angel also said nothing, patiently waiting for a reply, and the confession room fell into silence.

  Just when Angel was about to think that the other party was secretly calling the police, the bishop's low voice finally said: "They will know."

  "Thank you, you have made me who was confused firm in my determination." Angel stood up, tapped his chest four times with his right hand, drew a crimson moon, and then left the confession room.

  This thank you is not for the bishop.

  The believers who were still in the prayer hall outside the door have almost left. In the dim hall, two priests were tidying up the utensils on the podium. One of them was the young priest who had advised Angel to come to confession before. Seeing her walk out of the confession room, he nodded.

  Angel nodded and returned the greeting, then turned and walked towards the main entrance.

  On both sides of the porch, the crimson moonlight shone through the glass, making her feel a little blinded. She walked along the wide corridor, bathed in the crimson light, and finally looked back at the interior of the church. The emblem of the goddess of night engraved on the wall of the prayer hall seemed to be looking down at the church and at her.

  A deep, peaceful power permeated her.

  (End of this chapter)

10. Chapter 10 "Gathering Storms"

  Chapter 10 "Storm Gathering"

  Now that she had made up her mind, Angel did not take the public carriage to the steam train station in Tingen City as originally planned, but directly found a hired carriage parked on the corner of the street.

  "Go to the Dragon Bar in the dock area." She said to the driver who was sitting in the driver's seat with his legs crossed waiting for work. The dock on the outskirts of the city has the largest underground trading market in Tingen City. Before dealing with Madam Sharon, she had to be fully prepared.

  "It costs 12 pence from here to the dock area. If you still want to take a carriage back, you might as well charter a carriage. It's 2 soles per hour, and you can go wherever you want." The driver gave a quote.

  Without hesitation, Angel chartered the carriage. Now she had to race against time. She didn't have time to find another carriage to go back.

  Looking at the street scene moving backwards quickly outside the window, Angel closed her eyes and planned the next move.

  Originally, in her plan, it would take at least two weeks to prepare to deal with Madam Sharon. Not only did she have to transform her knowledge and technology that did not belong to this world into combat power, but she also needed the cooperation of multiple official extraordinary people to start a sneak attack to have a chance of winning. Once she got into a head-on battle, with her current strength of Sequence 9, she would be injured or even die.

  Now that the preparation time was shortened to 24 hours, the success rate would undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

  Angel was not sure when her words at Saint Selina Church would be passed to the official Beyonders. Maybe they had already started the action, and she would be pinned to the ground by a group of big men when she returned to Daffodil Street and opened the door. Maybe until she arrived at the appointment on time and went to Madam Sharon's house, those slow-witted people would not react. All

  she could do was to strengthen her strength as soon as possible. It

  would definitely be too late to continue to improve her Sequence. Maybe after the promotion, Sequence 7 Cole Granger could solve Madam Sharon, who was of a higher Sequence, in a sneak attack, but now she was just a Sequence 9 "Assassin".

  Moreover, Angel did not intend to be like Cole, who, according to the name of the "Assassin" potion, took the precious lives of ordinary people as his upgrade experience.

  In this case, he could only arm himself with external objects to increase his combat ability.


  Traveling through the entire Tingen City, from the church in the north district to the dock area in the south of the city, the flow of people on the street gradually became sparse, and the number of gas lamps lit on the street became fewer and fewer.

  If it weren't for the memory that Cole Granger came to buy extraordinary materials several times, Angel would almost think that the coachman took her to another place with some strange intentions.

  It was not until the low and cramped buildings disappeared from the window and the Tussock River reflecting the crimson moonlight appeared that she was sure that she had arrived at the dock area.

  The coachman parked the carriage beside a small road by the river. At the end of the road were a large area of ​​dock work areas and cargo warehouses. During the day, there was a busy scene of loading and unloading goods and selling goods, but at night it was unusually quiet.

  "Ma'am, the security here is not very good at night. If you want to go to that bar... Well, I didn't say anything." He kindly reminded Angel who got off the car and put on her hood again, but she saw her patting the holster tied on her leg and immediately shut up.

  The "Dragon Bar" is the only entertainment facility at the dock in Tingen City. During the day, it is crowded with workers who have a drink in their spare time. After nightfall, there are also drunkards who are reluctant to leave. There are also dog-catching-rat gambling games like "Wild Heart", but the rough men at the dock prefer fist-to-flesh fighting matches.

