
Leaving Crenshaw

It was a bright afternoon on a Saturday, and my family and I moved to Silent Hill in West Virginia. Our house was a bungalow resting on solid ground, and flowers of various types were planted at the front of the house. It was painted white, although it looked washed out and a little dull.

Sorry I did not introduce myself. My name is Jesse Williams and I was the third child in a family of five. I was quite tall for my age with blond hair and green eyes, I could easily pass for a pretty girl. Growing up with two older siblings was a lot of work, I think I deserve an award and accolades for that.

That aside, I am also the last child although I hate it when I'm called the baby of the house. I am fifteen years old but I like to think of myself as a young adult.

My dad was transferred to Silent Hill and my mom, the ever-loving wife, agreed and here we are "o thou Silent Hill I hail thee." should know I'm just being sarcastic but seriously I hate this town right now. I'm sure I will be lonely in this God forsaken town, God please save me.

Arranging pieces of stuff, loads, and things in the house and putting them in their respective position is not easy. I think I forgot to tell you about my family, here we go, my dad is Paul Williams, a tall man with a chiselled body, blond hair with brown eyes, he was into bodybuilding before he went back to accounting hence his chiselled body, sometimes when we go out I see ladies ogling him I feel grossed out, why will anyone want to look at him? He also laughs easily but he is quite stern when he wants to be.

My mom is Zoey Williams; a loving wife, my mom is also an accountant but she lost her job and is now a housewife, my mom is 5'3 you can say average but she has a curvy body with her green eyes and brown hair, she could pass for an influencer or an actress.

My elder brother is Isaac Williams, he is tall and took after my dad with his height, his hair, and even his eyes, he is a carbon copy of my dad. He is eighteen years old, a 12th grader, about to graduate from high school.

My elder sister is Rachel Williams, she has my dad's hair and his eyes but took after my mom in stature, she was known as one of the popular girls in my former school.

If there is one thing I enjoyed seeing, it was the expression on her face when dad told us he was transferring. She begged my dad to allow her remain in the school, but my dad refused because he us to be together. Rachel is a 10th grader.

My name is Jesse Williams, I am an 8th grader. As I said earlier on, our names can be found in the bible because my dad said and I quote "I am a Christian and it is just right for my kids to have a Christian name" How cool is that! Not cool at all."

Bringing down furniture and loads from the van, a hard chore even though I'm not the one doing that chore, I know it is hard but it is my strong dad and Isaac that is doing it.

My mom and I were busy arranging the area. Rachel was already flirting with a boy, seriously! How does she do that? So fast and quick, this neighbourhood is really lucky to have Rachel. Guess the crying was all a show.

Mom went up to Rachel to call her, leaving me with the suitcase that I was holding in my hands. I saw my mom greeting the boy.

I was getting exhausted. Seriously, I don't care about setting anything up.

Later in the day, we sat at the dining table to eat a delicious meal of pasta and meatballs, really this food was good, my mom is a good cook.

My dad started asking us what we thought about the new house. Rachel said it was great but I know that she likes this place already because of some guy she just met today.

Isaac when asked said it was okay that he thought this place was cool, typical teenage boy. What did my dad expect him to say?

Then my dad asked me and I said I think it is okay but before you judge me you should know I am a growing adult but seriously what does my dad expect me to say, I can't tell him I hate this place or that I miss my friends Sophie and Grace because of them; my school life was perfect. My two best friends Sophie and Grace, Sophie was tall and slim with glasses always worn on her face, she had braces on her teeth and always packed her hair in a ponytail, with her appearance, one would think she was very good in her studies but she was peaceably average in grades while Grace was shorter than me but was already blessed by nature.

She is endowed in the chest area and the hips, with her big green eyes and red hair, she looked angelic and she was very smart, she gets straight A's. Even though we were different in every aspect, we were true to our friendship and we tried as much as possible to have fun every weekend together.

Now I'm stuck here, resuming a new school and meeting new people but I don't want to meet them. I just want to go back to Crenshaw and continue my life as it was but no this stupid transfer came and took it away from me. I can't say what is on my mind because if I say it, I will be tagged as a selfish, self-centred teen and I don't want that so I will keep it to myself and just smile and pretend I am okay with the house and say okay since it is the only acceptable word in the room right now.

My dad was pleased with the response and told us that very soon we will adjust and make new friends but I know that I won't have friends as loyal and good as Sophie and Grace.

I WENT TO BED AND I LAID DOWN, my room is big; if I should admit it is bigger than my former room, BUT I WAS SCARED MAYBE BECAUSE I'M NEW TO MY ROOM BUT I CAN'T WAIT FOR MORNING TO COME.


When I was away from you, I was happier than ever, I wish I could explain it better, I wish it wasn't true. Cause I don't talk shit about you on the internet, never told anyone anything bad, because that shit was embarrassing, you were my everything.

I wish I could just stay back in Crenshaw.

This house is terrifying.

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