

When Emily reached Arnold's table, she leaned down to speak with him briefly, a quiet exchange that I couldn't make out.

Then she turned to the man with gray hair sitting opposite Arnold.

Emily bowed slightly in respect before engaging in a quick, whispered conversation.

After that brief interaction, Emily walked away from Arnold's table and headed to another one near the center of the balcony.

There, sitting at the table in his tailored suit, was the CEO of Bloomberg, Ryan Bloomberg

It wasn't surprising for Emily to know him; after all, they were both from media-related families, but it was Emily's next move that caught me off guard.

She sauntered over to his table, her hips swaying with the soft music playing from below. Without hesitation, she sat down next to him, leaning in close.

Emily was flirting with him, her fingers brushing his arm, her eyes locked on his as she spoke in hushed tones.


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