  Pushing open the heavy door, the whistling sound mixed with the strong smell of alcohol came. Two shirtless men on the boxing ring were waving their fists hard to attack each other. The collision of fists and flesh caused cheers. More than a dozen drinkers around were waving their glasses to cheer for the players they supported. No one noticed Angel's arrival.

  She bypassed the boxing ring and came to the billiard room at the back of the bar. Two people were playing billiards inside, and several others were discussing around the table. When they saw her enter the room, they suddenly became quiet.

  Angel explained her purpose, and several people looked at each other and quietly made way for a secret door deep in the room.

  She pulled the candlestick by the window to open the secret door, and then walked through several empty rooms to a wide venue.

  This is a warehouse behind the Dragon Bar, which was rented out as an underground trading market. Now is the peak trading period. People are setting up stalls everywhere, standing or sitting, waiting for customers to come. More people are walking between the stalls, exchanging and comparing prices.

  Most of the items sold here do not actually contain extraordinary properties, but are just ordinary mystical items, such as candles for prayer, spices used in various rituals, whether real or fake, and crystals and minerals that are more like ornaments than materials. The people who come to buy are mainly mystical enthusiasts. They buy these things just to meet their own needs or those in their small circle, and they are not involved in extraordinary events.

  Of course, extraordinary people like Cole Granger are also among the buyers. Auxiliary materials for various potions, materials for divination or curse rituals, and base materials for making extraordinary items can all be found here. After

  walking around the market and listening to several transactions, Angel chose the items she needed.

  She first bought most of the reagents from a vendor who sold prepared chemical reagents, and bought the wooden box with lining and handles that he used to store the reagents.

  Then she picked up the wooden box and wandered among the stalls. She quickly filled the wooden box with materials such as glowing lizard scales and screaming grass. The last piece of star crystal weighing about ten grams was put into a cloth bag and put into her coat pocket.

  After declining the offer of the market guard to help carry the goods, Angel carried the wooden box back to the billiard room along the original route, passed through the crowded boxing ring, and returned to the hired carriage waiting for her on the roadside.

  "Let's go to Daffodil Street... No, let's go to Iron Cross Lower Street first." She explained the destination to the driver. Before going home, she had to pick up the lady's pistol that she had lost there a few days ago. Any weapon was precious now.

  Regardless of the dirtiness of the wooden box, Angel carefully placed it on her thighs and tiptoed to isolate it from the bumps of the carriage. This was an important guarantee for whether she could survive tomorrow night.


  Pushing open the door of No. 6 Daffodil Street, a note to warn of intruders fell down. Angel didn't know whether to regret or be thankful.

  When she came back in the afternoon, she threw away a paper bag of bread, potatoes and celery on the table in the living room. Now she had no mood or time to cook, so she just picked up a loaf of bread, tore off half a piece and bit it, and went to the basement with the wooden box.

  The mutton thrown down two days ago had begun to emit a strange smell, successfully covering up the faint smell of blood, but now she regretted doing so, because she would have to accompany this unpleasant smell in the basement for the next night.

  "If the study was not full of flammable materials, I would not come here to work."

  Angel walked into the basement with his nose pinched, lit a candle, looked around, and finally decided to endure this discomfort. After the fire was lit, the temperature of the basement would rise, and the chimney effect would remove most of the smell.   

  She placed the purchased materials on the stone table in different categories, lit the stove next to it, preheated the crucible she picked up from the kitchen, and then used the alchemical tools left by Cole to process the materials. The

  surface of the lizard scales was scraped off with a knife and soaked in nitric acid in a test tube. The essence of screaming grass was extracted by alcohol. Calcium carbide was ground into powder, resinified and placed next to the crucible for insulation. The star crystal was cut into small pieces of equal size...

  As the movements became more skillful, Angel seemed to have returned to the time when she made her own combat equipment in the Knights Templar. Thinking back to the memories of the past, her eyes were sore and she almost cried.

  Ah, it turned out to be smoked by the vapor of the etching liquid. That's fine.

  Slightly heat the brand new 0.45-inch pistol bullets, melt the adhesive, remove the bullets, and pour out the propellant. Angel picked up the carving knife, concentrated his energy, focused his spirituality on the tip of the knife, and gushed out. He

  carved the first spell with mechanical precision.

  "Storm Gathering" is the easiest to make among the five special ammunitions originally mastered by the Church of Light on Earth. By repeatedly hitting the same position, it can stack higher and higher damage. Even if used alone, its penetration is much stronger than that of ordinary bullets.

