

"Now, if you'll please let us extrac-"

I cut off the stereotypical receptionist looking brown haired dude like mf Baldwin, "You don't need to go through the trouble."

If you recall, the Clock Tower placed a number of sanctions on the Matou family for causing a crimson explosion in a residential district and demanded a part of the family crest as punishment for breaking the rules.

Of course they would never have the guts to try this with Zouken but I'm a kid, kids are gullible and never get taken seriously, and some upstart dickhead wants the family research.

Ironically, the Family Crest is just gone, it blew up or something with Zouken or got deleted by Tiamat.

But, I take offense to some rando noble I've never seen thinking he can take advantage of me and you shouldn't be surprised, I adopted a literal demon to get back at a priest for thinking he could one up me.

"But how els-"

"...How are you still alive?" I looked at the receptionist looking guy behind the wooden counter dubiously, "I don't think any of the Lords would take kindly to being talked back to."

"Yes, sir, you're right."

Well then why the fuck would you do it me?

I studied his face with a hand on my jaw, "You do realise my family specialises in parasites, yes? Barely noticeable ones too?"

"...No?" He slightly tilted his head.

"Yeah, so we have one that makes you extremely horny, out of control levels..."

Oh my God he doesn't get it.

"It can infect you and then I can throw you in an American prison." I explained with a deadpan.

Slowly but surely, he connected all the dots and his eyes went wide, "N...No, no, I'm sorry."

I'm thinking this is one of those situations where some rando worker the head honcho doesn't give a fuck about starts getting a big head because he's 'backed' by a bigshot.

"Are you new here?"

He nodded his head silently before squeaking, "I'm... sorry for being disrespectful."

Remember folks, PTSD goes hard as hell.

"Chill. I'm not doing anything to you." I flashed him an innocent shota smile so that he could relax but... he only got more frightened?

"I already took off the part they asked for." I put my hands in my pockets and held out a jar with a piece of skin floating in it, a symbol etched on it's back, "Take it to your storage room before I lose my ability to control... myself."

Magic Crests are the amalgamation of centuries of research, added to by each generation, and the symbol of a family's prestige and power... Handing it over is something no magi with history would be willing to do.

Which is why Waver put a hand on my shoulder and gave a light squeeze while Sakura hugged my shoulder, "From what I've seen, this won't even affect you. You're a talented kid... if you want, I can teach you."

Dear Waver, I don't need this pity.

I smiled at him innocently.

The 'Crest' I just handed over are nanomachines mimicking shape set to give the storage room a little surprise. They won't know what happened because, if you recall, magi foolishly refuse to use modern technology so no cameras or anything either.

Bounded Fields set to detect intruders sure, but nanomachines can't be qualified as intruders.

"Hm, putting on a strong front, huh?" Waver put his cigar to his mouth, "That's fine too."

Bro, you're going to get cancer.

Be a real man and smoke air.

I just smiled wider.

Of course, the 'surprise' can't be traced back to me.

I'm just a naive, gullible kid who was stupid enough to not even resist the seizure of his family's pride.

Coincidentally, the official reason is a sealing designation so that storage doesn't have just crests... It has Mystic Eyes and all types of goodies... including a significant part of the Emiya family's crest which holds knowledge pertaining to the manipulation of time, taken in when Shirou's 'grandfather' caused a zombie outbreak.

Who knows what type of priceless stuff is in there?

Waver raised his hand to pat my shoulder but before he could bring it down, a distant explosion drew his attention and made my smile widen.

Fuck you for trying to take advantage of the vindictive little shit that is Shinjiberg.

In case you don't get it, that 'Magic Crest' was an explosive that just blew the Sealing Designation sky high.

 I don't doubt they had defensive bounded fields for outside attacks but, people always forget that a threat on the inside can be even more dangerous.

Those Bounded Fields just contained the explosion, thereby increasing the damage to the interior.

"I guess someone messed up an experiment." Waver raised his brow, staring out one of the nearby windows.

No Waver, this experiment was a complete success.

With this I also know another thing about these uncultured fuckers, technology is their arch nemesis.

Which makes sense if you think about how more scientific discoveries weaken magecraft.

The egotistic, corrupt, power hungry bastards in the know about this incident will just sweep it under the rug because the information getting out would mean admitting that there was a gap in their 'perfect security' and they forgot to consider something even with their 'advanced intellect'.

"Not our business." I tugged at Waver's red coat, "Take me to the Fuyuki overseer so I can leave this place already."

He regarded me with narrowed eyes before walking away, "Fine."


I inhaled deeply and fixed my hair before knocking the dark furnished door Waver left me at.

Looking around, I could see this wasn't exactly a 'poor' establishment. It was a high end hotel if the door lamps and the red carpeted floors in the corridor were anything to go by.

Family prestige really matters around here... which is why no one's tried to mess with us so far.

I was brought out of my profound musings by the sounds of stuff being knocked over and heavy footsteps that stopped abruptly as the door swung open to reveal a hectic... Luviagelita Edelfelt?

"Oh my, you came to check up on me?"

"No." I tried to close her door myself but she forced it to stay open by pushing it away with her elbow.

"Thoughtfulness is a fine trait in any man. I'm p-perfectly..." She grit her teeth, struggling against me as I tried to close HER door, "Healthy now. Thank you for worrying."

"Good, great. Bye."

I tried to close the door again but she put her foot up against it with a strained smile.

"Say, would you like to get something to e-eat? I own s-several good restaurants!"

No, contrary to what it might sound like, what I'm looking at is not a blushing maiden but instead a blonde gorilla that's flustered because she's struggling against me to keep her door open.


"I believe it will be fruitious for both of us. I appreciate someone who is not i-influenced by my feminine charm."

Bro, what feminine charm are you talking about?

You're 12.

I deadpanned and abruptly let go of the door... which in turn made it swing wide open and with the force she was exerting on it, Luviagelita tumbled over to the side, falling face down on the floor and ass to the sky. 


I just slammed the door shut.

"Fucking weirdo." I grabbed the doorknob as a small dark mass funnelled out of my palm and swept over the metal before hardening in place, "Let's see you get out from that."

Now you might think I'm being a little too evasive but trust me when I say this, something about her deeply unsettles me. I trust my gut more than anything right now since it's practically what lets me create my tech.

Wait a second, wasn't this supposed to be the Tohsaka heir's room?

I tilted my head and turned around to look at the room adjacent to hers... maybe that's the one.

Coughing and fixing my clothes, I walked over and knocked on the door.

...Actually, where's Sakura?

Oh wait, right, she's hiding right behind me.

Besides my own meeting, this is also a meeting between two estranged sisters.

Oh joy.

...Situations like these aren't the best for dickheads like me.


Hope you enjoyed.

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