  Due to the characteristic of repeated hits that can stack damage, "Storm Gathering" is usually used on automatic weapons, but in the Kingdom of Loen, automatic weapons and semi-automatic weapons such as burst rifles and six-barrel machine guns are all military-controlled equipment, and Angel can't get them at all, so she can only make it into a revolver bullet, and use the body coordination ability of the "assassin" to try to aim at the same part to trigger the bullet characteristics.

  The manufacture of "Storm Gathering" requires engraving complex patterns on the shell, and then filling it with spiritual materials. The bullet is made of mithril mixed with crystal powder. The soft bullet can reduce the occurrence of ricochets, making the hit point more concentrated, and the treated bullet is easier to break after hitting the target, which will release powerful energy. After receiving the blessing of the goddess in prayer, these characteristics will become more significant.

  Although the engraved patterns representing the characteristics of various bullets belong to physical principles, they should also be applicable in this world. But with a whole world between them, it was clear that prayers could not obtain the blessing of the Goddess of Light, and Angel was not sure how effective the engraving would be. The

  original formula could not be used for the materials, but through Cole Granger's poor knowledge of mysticism, the same type of degraded substitutes from this world were used. The bullet could only use lead with a lower melting point. Fortunately, the star crystal was rich in spirituality, which improved the grade of the bullet.

  Angel engraved the shell with engravings, and filled it with the essence of screaming grass after further processing with resin and etching liquid. The lead block was melted in the crucible and added with star crystal, which was poured into the iron mold to make a new bullet. After cooling, it was reloaded, and it was a completed "Storm Gathering" bullet.

  Her craftsmanship was not rusty. After calculating the time it took, Angel estimated that she could handle all the bullets on hand before dawn. But before that, she planned to try whether the prayer blessing was effective. Holding

  the shell tightly in her hand, she drew a circle with four points on her chest with one finger, silently chanting a prayer, and praying for the blessing of the Goddess of Light.

  As expected, the bullet did not react.

  Sighing secretly, Angel opened her palm, and the brass shell reflected the dim light of the candle in her hand, which was no different from before.

  Such an incomplete "Storm Gathering" only had the characteristics of the material and the imprint itself, and its lethality to the Beyonder would be greatly reduced.

  Although she was disappointed, this was also within Angel's expectations. She did not expect to get help from the gods on Earth through prayer in the other world. Picking up another shell, she prepared to replace the part of the imprint that represented the power of the gods with an ordinary imprint, which would at least increase some physical lethality.

  When she was about to complete the imprint of this bullet, she suddenly remembered the strange events that happened in the Church of Saint Selina tonight and the words of the mysterious voice.

  "Those who dare to move forward will be rewarded."

  After all, Cole was also a believer of the Goddess of Night when he was alive... With a try-it mentality, Angel replaced the part of the imprint that originally prayed for the power of the gods with the holy emblem of the Goddess of Night that she had seen in the church before - a half-crimson moon dotted with stars. After dealing with the second shell in the same way, she followed the previous prayer ritual, holding the shell in her hand, drew a crimson moon on her chest, and prayed to the goddess:

  "Goddess of Night, who is higher than the starry sky and longer than eternity.

  "You are the Lord of Crimson, the Mother of Secrets, and the Queen of Disaster and Terror.

  "Lord of Sleep and Silence..."

  This was the prayer of the Church of the Goddess of Night in Cole Granger's memory. He used to be a less devout believer of the Goddess of Night, but since he became an "assassin" and stained his hands with the blood of innocents, he dared not set foot in the church again.

  "I pray to you..."

  "I pray that you will bless this item...

  "Give it the power to fight against evil and injustice..."

  The body of the traitor, the soul of the pagan, is such a prayer really useful?

  Angel finished reciting the prayer silently, opened his eyes, and a little crimson leaked out from between the fingers of his clenched right hand.

  She opened her palms in surprise, and red electric light leaped and flowed in the originally dim engravings. The brass shell emitted a dazzling crimson light as if it was ignited, which lasted for a long time before dissipating.

  There is no doubt that this is already a complete "Storm Gathering" bullet with the power of prayer. Even without testing, it can be confirmed that this is no less than the standard ammunition mass-produced in her original world.

  Prayer... worked?

  Angel took a deep breath. She was not sure whether this was really a blessing from the gods, or whether the production method was in line with the laws of this world, so it successfully reproduced the effect of a complete bullet.

  But this did not prevent her from expressing her gratitude to the goddess of night.

  She dotted four times on her chest, outlining the crimson moon. Compared with the ritual performance in the Church of Saint Selina, this prayer was more or less from the heart.

  (End of this chapter)

Next chapter